Approval of June 10, 2021, Minutes Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 5 Presenter: Theresa Daniel, RTC Chair Item Summary: Approval of the June 10, 2021, minutes contained in Electronic Item 2 will be requested. Background: N/A
Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 5 3.1. Transportation Improvement Program Modifications Presenter: Ken Bunkley, NCTCOG Item Summary: Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of revisions to the 2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) will be requested, along with the ability to amend the Unified Planning Work Program and other planning documents with TIP-related changes. Background: August 2021 revisions to the 2021-2024 TIP are provided as Electronic Item 3.1 for the Council’s consideration. These modifications have been reviewed for consistency with the mobility plan, the air quality conformity determination and financial constraint of the TIP. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Roadway, Transit 3.2. Congestion Management Process Update Presenter: Natalie Bettger, NCTCOG Item Summary: Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of the 2021 Congestion Management Process (CMP), including the corridor evaluation process and the process to develop the CMP program of projects, will be requested. Background: The CMP is a systemic and regionally coordinated approach for managing congestion that provides up-todate information on multimodal transportation performance and assesses alternative strategies for mitigating congestion that meets State and local needs. Federal requirements specify that urbanized areas with a population over 200,000 must implement and maintain a CMP. The current CMP for the North Central Texas region was adopted by the Regional Transportation Council in 2013. Staff presented a detailed workshop and information to the Surface Transportation Technical Committee in May and June 2021, and the RTC in June 2021. Electronic Item 3.2.1 provides the detailed evaluation of the performance measures and available assets for each CMP segment. An overview of the CMP can be found in Electronic Item 3.2.2. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Air Quality, Safety
Orientation to Agenda/Director of Transportation Report Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 20 Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG 1. Status of Approval for the 2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Program: Letter from the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) Transportation Director to the Office of the Secretary (Electronic Item 4.1) 2. Approval of a Letter from the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) to Texas Transportation Commission Chairman Bugg Requesting Approval of Two Projects (Electronic Item 4.2) 3. Chair Theresa Daniel’s Approval of Events for August 12, 2021, RTC Meeting at the Irving Convention Center: • Regular RTC Meeting at 1:00 pm • Lunch for RTC Members at 12:00 pm • RTC New Member Orientation Open to all RTC Members at 9:45 am 4. Federal Certification Review Completed June 14-16, 2021: Thank you to RTC Members 5. Proposed Update on Transportation Commitments for Uber Headquarters 6. Revenue Sharing Proposal for the IH 635/IH 35E Interchange 7. Acknowledgement of Transportation Staff: Changing Mobility Performance Metrics Effort (Electronic Item 4.3) 8. Blue-Green-Grey Funding Initiative Request for Proposals (Electronic Item 4.4) 9. Status of Texas Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Program Funding (Electronic Item 4.5) 10. Dallas-Fort Worth Clean Cities Events ( 11. Air Quality Funding Opportunities for Vehicles ( 12. Status Report on Ozone (Electronic Item 4.6) 13. 2020 Transportation Safety Performance Measures Report (Electronic Item 4.7 and Electronic Item 4.8) 14. 2020 Travel Demand Management Performance Report ( 15. World Cup 2026 (Electronic Item 4.9) 16. Access North Texas 2022 Plan Update (Electronic Item 4.10) ( 17. Progress North Texas 18. June Online Input Opportunity Minutes (Electronic Item 4.11) 19. Public Comments Report (Electronic Item 4.12) 20. Recent News Articles (Electronic Item 4.13) 21. Recent Press Releases (Electronic Item 4.14)
FY2022 and FY2023 Unified Planning Work Program Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Vickie Alexander, NCTCOG Item Summary: Regional Transportation Council approval of the proposed FY2022 and FY2023 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) will be requested, as well as reaffirmation of the UPWP policies contained in Exhibit I-8 of the Work Program. Direction for staff to administratively amend the Transportation Improvement Program and other administrative/planning documents, as appropriate, to reflect the approved projects contained in the Work Program will also be sought. Background: The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) staff, in cooperation with local governments and transportation agencies, has developed the draft FY2022 and FY2023 UPWP. The Work Program is a federal requirement for NCTCOG, as the Metropolitan Planning Organization, in order to receive federal Transportation Planning Funds and identifies NCTCOG staff work activities to be performed between October 1, 2021, and September 30, 2023. Electronic Item 5.1 contains the Work Program policies that guide the allocation of these federal Transportation Planning Funds. No changes are being proposed to these existing policies. The draft FY2022 and FY2023 UPWP has been submitted to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for review and comment, and information was presented as part of an online public outreach opportunity that began on June 7, 2021. A copy of the draft document has also been available on NCTCOG’s Website for review. Electronic Item 5.2 contains additional information on the draft FY2022 and FY2023 UPWP, and a full copy of the document is located at Paper copies of the document are also available by contacting NCTCOG staff. A draft Regional Transportation Council (RTC) resolution for action is provided in Electronic Item 5.3. The Surface Transportation Technical Committee took action at its June 25 meeting to recommend RTC approval of the FY2022 and FY2023 Unified Planning Work Program. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Administrative
