3.1. Modifications to the Fiscal Year 2022 and Fiscal Year 2023 Unified Planning Work Program Presenter: Vickie Alexander, NCTCOG Item Summary: Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of modifications to the FY2022 and FY2023 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) will be requested. Direction for staff to also administratively amend the Transportation Improvement Program and other administrative/planning documents, as appropriate, to reflect the approved modifications will also be sought. Background: The Unified Planning Work Program is required by federal and State transportation planning regulations and provides a summary of the transportation and related air quality planning tasks to be conducted by Metropolitan Planning Organization staff. The FY2022 and FY2023 UPWP was approved by the Regional Transportation Council and North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) Executive Board in July 2021 and identifies the activities to be carried out between October 1, 2021, and September 30, 2023. Amendments to this document are being proposed to reflect new initiatives, project updates, and funding adjustments. The proposed amendments have been posted on the NCTCOG website for public review and comment as part of the March public outreach opportunity and are also included as Electronic Item 3.1.1. Additional information is provided in Electronic Item 3.1.2. Public comments received as a result of the public outreach process, if any, will be provided prior to requesting RTC approval. The Surface Transportation Technical Committee took action at its March 25, 2022, meeting to recommend Regional Transportation Council approval. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Administrative 3.2 Transportation Improvement Program Modifications Presenter: Ken Bunkley, NCTCOG Item Summary: Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of revisions to the 2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) will be requested, along with the ability to amend the Unified Planning Work Program and other planning and administrative documents with TIP-related changes. Background: May 2022 revisions to the 2021-2024 TIP are provided as Electronic Item 3.2 for the Council’s consideration. These modifications have been reviewed for consistency with the Mobility Plan, the air quality conformity determination and financial constraint of the TIP. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Roadway, Transit
Orientation to Agenda/Director of Transportation Report ? Action ? Possible Action ? Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG 1. Recognition of Members Concluding Service on the Regional Transportation Council (RTC): Lee Kleinman, Former Council Member, City of Dallas; and Jungus Jordan, Former Council Member/Mayor Pro Tem, City of Fort Worth 2. Important Update Regarding Northern Collin County Rider Assistance Program 3. Texas Transportation Commission Safety Program – Metropolitan Planning Organization - Distracted Driving Awareness Month – April - National Work Zone Safety Week – April 11-15 4. RTC Group Seat Membership Designations – June 30, 2022, Response Deadline - Bylaws Subcommittee announcement at RTC Meeting in May - Nominating Subcommittee announcement at RTC Meeting in May 5. Executive Session Follow Up 6. Approval of Fiscal Year 2022 Omnibus Appropriations Bill 7. Fiscal Year 2023 Community Project Funding requests due by end of April, Request MPO Letters of Support by April 15 8. Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) D2 Interlocal Agreement - Dallas City Council - February 9, 2022 - DART Board – February 22, 2022 - NCTCOG Executive Board – April 28, 2022 - RTC Requirements 9. Spring 2022 Virtual Traffic Incident Management Executive Level Course Announcement – May 5, 2022 (Electronic Item 4.1) 10. Air Quality Funding Opportunities for Vehicles (https://www.nctcog.org/trans/quality/air/funding-and-resources) 11. Status Report on Vehicle Temporary Paper Tag Fraud (Electronic Item 4.2) 12. First Responder Electric and Autonomous Vehicle Safety Training (Electronic Item 4.3) 13. Anthony Moffa Reappointed to Co-chair Statewide Vehicle Inspection Advisory Committee (Electronic Item 4.4) 14. Updated Spring 2022 Air Quality Handbooks (handout) 15. Dallas-Fort Worth Clean Cities Events (https://www.dfwcleancities.org/events) 16. Status Report on Texas Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Program Funding (Electronic Item 4.5) 17. March Public Meeting Minutes (Electronic Item 4.6) 18. April Public Meeting Notice (Electronic Item 4.7) 19. Public Comments Report (Electronic Item 4.8) 20. Recent Correspondence (Electronic Item 4.9) 21. Recent News Articles (Electronic Item 4.10) 22. Recent Press Releases (Electronic Item 4.11)
