Approval of October 8, 2020, Minutes Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 5 Presenter: Roger Harmon, RTC Chair Item Summary: Approval of the October 8, 2020, minutes contained in Electronic Item 2 will be requested. Background: N/A
3. Consent Agenda Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 5 3.1. FY2020 and FY2021 Unified Planning Work Program Modifications Presenter: Vickie Alexander, NCTCOG Item Summary: Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of modifications to the FY2020 and FY2021 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) will be requested. Direction for staff to administratively amend the Transportation Improvement Program and other administrative/planning documents, as appropriate, to reflect the approved modifications will also be sought. Background: The Unified Planning Work Program is required by federal and State transportation planning regulations and provides a summary of the transportation and transportation-related air quality planning tasks to be conducted by Metropolitan Planning Organization staff. The FY2020 and FY2021 UPWP identifies the activities to be carried out between October 1, 2019, and September 30, 2021. Amendments to this document are being proposed to reflect new initiatives, project updates and funding adjustments. The proposed amendments have been posted on the North Central Texas Council of Governments website for public review and comment, and are also included as Electronic Item 3.1.1. Additional information is provided in Electronic Item 3.1.2. Comments received as a result of the public outreach process, if any, will be provided. The Surface Transportation Technical Committee took action at its October 23 meeting to recommend Regional Transportation Council approval. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Administrative 3.2. North Texas Center for Mobility Technologies: Research Project Funding Standards Presenter: Thomas Bamonte, NCTCOG Item Summary: Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of selection criteria and a process for providing funding for sponsored research projects on mobility technologies proposed by the North Texas Center for Mobility Technologies (NTCMT) will be requested. Background: In February 2020, as part of the North Central Texas Council of Governments’ (NCTCOG) proposal to host the Virgin Hyperloop One Certification Center, the RTC approved $2.5 million in seed money to help fund sponsored research in mobility technologies. With the assistance of the Texas Research Alliance, the four major research universities in the region (UTA, UNT, UTD, SMU) have organized themselves into the NTCMT. Through the NTCMT, the universities will function as a Research and Development network for sponsored research. The NTCMT is intended to strengthen the capabilities of these universities in the transportation sector and attract mobility technology companies to the region and will recommend certain research projects for NCTCOG funding. The purpose of this item is to establish standards and a process through which NCTCOG identifies which research projects to fund out of the seed money approved by the RTC. These standards and process are described in Electronic Item 3.2. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Goods Movement, Roadway 3.3. Ratification of Emergency Funding Authorization for McKinney Avenue Transit Authority for Rail Liability Insurance Presenter: Shannon Stevenson, NCTCOG Item Summary: Ratification of emergency funding authorization to the McKinney Avenue Transit Authority (MATA) to continue enhanced connectivity services between Uptown and Downtown Dallas will be requested. Background: In October 2020, MATA notified the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) of issues with its annual renewal of rail liability insurance, which included various insurers exiting the rail insurance market. On October 29, 2020, MATA requested emergency assistance from NCTCOG with its annual renewal of rail liability insurance as it faced an impending gap in coverage. While efforts are underway in finding a regional solution for all transit authorities regarding rail liability insurance, MATA faced an immediate need. Confronting limited options, NCTCOG staff issued a letter to MATA to ensure continuity of transit operations is maintained. A copy of the correspondence can be found in Electronic Item 3.3.1. MATA is implementing safety and financial measures while exploring alternative options with Dallas Area Rapid Transit and NCTCOG. Ratification is requested of emergency funding to MATA utilizing existing Regional Toll Revenue funds previously authorized by the Regional Transportation Council for transit projects in an amount not to exceed $400,000 to ensure continuation of transit services and enhanced connectivity between Uptown and Downtown Dallas. More details can be found in Electronic Item 3.3.2. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Administrative, Transit 3.4. Staging of Wreckers in Constrained Corridors Presenter: Natalie Bettger, NCTCOG Item Summary: Regional Transportation Council (RTC) action to adjust the limits within Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Project 11668 to allow flexibility to stage wreckers on other technology or constrained corridors will be requested. Background: Currently, TIP Project 11668 provides for the staging of wreckers along the SH 161 corridor that was utilized during the activation of the SH 161 peak period shoulder lane. The peak-period shoulder lane along SH 161 has been converted to a regularly operating lane. There is funding that remains within the project that could be utilized to stage wreckers on other corridors that are technology lanes or constrained corridors. RTC action to adjust the TIP Project 11668 limits to allow this funding to be utilized on other needed corridors will be requested. The requested action includes administratively amending the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)/Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and other administrative/planning documents as needed. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety, Congestion