2022 Unified Transportation Program and Regional 10-Year Plan Update Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Christie Gotti, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will brief the Council on the latest activities being undertaken and the plan going forward for the 2022 UTP and Regional 10-Year Plan Update. Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of the project listings will be requested. Background: In December 2016, the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approved a set of projects in FY 2017-2026 funded with Category 2 (MPO selected) and Category 4 (TxDOT District selected), and submitted for Texas Transportation Commission (TTC) consideration with Category 12 (Commission selected) funds. That action was the Dallas-Fort Worth region’s response to the House Bill (HB) 20 10-year planning requirement. A series of updates to the 10-Year Plan have been made annually in conjunction with the development of the UTP. Since the last update in 2020, North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) staff has been coordinating regularly with the Texas Department of Transportation Dallas, Paris (Hunt County), and Fort Worth districts regarding updates to previously approved projects, as well as potential additions to the 10-Year Plan to be included in the 2022 UTP. Staff has drafted a list that includes these project updates, potential new candidate projects, and scores for each project. As part of this update to the 10-Year Plan, a proposal for a Category 2/Category 7 exchange is being made. To reduce the region’s large carryover balance of Category 7 funds, Category 2 funds would be removed from two projects that are slated for construction in FY 2021 and replaced with Category 7 funds. The freed-up Category 2 funds would then be used to replace Surface Transportation Block Grant Program funds on projects across the region or to cover 10-Year Plan project cost overruns. Electronic Item 6.1 contains the proposed list of projects for the Regional 10-Year Plan. Electronic Item 6.2 includes additional information about the process. Electronic Item 6.3 contains additional details on the scoring methodology. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Roadway, Transit
Dallas-Fort Worth High-Speed Transportation Connections Study Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Brendon Wheeler, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request Regional Transportation Council (RTC) adoption of a policy related to the Phase 1 recommendations of the Dallas to Fort Worth High-Speed Transportation (DFWHST) Connections Study. Currently, the project is nearing completion of its first phase, including analysis of route and mode alternatives. Background: In April 2020, North Central Texas Council of Governments staff began work on the DFWHST Connections Study with consultant assistance. The project is divided into two phases, the first being an alternatives analysis effort. The second phase will include preliminary engineering and a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) effort resulting in a federal government action identifying the project’s next steps. Staff and the consultant have been analyzing alternatives while engaging the public and stakeholders. The Phase 1 efforts are designed to reduce the number of alternatives (technology and alignment) to a minimum for more detailed analysis in the Phase 2 effort. The proposed policy for RTC consideration is provided in Electronic Item 7.1. Details are provided in Electronic Item 7.2. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Transit, Safety
Automated Vehicles 2.2/2.3 Program: Approval of Proposed Projects Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 5 Presenter: Thomas Bamonte, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of projects recommended for funding under the consolidated Automated Vehicles 2.2/2.3 Program. Background: In October 2018, the RTC approved Automated Vehicle Program 2.0, which included $10 million for assisting local partners in hosting automated vehicle deployments (AV 2.2) and $20 million for AV deployments to explore use cases that further regional priorities (AV 2.3). In November 2020, with the funding now available, the RTC approved the application process and selection criteria for the consolidated program. In December 2020 staff held an information session for Committee members. From then until the end of March 2021, staff provided technical assistance to local partners considering applications. Staff briefed the RTC last month on the projects recommended for funding and seeks approval at this time. Information is provided in Electronic Item 8. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Roadway, Safety
2021 Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity Discretionary Grant Program Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Jeff Neal, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of projects to be submitted for funding consideration through the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Discretionary Grant Program. Background: In April 2021, the United States Department of Transportation (US DOT) announced the solicitation of project applications for the 2021 RAISE Discretionary Grant Program regarding strategic capital investments in surface transportation that will have significant local or regional impacts. Electronic Item 9.1 is a copy of the Notice of Funding Opportunity that details the $1 billion discretionary grant program for FY2021, as well as the application requirements. Electronic Item 9.2 provides an overview of the RAISE Discretionary Grant Program, and outlines proposed candidate projects for submittal. Applications are due to the US DOT by July 12, 2021. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Roadway, Transit