Fiscal Year 2022 Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity Discretionary Grant Program ? Action ? Possible Action ? Information Minutes: 10 Presenters: Michael Morris and Jeff Neal, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request Regional Transportation Council approval of projects to be submitted for funding consideration through the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Discretionary Grant Program. The status of a few other projects will provide context. Background: In January 2022, the United States Department of Transportation (US DOT) has announced the solicitation of project applications for the FY2022 RAISE Discretionary Grant Program, with $2.275 billion in available funds dedicated to strategic capital investments in surface transportation projects that will have significant local or regional impacts. The RAISE Notice of Funding Opportunity is published at https://www.transportation.gov/sites/dot.gov/files/2022-03/RAISE_2022_NOFO_AMENDMENT_1.pdf, and Electronic Item 5 provides additional program details and information regarding proposed candidate projects. Applications are due to the US DOT by April 14, 2022. Staff will provide additional information on the proposed path forward of the passenger rail extension into the hospital district in Fort Worth, Lancaster Fort Worth and IH 30 in Dallas
Avondale-Haslet/Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Grade Separation Funding Partnership ? Action ? Possible Action ? Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of a proposed partnership which would fund a grade separation at Avondale-Haslet Road and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railway line in the City of Haslet. Background: The RTC, City of Haslet, Texas Department of Transportation, and Tarrant County have partnered to implement the Alliance, Texas/Haslet Accessibility Improvement Project in the City of Haslet. This funding partnership includes a federal Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development (BUILD) Grant of $20 million that was awarded to the project in 2018. The project is part of a series of improvements to a critical east-west corridor that includes SH 170, Haslet Parkway, and Avondale-Haslet Road. With the recent selection of Avondale-Haslet Road in the City of Fort Worth as a Tarrant County Bond Program Project, one component of this system still requires funding: a grade separation at the intersection of Avondale-Haslet Road and the BNSF line. Staff proposes that the RTC fund this grade separation to complete this system and provide crucial safety improvements to the intersection. More information on the proposed funding partnership can be found in Electronic Item 6.
Fair Park Trail Loop ? Action ? Possible Action ? Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Karla Windsor, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request Regional Transportation Council approval of funding for the southern portion of a shared use path loop at Fair Park, including improved access to the Dallas Area Rapid Transit Fair Park station. Background: Fair Park, the most visited attraction in Texas, is home to five museums and ten performance and sporting venues. On September 10, 2020, the Regional Transportation Council awarded $1,603,876 of Transportation Alternatives program funding to Dallas County for Phase 1 of the Fair Park/East Dallas Trail. With the recent development of the Fair Park Master Plan, it was determined the Phase 1 northern trail alignment may have conflicts with vehicular parking areas for large events such as the State Fair and thus require the trail to be closed periodically. Therefore, the awarded federal Transportation Alternatives program funds would not be a good fit for the northern trail alignment. As such, a partnership of Dallas County, City of Dallas, and the Fair Park First 501(c)3 non-profit organization agreed to design and construct the northern trail alignment entirely with local funding. In partnership with the local governments and Fair Park stakeholders, federal funding is requested to complete the remainder of the trail loop alignment around the west, south, and eastern sides of Fair Park within public rights-of-way of Parry Ave, Highway 352/Robert B. Cullum Blvd, and S. Fitzhugh Ave. This “southern loop” will improve bicycle access to the DART Fair Park Station and crossings of the Green Line light rail tracks. It will provide bicycle and pedestrian circulation along streets around the perimeter of Fair Park, improve safety at roadway crossings and access points to Fair Park, and connect with the surrounding community. Electronic Item 7 provides an overview of staff recommendations and the funding requested for implementation by the City of Dallas.