Orientation to Agenda/Director of Transportation Report Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG 1. Moment of Silence for Mayor Curtistene McCowan 2. Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) President/Executive Director Gary Thomas Retiring and Other Senior Members of DART 3. Publication of Rule of Particular Applicability and Record of Decision for Texas Central Railroad High-Speed Rail Safety Standards ( 20388/texas-central-railroad-high-speed-rail-safety-standards) 4. Changing Mobility: Data, Insights, and Delivering Innovative Projects During COVID Recovery (Electronic Item 4.1) and Online Dashboard ( 5. Metric Three Benefits: Reduced Construction Costs (Electronic Item 4.2) 6. Public Comment Questioning the Inconsistency between the Term Silver Line and Continued Use of the Term Cotton Belt Trail (Electronic Item 4.3) 7. DFW Connector Pilot Program Results (Electronic Item 4.4) 8. East/West Equity Update (Electronic Item 4.5) 9. National Traffic Incident Response Awareness Week: November 9-15, 2020 ( 10. Status of Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Program Funding Programs (Electronic Item 4.6) 11. Dallas-Fort Worth Clean Cities Upcoming Events ( 12. Air Quality Funding Opportunities for Vehicles ( fundingvehicle) 13. October Online Input Opportunity Minutes (Electronic Item 4.7) 14. November Online Input Opportunity Notice (Electronic Item 4.8) 15. Status Report on Ozone (Electronic Item 4.9) 16. Public Comments Report (Electronic Item 4.10) 17. Recent Correspondence (Electronic Item 4.11) 18. Recent News Articles (Electronic Item 4.12) 19. Recent Press Releases (Electronic Item 4.13)
COVID-19 #00X Infrastructure Program (Round 3)/Collin County Funding Partnership Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 15 Presenter: Christie Gotti, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of a third round of COVID-19 #00X Infrastructure Program projects, including two funding swaps with local partners and the ability to amend the Transportation Improvement Program and other planning/administrative documents to incorporate the projects. Background: Due to the recent COVID-19 outbreak, the economies of the United States, Texas, and Dallas-Fort Worth region have suffered large setbacks and there is an urgency to stimulate the economy. Over the past several months, North Central Texas Council of Governments staff has been working to select projects that are ready to be advanced, which will inject much needed money into the local and state economies in the coming years. Staff recommends funding a third round of projects in this program that meet one or more of the RTC policies outlined in Mobility 2045 and/or assist with achieving the region’s federal performance targets. Two of these projects are part of a proposed funding exchange between the RTC, Collin County, and the Cities of McKinney and Frisco. The complete list of proposed projects can be found in Electronic Item 5.1. Electronic Item 5.2 contains additional details about the program and projects being requested. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Roadway, Air Quality
Overview of Regional Transportation Council Legislative Workshop Action Possible Action ?Information Minutes: 15 Presenter: Rebekah Hernandez, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide an overview of the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) Legislative Workshop and the draft 2021 Legislative Program for the 87th Texas Legislature. Background: An RTC Legislative Workshop will be held prior to the full RTC meeting. Last month RTC members were asked to provide comments on the draft 2021 Legislative Program. An updated draft RTC Legislative Program can be found in Electronic Item 6. The 87th Texas Legislature will convene on January 12, 2021. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Administrative, Roadway
Dallas-Fort Worth High-Speed Transportation Study Update Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Kevin Feldt, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide an update regarding the Dallas to Fort Worth High-Speed Transportation (DFW HST) Connections Study. Currently the project is proceeding through the first phase, including analysis of route and mode alternatives. Background: In April 2020, North Central Texas Council of Governments staff began work on the DFW HST Connections Study with consultant assistance. The project is divided into two phases, the first being an alternatives analysis effort. The second phase will be a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) effort resulting in a federal government action identifying the project’s next steps. Since April, staff and the consultant have been analyzing alternatives while engaging the public and stakeholders. The Phase 1 efforts are designed to reduce the number of alternatives to a minimum for more detailed analysis in the Phase 2 effort. The following items will be presented: • Draft preliminary project purpose • Potential mode alternatives • Potential alignment/corridor alternatives • Technology alternatives • Project schedule • Engagement opportunities Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety, Transit