2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program Development Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Brian Dell, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will brief the Council on the 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) development process, expectations, and upcoming meetings. Background: A new TIP is developed every two years through a cooperative effort among the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG), the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), local governments, and transportation authorities. The TIP is a staged, multi-year listing of transportation projects with committed funding from federal, State, and local sources within the Dallas-Fort Worth Metropolitan Area. For regionally significant projects to proceed to implementation, they must be included in the TIP listings correctly. To this end, NCTCOG staff will meet with local partners to receive input and updates on active projects. The data from these meetings will be assessed and organized into a draft project listing, which will be financially constrained against the funding allocations to be identified in the Unified Transportation Program. Details on the 2023-2026 TIP Development process, timeline, and focus areas are available in Electronic Item 10. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Roadway, Transit
11. Metropolitan Planning Organization Milestone Policy (Round 2) - Quarterly Status Update Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Brian Dell, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide the Council with an update on the status of the Milestone Policy Round 2 projects that have not let for construction. Background: The Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Milestone Policy was adopted by the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) to ensure that projects that have been funded for more than 10 years and have not gone to construction are being implemented in a timely manner and funding is available for other projects in the region. In February 2021, the RTC took action on the second round of the Milestone Policy, including a project tracking process and revised set of policy procedures. Staff was instructed to create a project risk rating system and solicit quarterly status updates on all Milestone Policy projects until they go to construction. The responses were reviewed and a rating has been assigned to each project. Status updates on each project, along with their ratings, can be found in Electronic Item 11.1. Details on the MPO Milestone Policy can be found in Electronic Item 11.2. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Roadway, Transit 15. Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Regional Transportation Council is scheduled for 1:00 pm, Thursday, August 12, 2021, at the Irving Convention Center.
Approval of June 10, 2021, Minutes Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 5 Presenter: Theresa Daniel, RTC Chair Item Summary: Approval of the June 10, 2021, minutes contained in Electronic Item 2 will be requested. Background: N/A
Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 5 3.1. Transportation Improvement Program Modifications Presenter: Ken Bunkley, NCTCOG Item Summary: Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of revisions to the 2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) will be requested, along with the ability to amend the Unified Planning Work Program and other planning documents with TIP-related changes. Background: August 2021 revisions to the 2021-2024 TIP are provided as Electronic Item 3.1 for the Council’s consideration. These modifications have been reviewed for consistency with the mobility plan, the air quality conformity determination and financial constraint of the TIP. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Roadway, Transit 3.2. Congestion Management Process Update Presenter: Natalie Bettger, NCTCOG Item Summary: Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of the 2021 Congestion Management Process (CMP), including the corridor evaluation process and the process to develop the CMP program of projects, will be requested. Background: The CMP is a systemic and regionally coordinated approach for managing congestion that provides up-todate information on multimodal transportation performance and assesses alternative strategies for mitigating congestion that meets State and local needs. Federal requirements specify that urbanized areas with a population over 200,000 must implement and maintain a CMP. The current CMP for the North Central Texas region was adopted by the Regional Transportation Council in 2013. Staff presented a detailed workshop and information to the Surface Transportation Technical Committee in May and June 2021, and the RTC in June 2021. Electronic Item 3.2.1 provides the detailed evaluation of the performance measures and available assets for each CMP segment. An overview of the CMP can be found in Electronic Item 3.2.2. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Air Quality, Safety