Mobility 2045 Update ? Action ? Possible Action ? Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Brendon Wheeler, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide an overview of efforts to update Mobility 2045, including the results of the regionwide Nondiscrimination Analysis for the plan update. Staff will also include a brief introduction to the air quality considerations for the plan update as a part of the conformity determination following plan adoption. Background: Mobility 2045 was adopted by the Regional Transportation Council on June 14, 2018. Air quality conformity determination was achieved on November 21, 2018. Federal guidelines require the Dallas-Fort Worth region to update the long-range transportation plan a minimum of every four years. Development of the Mobility 2045 Update is currently underway, which will include a new financial plan, updated demographic forecasts, updated travel demand modeling tool, and necessary refinements to policies, programs, and projects in the current plan, Mobility 2045. The Nondiscrimination Analysis for Mobility 2045 reviewed various metrics for protected classes compared to non-protected classes to ensure equity and non-disparate impacts in regional long-range transportation planning; this analysis is updated for the Mobility 2045 Update, taking into account the new demographic forecast. Electronic Item 8 provides an overview of staff recommendations.
Start of 2022 Ozone Season and Spring 2022 Car Care Awareness ? Action ? Possible Action ? Information Minutes: 10 Presenters: Jenny Narvaez and Jason Brown, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide an update on the start of the 2022 air quality ozone season and upcoming spring 2022 Car Care Awareness campaign. Background: The 2022 ozone season began on March 1 for the North Central Texas nonattainment areas. The region continues to monitor and work towards compliance with ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). As a reminder, the region has been preparing to be reclassified to a stricter standard for both the 2015 and 2008 NAAQS. Local governments, businesses, and the general public are encouraged to do what they can to assist in improving air quality both during ozone season and throughout the year. To aid in community outreach, the North Central Texas Council of Governments continues to promote air quality awareness through advertising, partnering with local agencies, and community events. The Car Care Awareness campaign provides education and outreach to vehicle owners and the public about proper vehicle maintenance practices. Properly maintained vehicles will pollute less and allow the public to take an active role in the regional air quality solution. As events become available within the ozone nonattainment region through partnering organizations, vehicle owners are invited to join and become more aware of how to properly maintain their vehicles, prevent potentially costly repairs in a timely manner, and feel better prepared to pass the state’s vehicle inspection program. NCTCOG maintains the North Texas Car Care website at www.ntxcarcare.org and offers car care tips, other vehicle information, and posts upcoming event locations. More details can be found in Electronic Item 9.
Fiscal Year 2023-2025 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Goal Update ? Action ? Possible Action ? Information Minutes: 5 Presenter: Ken Kirkpatrick, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide a summary of the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program requirements and schedule for updating the DBE Participation Goal for FY2023-FY2025. Background: The North Central Texas Council of Governments is required by the Federal Transit Administration to revise its DBE Participation Goal every three years. The current DBE Participation Goal is valid until September 30, 2022. Staff has developed a schedule to meet this deadline that also encourages and provides opportunity for public participation and comment. Electronic Item 10 includes additional details.
Title VI Program Update ? Action ? Possible Action ? Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Ken Kirkpatrick, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will describe updates to the Title VI Program and Language Assistance Plan. Both documents are necessary for compliance with federal civil rights requirements and must be adopted by the Regional Transportation Council. Background: The Federal Transit Administration requires Metropolitan Planning Organizations update their Title VI Programs every three years. Title VI is a component of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Title VI Program identifies actions (NCTCOG) takes to ensure nondiscrimination based on race, color, and national origin, including limited English proficiency. The Title VI Program includes information on how NCTCOG monitors its transit subrecipients for Title VI compliance. The Language Assistance Plan describes how NCTCOG addresses the needs of residents whose native language is not English and who have a limited ability to communicate in English. It is part of the Public Participation Plan. Both the Title VI Program update and the Language Assistance Plan update have undergone a public comment period. A draft of the Title VI Program update is available at https://nctcog.org/TitleVI, and a draft of the Language Assistance Plan update is available at https://nctcog.org/LAP. Electronic Item 11 includes additional details.
