Resolution Endorsing a Contract with Optiv Security Inc. for Regional NIST Assessments - Maribel Martinez
Resolution Accepting the City of Euless’ Multi-City Disaster Debris Management Plan - Edith Marvin
Resolution Accepting the City of Garland’s Recycling and Waste Minimization Technical Study - Edith Marvin
Resolution Endorsing Fiscal Year 2022 RAISE Grant Applications Submitted to the United States Department of Transportation - Michael Morris
Resolution Authorizing an Agreement for the Receipt of Funds from the Federal Transit Administration for Previously Approved Regional Vanpool Program - Michael Morris
Resolution Authorizing an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Dallas, Dallas Area Rapid Transit, and Texas Department of Transportation for the Revised DART D2 Subway Alignment - Michael Morris
Resolution Approving Modifications to the FY2022 and FY2023 Unified Planning Work Program for Regional Transportation Planning - Michael Morris
Resolution Endorsing FY 2023 Criminal Justice Priorities for North Central Texas - Kelly Schmidt
Resolution Authorizing Supplemental Allocations for Aging Transportation Services - Doni Green
Resolution Endorsing a Contract with Optiv Security Inc. for Regional NIST Assessments - Maribel Martinez
Resolution Accepting the City of Euless’ Multi-City Disaster Debris Management Plan - Edith Marvin
Resolution Accepting the City of Garland’s Recycling and Waste Minimization Technical Study - Edith Marvin
Resolution Endorsing Fiscal Year 2022 RAISE Grant Applications Submitted to the United States Department of Transportation - Michael Morris
Resolution Authorizing an Agreement for the Receipt of Funds from the Federal Transit Administration for Previously Approved Regional Vanpool Program - Michael Morris
Resolution Authorizing an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Dallas, Dallas Area Rapid Transit, and Texas Department of Transportation for the Revised DART D2 Subway Alignment - Michael Morris
Resolution Approving Modifications to the FY2022 and FY2023 Unified Planning Work Program for Regional Transportation Planning - Michael Morris
Resolution Endorsing FY 2023 Criminal Justice Priorities for North Central Texas - Kelly Schmidt
Resolution Authorizing Supplemental Allocations for Aging Transportation Services - Doni Green