Federal Highway Administration – Pavement/Bridge Condition Target Reaffirmation or Revisions Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Jeff Neal, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will update the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) on proposed reaffirmation or revisions to the current regional position supporting statewide pavement and bridge condition, Performance Measure 2 (PM2), targets on National Highway System (NHS) facilities, as established by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) in accordance with Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act rulemaking for federally required performance measures. Background: Subsequent to its execution in December 2015, FAST Act rulemaking requires certain performance measures, including pavement and bridge condition ratings for designated NHS facilities, to be addressed in the long-range metropolitan transportation planning process. In 2018, the RTC affirmed regional support for TxDOT’s statewide 2022 good and poor condition pavement and bridge targets, and it also agreed to collaborate with TxDOT and local governments on project planning and programming contributing toward the accomplishment of NHS pavement and bridge performance goals. The rulemaking established an October 1, 2020, deadline for State Departments of Transportation to consider mid-range adjustments to statewide 2022 pavement and bridge targets as they each submit a Mid-Performance Progress Report to the Federal Highway Administration. TxDOT adjusted five of the six PM2 targets according to their submittal, and as a result, Texas Metropolitan Planning Organizations have a new 180-day window to report whether they will affirm the adjusted targets or establish their own quantifiable targets. Analysis considering observed trends, both regionally and statewide, as well as potential effects on project development and implementation, will be key considerations on whether target adjustments may be recommended. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Administrative, Roadway
FY2021 Project Tracking Initiative Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Christie Gotti, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will introduce the Council to the FY2021 Project Tracking Initiative that is being initiated in order to reduce the region’s carryover funding balances. Background: Almost every year, Regional Transportation Council (RTC)- selected projects being implemented by local governments experience delays. While a one-year delay is of less consequence, projects tend to be delayed year after year, until it has been 3-4+ years since the originally committed start date. Over time, these delays led to the need to implement the Metropolitan Planning Organization Milestone Policy, which identifies projects that have not advanced to construction after being funded for at least ten years. However, a ten year project review does not create an action plan soon enough to reduce the region’s growing Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ), Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBG), and Transportation Alternatives (TA) Set Aside Program carryover balances. As a secondary line of offense, staff is implementing a project tracking initiative that will highlight project schedule commitments to the RTC on a regular basis and report local agency progress toward the committed project development schedules. A list of projects that are scheduled to begin in FY2021 can be found in Electronic Item 9.1. Additional details on this initiative can be found in Electronic Item 9.2. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Roadway, Air Quality
10. AV 2.2/AV 2.3 Projects Update Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Thomas Bamonte, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will brief the Council on the status of Automated Vehicle (AV) Projects 2.2 and 2.3, including the availability of funding, the process for advancing proposed projects, and application review criteria. Background: In October 2018, the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approved Automated Vehicles Program 2.0. Project AV 2.2 provides $10 million to help public agencies effectively support AV deployments coming to their jurisdictions. Project AV 2.3 provides $20 million to purchase AV services to explore uses cases of regional significance. In an accompanying policy, the RTC affirmed its intention that all Dallas-Fort Worth communities should have the resources to support and utilize AV technologies. Public agencies in the region are now encouraged to build collaborative relationships with AV developers and submit proposals for AV 2.2 and AV 2.3 funding. The briefing will outline guidelines for project proposals, summarize the staff review process, and describe pertinent technology developments since RTC’s adoption of the Automated Vehicles Program 2.0. Electronic Item 10 contains additional background. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Administrative, Air Quality 14. Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Regional Transportation Council is scheduled for 1:00 pm, Thursday, December 10, 2020.