Orientation to Agenda/Director of Transportation Report Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 20 Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG 1. Status of Approval for the 2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Program: Letter from the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) Transportation Director to the Office of the Secretary (Electronic Item 4.1) 2. Approval of a Letter from the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) to Texas Transportation Commission Chairman Bugg Requesting Approval of Two Projects (Electronic Item 4.2) 3. Chair Theresa Daniel’s Approval of Events for August 12, 2021, RTC Meeting at the Irving Convention Center: • Regular RTC Meeting at 1:00 pm • Lunch for RTC Members at 12:00 pm • RTC New Member Orientation Open to all RTC Members at 9:45 am 4. Federal Certification Review Completed June 14-16, 2021: Thank you to RTC Members 5. Proposed Update on Transportation Commitments for Uber Headquarters 6. Revenue Sharing Proposal for the IH 635/IH 35E Interchange 7. Acknowledgement of Transportation Staff: Changing Mobility Performance Metrics Effort (Electronic Item 4.3) 8. Blue-Green-Grey Funding Initiative Request for Proposals (Electronic Item 4.4) 9. Status of Texas Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Program Funding (Electronic Item 4.5) 10. Dallas-Fort Worth Clean Cities Events ( 11. Air Quality Funding Opportunities for Vehicles ( 12. Status Report on Ozone (Electronic Item 4.6) 13. 2020 Transportation Safety Performance Measures Report (Electronic Item 4.7 and Electronic Item 4.8) 14. 2020 Travel Demand Management Performance Report ( 15. World Cup 2026 (Electronic Item 4.9) 16. Access North Texas 2022 Plan Update (Electronic Item 4.10) ( 17. Progress North Texas 18. June Online Input Opportunity Minutes (Electronic Item 4.11) 19. Public Comments Report (Electronic Item 4.12) 20. Recent News Articles (Electronic Item 4.13) 21. Recent Press Releases (Electronic Item 4.14)
FY2022 and FY2023 Unified Planning Work Program Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Vickie Alexander, NCTCOG Item Summary: Regional Transportation Council approval of the proposed FY2022 and FY2023 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) will be requested, as well as reaffirmation of the UPWP policies contained in Exhibit I-8 of the Work Program. Direction for staff to administratively amend the Transportation Improvement Program and other administrative/planning documents, as appropriate, to reflect the approved projects contained in the Work Program will also be sought. Background: The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) staff, in cooperation with local governments and transportation agencies, has developed the draft FY2022 and FY2023 UPWP. The Work Program is a federal requirement for NCTCOG, as the Metropolitan Planning Organization, in order to receive federal Transportation Planning Funds and identifies NCTCOG staff work activities to be performed between October 1, 2021, and September 30, 2023. Electronic Item 5.1 contains the Work Program policies that guide the allocation of these federal Transportation Planning Funds. No changes are being proposed to these existing policies. The draft FY2022 and FY2023 UPWP has been submitted to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for review and comment, and information was presented as part of an online public outreach opportunity that began on June 7, 2021. A copy of the draft document has also been available on NCTCOG’s Website for review. Electronic Item 5.2 contains additional information on the draft FY2022 and FY2023 UPWP, and a full copy of the document is located at Paper copies of the document are also available by contacting NCTCOG staff. A draft Regional Transportation Council (RTC) resolution for action is provided in Electronic Item 5.3. The Surface Transportation Technical Committee took action at its June 25 meeting to recommend RTC approval of the FY2022 and FY2023 Unified Planning Work Program. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Administrative
2022 Unified Transportation Program and Regional 10-Year Plan Update Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Christie Gotti, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will brief the Council on the latest activities being undertaken and the plan going forward for the 2022 UTP and Regional 10-Year Plan Update. Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of the project listings will be requested. Background: In December 2016, the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approved a set of projects in FY 2017-2026 funded with Category 2 (MPO selected) and Category 4 (TxDOT District selected), and submitted for Texas Transportation Commission (TTC) consideration with Category 12 (Commission selected) funds. That action was the Dallas-Fort Worth region’s response to the House Bill (HB) 20 10-year planning requirement. A series of updates to the 10-Year Plan have been made annually in conjunction with the development of the UTP. Since the last update in 2020, North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) staff has been coordinating regularly with the Texas Department of Transportation Dallas, Paris (Hunt County), and Fort Worth districts regarding updates to previously approved projects, as well as potential additions to the 10-Year Plan to be included in the 2022 UTP. Staff has drafted a list that includes these project updates, potential new candidate projects, and scores for each project. As part of this update to the 10-Year Plan, a proposal for a Category 2/Category 7 exchange is being made. To reduce the region’s large carryover balance of Category 7 funds, Category 2 funds would be removed from two projects that are slated for construction in FY 2021 and replaced with Category 7 funds. The freed-up Category 2 funds would then be used to replace Surface Transportation Block Grant Program funds on projects across the region or to cover 10-Year Plan project cost overruns. Electronic Item 6.1 contains the proposed list of projects for the Regional 10-Year Plan. Electronic Item 6.2 includes additional information about the process. Electronic Item 6.3 contains additional details on the scoring methodology. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Roadway, Transit