12. Fiscal Year 2022 Multimodal Project Discretionary Grant (MPDG) Program ? Action ? Possible Action ? Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Jeff Neal, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will brief the Council on the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Multimodal Project Discretionary Grant (MPDG) Program. This $2.85 billion program solicits project applications for three funding opportunities: the National Infrastructure Project Assistance Grants Program (MEGA), the Nationally Significant Multimodal Freight and Highway Projects Grant Program (INFRA), and the Rural Surface Transportation Grant Program (RURAL). Staff will provide details highlighting grant requirements. Additionally, staff will discuss how this program highlights need to continue consideration of a collaborative and comprehensive regional “conveyor belt” process and strategic evaluation matrix to optimize the targeting of various future projects considered for the multiple discretionary grant opportunities set to occur via the new Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). Background: In March 2022, the United States Department of Transportation (US DOT) announced the solicitation of project applications for the FY2022 MPDG Discretionary Grant Program. The Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) combines three major discretionary grant programs in efforts to reduce burdens for State and local applicants, increase the pipeline of “shovel-worthy” projects now possible because of the BIL, and enable US DOT to get a more comprehensive view of projects in development nationwide. Applications are due to the US DOT by May 23, 2022, for the following funding programs (with additional details provided in Electronic Item 12): • The National Infrastructure Project Assistance (MEGA) Program will provide $1 billion in FY2022 funding for major projects too large or complex for traditional funding programs. This is a new competitive grant program under the BIL. • The Nationally Significant Multimodal Freight and Highway Projects Grant Program is a continuation of the existing Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) Program, and it will provide $1.55 billion in FY2022 funding for highway, bridge, freight rail, intermodal, and marine transportation projects of regional and national significance. • The Rural Surface Transportation Grant Program (RURAL) will provide $300 million in FY2022 funding supporting projects to improve/expand rural area surface transportation infrastructure for increased connectivity and enhanced safety and reliability of people and freight movements to generate regional economic growth and greater quality of life. This is another new competitive grant For agencies in the region submitting projects, please be aware you must complete the www.grants.gov registration process, usually requiring two-four weeks for completion, prior to submitting applications. Assuming the projected timing for application development, agency requests to receive a letter of support from the RTC should be submitted to Kyle Roy by Thursday, May 12, 2022, at kroy@nctcog.org. 16. Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Regional Transportation Council is scheduled for 1:00 pm, Thursday, May 12, 2022, at the North Central Texas Council of Governments.
3.1. Modifications to the Fiscal Year 2022 and Fiscal Year 2023 Unified Planning Work Program Presenter: Vickie Alexander, NCTCOG Item Summary: Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of modifications to the FY2022 and FY2023 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) will be requested. Direction for staff to also administratively amend the Transportation Improvement Program and other administrative/planning documents, as appropriate, to reflect the approved modifications will also be sought. Background: The Unified Planning Work Program is required by federal and State transportation planning regulations and provides a summary of the transportation and related air quality planning tasks to be conducted by Metropolitan Planning Organization staff. The FY2022 and FY2023 UPWP was approved by the Regional Transportation Council and North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) Executive Board in July 2021 and identifies the activities to be carried out between October 1, 2021, and September 30, 2023. Amendments to this document are being proposed to reflect new initiatives, project updates, and funding adjustments. The proposed amendments have been posted on the NCTCOG website for public review and comment as part of the March public outreach opportunity and are also included as Electronic Item 3.1.1. Additional information is provided in Electronic Item 3.1.2. Public comments received as a result of the public outreach process, if any, will be provided prior to requesting RTC approval. The Surface Transportation Technical Committee took action at its March 25, 2022, meeting to recommend Regional Transportation Council approval. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Administrative 3.2 Transportation Improvement Program Modifications Presenter: Ken Bunkley, NCTCOG Item Summary: Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of revisions to the 2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) will be requested, along with the ability to amend the Unified Planning Work Program and other planning and administrative documents with TIP-related changes. Background: May 2022 revisions to the 2021-2024 TIP are provided as Electronic Item 3.2 for the Council’s consideration. These modifications have been reviewed for consistency with the Mobility Plan, the air quality conformity determination and financial constraint of the TIP. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Roadway, Transit