Approval of October 8, 2020, Minutes Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 5 Presenter: Roger Harmon, RTC Chair Item Summary: Approval of the October 8, 2020, minutes contained in Electronic Item 2 will be requested. Background: N/A
3. Consent Agenda Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 5 3.1. FY2020 and FY2021 Unified Planning Work Program Modifications Presenter: Vickie Alexander, NCTCOG Item Summary: Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of modifications to the FY2020 and FY2021 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) will be requested. Direction for staff to administratively amend the Transportation Improvement Program and other administrative/planning documents, as appropriate, to reflect the approved modifications will also be sought. Background: The Unified Planning Work Program is required by federal and State transportation planning regulations and provides a summary of the transportation and transportation-related air quality planning tasks to be conducted by Metropolitan Planning Organization staff. The FY2020 and FY2021 UPWP identifies the activities to be carried out between October 1, 2019, and September 30, 2021. Amendments to this document are being proposed to reflect new initiatives, project updates and funding adjustments. The proposed amendments have been posted on the North Central Texas Council of Governments website for public review and comment, and are also included as Electronic Item 3.1.1. Additional information is provided in Electronic Item 3.1.2. Comments received as a result of the public outreach process, if any, will be provided. The Surface Transportation Technical Committee took action at its October 23 meeting to recommend Regional Transportation Council approval. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Administrative 3.2. North Texas Center for Mobility Technologies: Research Project Funding Standards Presenter: Thomas Bamonte, NCTCOG Item Summary: Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of selection criteria and a process for providing funding for sponsored research projects on mobility technologies proposed by the North Texas Center for Mobility Technologies (NTCMT) will be requested. Background: In February 2020, as part of the North Central Texas Council of Governments’ (NCTCOG) proposal to host the Virgin Hyperloop One Certification Center, the RTC approved $2.5 million in seed money to help fund sponsored research in mobility technologies. With the assistance of the Texas Research Alliance, the four major research universities in the region (UTA, UNT, UTD, SMU) have organized themselves into the NTCMT. Through the NTCMT, the universities will function as a Research and Development network for sponsored research. The NTCMT is intended to strengthen the capabilities of these universities in the transportation sector and attract mobility technology companies to the region and will recommend certain research projects for NCTCOG funding. The purpose of this item is to establish standards and a process through which NCTCOG identifies which research projects to fund out of the seed money approved by the RTC. These standards and process are described in Electronic Item 3.2. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Goods Movement, Roadway 3.3. Ratification of Emergency Funding Authorization for McKinney Avenue Transit Authority for Rail Liability Insurance Presenter: Shannon Stevenson, NCTCOG Item Summary: Ratification of emergency funding authorization to the McKinney Avenue Transit Authority (MATA) to continue enhanced connectivity services between Uptown and Downtown Dallas will be requested. Background: In October 2020, MATA notified the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) of issues with its annual renewal of rail liability insurance, which included various insurers exiting the rail insurance market. On October 29, 2020, MATA requested emergency assistance from NCTCOG with its annual renewal of rail liability insurance as it faced an impending gap in coverage. While efforts are underway in finding a regional solution for all transit authorities regarding rail liability insurance, MATA faced an immediate need. Confronting limited options, NCTCOG staff issued a letter to MATA to ensure continuity of transit operations is maintained. A copy of the correspondence can be found in Electronic Item 3.3.1. MATA is implementing safety and financial measures while exploring alternative options with Dallas Area Rapid Transit and NCTCOG. Ratification is requested of emergency funding to MATA utilizing existing Regional Toll Revenue funds previously authorized by the Regional Transportation Council for transit projects in an amount not to exceed $400,000 to ensure continuation of transit services and enhanced connectivity between Uptown and Downtown Dallas. More details can be found in Electronic Item 3.3.2. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Administrative, Transit 3.4. Staging of Wreckers in Constrained Corridors Presenter: Natalie Bettger, NCTCOG Item Summary: Regional Transportation Council (RTC) action to adjust the limits within Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Project 11668 to allow flexibility to stage wreckers on other technology or constrained corridors will be requested. Background: Currently, TIP Project 11668 provides for the staging of wreckers along the SH 161 corridor that was utilized during the activation of the SH 161 peak period shoulder lane. The peak-period shoulder lane along SH 161 has been converted to a regularly operating lane. There is funding that remains within the project that could be utilized to stage wreckers on other corridors that are technology lanes or constrained corridors. RTC action to adjust the TIP Project 11668 limits to allow this funding to be utilized on other needed corridors will be requested. The requested action includes administratively amending the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)/Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and other administrative/planning documents as needed. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety, Congestion