Dallas-Fort Worth High-Speed Transportation Connections Study Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Brendon Wheeler, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request Regional Transportation Council (RTC) adoption of a policy related to the Phase 1 recommendations of the Dallas to Fort Worth High-Speed Transportation (DFWHST) Connections Study. Currently, the project is nearing completion of its first phase, including analysis of route and mode alternatives. Background: In April 2020, North Central Texas Council of Governments staff began work on the DFWHST Connections Study with consultant assistance. The project is divided into two phases, the first being an alternatives analysis effort. The second phase will include preliminary engineering and a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) effort resulting in a federal government action identifying the project’s next steps. Staff and the consultant have been analyzing alternatives while engaging the public and stakeholders. The Phase 1 efforts are designed to reduce the number of alternatives (technology and alignment) to a minimum for more detailed analysis in the Phase 2 effort. The proposed policy for RTC consideration is provided in Electronic Item 7.1. Details are provided in Electronic Item 7.2. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Transit, Safety
Automated Vehicles 2.2/2.3 Program: Approval of Proposed Projects Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 5 Presenter: Thomas Bamonte, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of projects recommended for funding under the consolidated Automated Vehicles 2.2/2.3 Program. Background: In October 2018, the RTC approved Automated Vehicle Program 2.0, which included $10 million for assisting local partners in hosting automated vehicle deployments (AV 2.2) and $20 million for AV deployments to explore use cases that further regional priorities (AV 2.3). In November 2020, with the funding now available, the RTC approved the application process and selection criteria for the consolidated program. In December 2020 staff held an information session for Committee members. From then until the end of March 2021, staff provided technical assistance to local partners considering applications. Staff briefed the RTC last month on the projects recommended for funding and seeks approval at this time. Information is provided in Electronic Item 8. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Roadway, Safety
2021 Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity Discretionary Grant Program Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Jeff Neal, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of projects to be submitted for funding consideration through the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Discretionary Grant Program. Background: In April 2021, the United States Department of Transportation (US DOT) announced the solicitation of project applications for the 2021 RAISE Discretionary Grant Program regarding strategic capital investments in surface transportation that will have significant local or regional impacts. Electronic Item 9.1 is a copy of the Notice of Funding Opportunity that details the $1 billion discretionary grant program for FY2021, as well as the application requirements. Electronic Item 9.2 provides an overview of the RAISE Discretionary Grant Program, and outlines proposed candidate projects for submittal. Applications are due to the US DOT by July 12, 2021. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Roadway, Transit
2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program Development Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Brian Dell, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will brief the Council on the 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) development process, expectations, and upcoming meetings. Background: A new TIP is developed every two years through a cooperative effort among the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG), the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), local governments, and transportation authorities. The TIP is a staged, multi-year listing of transportation projects with committed funding from federal, State, and local sources within the Dallas-Fort Worth Metropolitan Area. For regionally significant projects to proceed to implementation, they must be included in the TIP listings correctly. To this end, NCTCOG staff will meet with local partners to receive input and updates on active projects. The data from these meetings will be assessed and organized into a draft project listing, which will be financially constrained against the funding allocations to be identified in the Unified Transportation Program. Details on the 2023-2026 TIP Development process, timeline, and focus areas are available in Electronic Item 10. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Roadway, Transit
11. Metropolitan Planning Organization Milestone Policy (Round 2) - Quarterly Status Update Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Brian Dell, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide the Council with an update on the status of the Milestone Policy Round 2 projects that have not let for construction. Background: The Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Milestone Policy was adopted by the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) to ensure that projects that have been funded for more than 10 years and have not gone to construction are being implemented in a timely manner and funding is available for other projects in the region. In February 2021, the RTC took action on the second round of the Milestone Policy, including a project tracking process and revised set of policy procedures. Staff was instructed to create a project risk rating system and solicit quarterly status updates on all Milestone Policy projects until they go to construction. The responses were reviewed and a rating has been assigned to each project. Status updates on each project, along with their ratings, can be found in Electronic Item 11.1. Details on the MPO Milestone Policy can be found in Electronic Item 11.2. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Roadway, Transit 15. Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Regional Transportation Council is scheduled for 1:00 pm, Thursday, August 12, 2021, at the Irving Convention Center.