Orientation to Agenda/Director of Transportation Report ? Action ? Possible Action ? Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG 1. Recognition of Members Concluding Service on the Regional Transportation Council (RTC): Lee Kleinman, Former Council Member, City of Dallas; and Jungus Jordan, Former Council Member/Mayor Pro Tem, City of Fort Worth 2. Important Update Regarding Northern Collin County Rider Assistance Program 3. Texas Transportation Commission Safety Program – Metropolitan Planning Organization - Distracted Driving Awareness Month – April - National Work Zone Safety Week – April 11-15 4. RTC Group Seat Membership Designations – June 30, 2022, Response Deadline - Bylaws Subcommittee announcement at RTC Meeting in May - Nominating Subcommittee announcement at RTC Meeting in May 5. Executive Session Follow Up 6. Approval of Fiscal Year 2022 Omnibus Appropriations Bill 7. Fiscal Year 2023 Community Project Funding requests due by end of April, Request MPO Letters of Support by April 15 8. Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) D2 Interlocal Agreement - Dallas City Council - February 9, 2022 - DART Board – February 22, 2022 - NCTCOG Executive Board – April 28, 2022 - RTC Requirements 9. Spring 2022 Virtual Traffic Incident Management Executive Level Course Announcement – May 5, 2022 (Electronic Item 4.1) 10. Air Quality Funding Opportunities for Vehicles (https://www.nctcog.org/trans/quality/air/funding-and-resources) 11. Status Report on Vehicle Temporary Paper Tag Fraud (Electronic Item 4.2) 12. First Responder Electric and Autonomous Vehicle Safety Training (Electronic Item 4.3) 13. Anthony Moffa Reappointed to Co-chair Statewide Vehicle Inspection Advisory Committee (Electronic Item 4.4) 14. Updated Spring 2022 Air Quality Handbooks (handout) 15. Dallas-Fort Worth Clean Cities Events (https://www.dfwcleancities.org/events) 16. Status Report on Texas Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Program Funding (Electronic Item 4.5) 17. March Public Meeting Minutes (Electronic Item 4.6) 18. April Public Meeting Notice (Electronic Item 4.7) 19. Public Comments Report (Electronic Item 4.8) 20. Recent Correspondence (Electronic Item 4.9) 21. Recent News Articles (Electronic Item 4.10) 22. Recent Press Releases (Electronic Item 4.11)
Fiscal Year 2022 Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity Discretionary Grant Program ? Action ? Possible Action ? Information Minutes: 10 Presenters: Michael Morris and Jeff Neal, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request Regional Transportation Council approval of projects to be submitted for funding consideration through the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Discretionary Grant Program. The status of a few other projects will provide context. Background: In January 2022, the United States Department of Transportation (US DOT) has announced the solicitation of project applications for the FY2022 RAISE Discretionary Grant Program, with $2.275 billion in available funds dedicated to strategic capital investments in surface transportation projects that will have significant local or regional impacts. The RAISE Notice of Funding Opportunity is published at https://www.transportation.gov/sites/dot.gov/files/2022-03/RAISE_2022_NOFO_AMENDMENT_1.pdf, and Electronic Item 5 provides additional program details and information regarding proposed candidate projects. Applications are due to the US DOT by April 14, 2022. Staff will provide additional information on the proposed path forward of the passenger rail extension into the hospital district in Fort Worth, Lancaster Fort Worth and IH 30 in Dallas
Avondale-Haslet/Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Grade Separation Funding Partnership ? Action ? Possible Action ? Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of a proposed partnership which would fund a grade separation at Avondale-Haslet Road and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railway line in the City of Haslet. Background: The RTC, City of Haslet, Texas Department of Transportation, and Tarrant County have partnered to implement the Alliance, Texas/Haslet Accessibility Improvement Project in the City of Haslet. This funding partnership includes a federal Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development (BUILD) Grant of $20 million that was awarded to the project in 2018. The project is part of a series of improvements to a critical east-west corridor that includes SH 170, Haslet Parkway, and Avondale-Haslet Road. With the recent selection of Avondale-Haslet Road in the City of Fort Worth as a Tarrant County Bond Program Project, one component of this system still requires funding: a grade separation at the intersection of Avondale-Haslet Road and the BNSF line. Staff proposes that the RTC fund this grade separation to complete this system and provide crucial safety improvements to the intersection. More information on the proposed funding partnership can be found in Electronic Item 6.