Orientation to Agenda/Director of Transportation Report Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG 1. Moment of Silence for Mayor Curtistene McCowan 2. Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) President/Executive Director Gary Thomas Retiring and Other Senior Members of DART 3. Publication of Rule of Particular Applicability and Record of Decision for Texas Central Railroad High-Speed Rail Safety Standards ( 20388/texas-central-railroad-high-speed-rail-safety-standards) 4. Changing Mobility: Data, Insights, and Delivering Innovative Projects During COVID Recovery (Electronic Item 4.1) and Online Dashboard ( 5. Metric Three Benefits: Reduced Construction Costs (Electronic Item 4.2) 6. Public Comment Questioning the Inconsistency between the Term Silver Line and Continued Use of the Term Cotton Belt Trail (Electronic Item 4.3) 7. DFW Connector Pilot Program Results (Electronic Item 4.4) 8. East/West Equity Update (Electronic Item 4.5) 9. National Traffic Incident Response Awareness Week: November 9-15, 2020 ( 10. Status of Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Program Funding Programs (Electronic Item 4.6) 11. Dallas-Fort Worth Clean Cities Upcoming Events ( 12. Air Quality Funding Opportunities for Vehicles ( fundingvehicle) 13. October Online Input Opportunity Minutes (Electronic Item 4.7) 14. November Online Input Opportunity Notice (Electronic Item 4.8) 15. Status Report on Ozone (Electronic Item 4.9) 16. Public Comments Report (Electronic Item 4.10) 17. Recent Correspondence (Electronic Item 4.11) 18. Recent News Articles (Electronic Item 4.12) 19. Recent Press Releases (Electronic Item 4.13)
COVID-19 #00X Infrastructure Program (Round 3)/Collin County Funding Partnership Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 15 Presenter: Christie Gotti, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of a third round of COVID-19 #00X Infrastructure Program projects, including two funding swaps with local partners and the ability to amend the Transportation Improvement Program and other planning/administrative documents to incorporate the projects. Background: Due to the recent COVID-19 outbreak, the economies of the United States, Texas, and Dallas-Fort Worth region have suffered large setbacks and there is an urgency to stimulate the economy. Over the past several months, North Central Texas Council of Governments staff has been working to select projects that are ready to be advanced, which will inject much needed money into the local and state economies in the coming years. Staff recommends funding a third round of projects in this program that meet one or more of the RTC policies outlined in Mobility 2045 and/or assist with achieving the region’s federal performance targets. Two of these projects are part of a proposed funding exchange between the RTC, Collin County, and the Cities of McKinney and Frisco. The complete list of proposed projects can be found in Electronic Item 5.1. Electronic Item 5.2 contains additional details about the program and projects being requested. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Roadway, Air Quality
Overview of Regional Transportation Council Legislative Workshop Action Possible Action ?Information Minutes: 15 Presenter: Rebekah Hernandez, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide an overview of the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) Legislative Workshop and the draft 2021 Legislative Program for the 87th Texas Legislature. Background: An RTC Legislative Workshop will be held prior to the full RTC meeting. Last month RTC members were asked to provide comments on the draft 2021 Legislative Program. An updated draft RTC Legislative Program can be found in Electronic Item 6. The 87th Texas Legislature will convene on January 12, 2021. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Administrative, Roadway
Dallas-Fort Worth High-Speed Transportation Study Update Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Kevin Feldt, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide an update regarding the Dallas to Fort Worth High-Speed Transportation (DFW HST) Connections Study. Currently the project is proceeding through the first phase, including analysis of route and mode alternatives. Background: In April 2020, North Central Texas Council of Governments staff began work on the DFW HST Connections Study with consultant assistance. The project is divided into two phases, the first being an alternatives analysis effort. The second phase will be a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) effort resulting in a federal government action identifying the project’s next steps. Since April, staff and the consultant have been analyzing alternatives while engaging the public and stakeholders. The Phase 1 efforts are designed to reduce the number of alternatives to a minimum for more detailed analysis in the Phase 2 effort. The following items will be presented: • Draft preliminary project purpose • Potential mode alternatives • Potential alignment/corridor alternatives • Technology alternatives • Project schedule • Engagement opportunities Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety, Transit