Fair Park Trail Loop ? Action ? Possible Action ? Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Karla Windsor, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request Regional Transportation Council approval of funding for the southern portion of a shared use path loop at Fair Park, including improved access to the Dallas Area Rapid Transit Fair Park station. Background: Fair Park, the most visited attraction in Texas, is home to five museums and ten performance and sporting venues. On September 10, 2020, the Regional Transportation Council awarded $1,603,876 of Transportation Alternatives program funding to Dallas County for Phase 1 of the Fair Park/East Dallas Trail. With the recent development of the Fair Park Master Plan, it was determined the Phase 1 northern trail alignment may have conflicts with vehicular parking areas for large events such as the State Fair and thus require the trail to be closed periodically. Therefore, the awarded federal Transportation Alternatives program funds would not be a good fit for the northern trail alignment. As such, a partnership of Dallas County, City of Dallas, and the Fair Park First 501(c)3 non-profit organization agreed to design and construct the northern trail alignment entirely with local funding. In partnership with the local governments and Fair Park stakeholders, federal funding is requested to complete the remainder of the trail loop alignment around the west, south, and eastern sides of Fair Park within public rights-of-way of Parry Ave, Highway 352/Robert B. Cullum Blvd, and S. Fitzhugh Ave. This “southern loop” will improve bicycle access to the DART Fair Park Station and crossings of the Green Line light rail tracks. It will provide bicycle and pedestrian circulation along streets around the perimeter of Fair Park, improve safety at roadway crossings and access points to Fair Park, and connect with the surrounding community. Electronic Item 7 provides an overview of staff recommendations and the funding requested for implementation by the City of Dallas.
Mobility 2045 Update ? Action ? Possible Action ? Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Brendon Wheeler, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide an overview of efforts to update Mobility 2045, including the results of the regionwide Nondiscrimination Analysis for the plan update. Staff will also include a brief introduction to the air quality considerations for the plan update as a part of the conformity determination following plan adoption. Background: Mobility 2045 was adopted by the Regional Transportation Council on June 14, 2018. Air quality conformity determination was achieved on November 21, 2018. Federal guidelines require the Dallas-Fort Worth region to update the long-range transportation plan a minimum of every four years. Development of the Mobility 2045 Update is currently underway, which will include a new financial plan, updated demographic forecasts, updated travel demand modeling tool, and necessary refinements to policies, programs, and projects in the current plan, Mobility 2045. The Nondiscrimination Analysis for Mobility 2045 reviewed various metrics for protected classes compared to non-protected classes to ensure equity and non-disparate impacts in regional long-range transportation planning; this analysis is updated for the Mobility 2045 Update, taking into account the new demographic forecast. Electronic Item 8 provides an overview of staff recommendations.
Start of 2022 Ozone Season and Spring 2022 Car Care Awareness ? Action ? Possible Action ? Information Minutes: 10 Presenters: Jenny Narvaez and Jason Brown, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide an update on the start of the 2022 air quality ozone season and upcoming spring 2022 Car Care Awareness campaign. Background: The 2022 ozone season began on March 1 for the North Central Texas nonattainment areas. The region continues to monitor and work towards compliance with ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). As a reminder, the region has been preparing to be reclassified to a stricter standard for both the 2015 and 2008 NAAQS. Local governments, businesses, and the general public are encouraged to do what they can to assist in improving air quality both during ozone season and throughout the year. To aid in community outreach, the North Central Texas Council of Governments continues to promote air quality awareness through advertising, partnering with local agencies, and community events. The Car Care Awareness campaign provides education and outreach to vehicle owners and the public about proper vehicle maintenance practices. Properly maintained vehicles will pollute less and allow the public to take an active role in the regional air quality solution. As events become available within the ozone nonattainment region through partnering organizations, vehicle owners are invited to join and become more aware of how to properly maintain their vehicles, prevent potentially costly repairs in a timely manner, and feel better prepared to pass the state’s vehicle inspection program. NCTCOG maintains the North Texas Car Care website at www.ntxcarcare.org and offers car care tips, other vehicle information, and posts upcoming event locations. More details can be found in Electronic Item 9.
Fiscal Year 2023-2025 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Goal Update ? Action ? Possible Action ? Information Minutes: 5 Presenter: Ken Kirkpatrick, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide a summary of the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program requirements and schedule for updating the DBE Participation Goal for FY2023-FY2025. Background: The North Central Texas Council of Governments is required by the Federal Transit Administration to revise its DBE Participation Goal every three years. The current DBE Participation Goal is valid until September 30, 2022. Staff has developed a schedule to meet this deadline that also encourages and provides opportunity for public participation and comment. Electronic Item 10 includes additional details.
Title VI Program Update ? Action ? Possible Action ? Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Ken Kirkpatrick, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will describe updates to the Title VI Program and Language Assistance Plan. Both documents are necessary for compliance with federal civil rights requirements and must be adopted by the Regional Transportation Council. Background: The Federal Transit Administration requires Metropolitan Planning Organizations update their Title VI Programs every three years. Title VI is a component of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Title VI Program identifies actions (NCTCOG) takes to ensure nondiscrimination based on race, color, and national origin, including limited English proficiency. The Title VI Program includes information on how NCTCOG monitors its transit subrecipients for Title VI compliance. The Language Assistance Plan describes how NCTCOG addresses the needs of residents whose native language is not English and who have a limited ability to communicate in English. It is part of the Public Participation Plan. Both the Title VI Program update and the Language Assistance Plan update have undergone a public comment period. A draft of the Title VI Program update is available at https://nctcog.org/TitleVI, and a draft of the Language Assistance Plan update is available at https://nctcog.org/LAP. Electronic Item 11 includes additional details.
12. Fiscal Year 2022 Multimodal Project Discretionary Grant (MPDG) Program ? Action ? Possible Action ? Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Jeff Neal, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will brief the Council on the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Multimodal Project Discretionary Grant (MPDG) Program. This $2.85 billion program solicits project applications for three funding opportunities: the National Infrastructure Project Assistance Grants Program (MEGA), the Nationally Significant Multimodal Freight and Highway Projects Grant Program (INFRA), and the Rural Surface Transportation Grant Program (RURAL). Staff will provide details highlighting grant requirements. Additionally, staff will discuss how this program highlights need to continue consideration of a collaborative and comprehensive regional “conveyor belt” process and strategic evaluation matrix to optimize the targeting of various future projects considered for the multiple discretionary grant opportunities set to occur via the new Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). Background: In March 2022, the United States Department of Transportation (US DOT) announced the solicitation of project applications for the FY2022 MPDG Discretionary Grant Program. The Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) combines three major discretionary grant programs in efforts to reduce burdens for State and local applicants, increase the pipeline of “shovel-worthy” projects now possible because of the BIL, and enable US DOT to get a more comprehensive view of projects in development nationwide. Applications are due to the US DOT by May 23, 2022, for the following funding programs (with additional details provided in Electronic Item 12): • The National Infrastructure Project Assistance (MEGA) Program will provide $1 billion in FY2022 funding for major projects too large or complex for traditional funding programs. This is a new competitive grant program under the BIL. • The Nationally Significant Multimodal Freight and Highway Projects Grant Program is a continuation of the existing Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) Program, and it will provide $1.55 billion in FY2022 funding for highway, bridge, freight rail, intermodal, and marine transportation projects of regional and national significance. • The Rural Surface Transportation Grant Program (RURAL) will provide $300 million in FY2022 funding supporting projects to improve/expand rural area surface transportation infrastructure for increased connectivity and enhanced safety and reliability of people and freight movements to generate regional economic growth and greater quality of life. This is another new competitive grant For agencies in the region submitting projects, please be aware you must complete the www.grants.gov registration process, usually requiring two-four weeks for completion, prior to submitting applications. Assuming the projected timing for application development, agency requests to receive a letter of support from the RTC should be submitted to Kyle Roy by Thursday, May 12, 2022, at kroy@nctcog.org. 16. Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Regional Transportation Council is scheduled for 1:00 pm, Thursday, May 12, 2022, at the North Central Texas Council of Governments.