Federal Highway Administration – Pavement/Bridge Condition Target Reaffirmation or Revisions Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Jeff Neal, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will update the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) on proposed reaffirmation or revisions to the current regional position supporting statewide pavement and bridge condition, Performance Measure 2 (PM2), targets on National Highway System (NHS) facilities, as established by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) in accordance with Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act rulemaking for federally required performance measures. Background: Subsequent to its execution in December 2015, FAST Act rulemaking requires certain performance measures, including pavement and bridge condition ratings for designated NHS facilities, to be addressed in the long-range metropolitan transportation planning process. In 2018, the RTC affirmed regional support for TxDOT’s statewide 2022 good and poor condition pavement and bridge targets, and it also agreed to collaborate with TxDOT and local governments on project planning and programming contributing toward the accomplishment of NHS pavement and bridge performance goals. The rulemaking established an October 1, 2020, deadline for State Departments of Transportation to consider mid-range adjustments to statewide 2022 pavement and bridge targets as they each submit a Mid-Performance Progress Report to the Federal Highway Administration. TxDOT adjusted five of the six PM2 targets according to their submittal, and as a result, Texas Metropolitan Planning Organizations have a new 180-day window to report whether they will affirm the adjusted targets or establish their own quantifiable targets. Analysis considering observed trends, both regionally and statewide, as well as potential effects on project development and implementation, will be key considerations on whether target adjustments may be recommended. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Administrative, Roadway
FY2021 Project Tracking Initiative Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Christie Gotti, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will introduce the Council to the FY2021 Project Tracking Initiative that is being initiated in order to reduce the region’s carryover funding balances. Background: Almost every year, Regional Transportation Council (RTC)- selected projects being implemented by local governments experience delays. While a one-year delay is of less consequence, projects tend to be delayed year after year, until it has been 3-4+ years since the originally committed start date. Over time, these delays led to the need to implement the Metropolitan Planning Organization Milestone Policy, which identifies projects that have not advanced to construction after being funded for at least ten years. However, a ten year project review does not create an action plan soon enough to reduce the region’s growing Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ), Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBG), and Transportation Alternatives (TA) Set Aside Program carryover balances. As a secondary line of offense, staff is implementing a project tracking initiative that will highlight project schedule commitments to the RTC on a regular basis and report local agency progress toward the committed project development schedules. A list of projects that are scheduled to begin in FY2021 can be found in Electronic Item 9.1. Additional details on this initiative can be found in Electronic Item 9.2. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Roadway, Air Quality
10. AV 2.2/AV 2.3 Projects Update Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Thomas Bamonte, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will brief the Council on the status of Automated Vehicle (AV) Projects 2.2 and 2.3, including the availability of funding, the process for advancing proposed projects, and application review criteria. Background: In October 2018, the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approved Automated Vehicles Program 2.0. Project AV 2.2 provides $10 million to help public agencies effectively support AV deployments coming to their jurisdictions. Project AV 2.3 provides $20 million to purchase AV services to explore uses cases of regional significance. In an accompanying policy, the RTC affirmed its intention that all Dallas-Fort Worth communities should have the resources to support and utilize AV technologies. Public agencies in the region are now encouraged to build collaborative relationships with AV developers and submit proposals for AV 2.2 and AV 2.3 funding. The briefing will outline guidelines for project proposals, summarize the staff review process, and describe pertinent technology developments since RTC’s adoption of the Automated Vehicles Program 2.0. Electronic Item 10 contains additional background. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Administrative, Air Quality 14. Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Regional Transportation Council is scheduled for 1:00 pm, Thursday, December 10, 2020.