Orientation to Agenda/Director of Transportation Report Minutes: 10 Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG HB 2840 Requirements Staff will provide an overview of HB 2840 requirements from the 86th Texas Legislative Session. HB 2840 requires governmental bodies to allow each member of the public to give input on agenda items during open meetings. Input must be given before or during the consideration of the agenda item and not after. HB 2840 also permits governmental bodies to adopt reasonable rules regarding the public's right to address the body, including rules regarding time limits. Non-English speakers with a translator must be given double time during open meetings to address and communicate with the body. A governmental body may not prohibit public criticism of the body. This bill took effect on September 1, 2019. Other Information Items 1. Conference Session Held Earlier in the Day 2. Regional Transportation Council (RTC) Member Representation at Events: • Hyperloop Roadshow Attendees RTC Chair Andy Eads, County Judge, Denton County; Richard Aubin, Mayor Pro Tem, City of Garland; Gary Fickes, Commissioner, Tarrant County; Jungus Jordan, Councilmember, City of Fort Worth; Lee M. Kleinman, Councilmember, City of Dallas; B. Adam McGough, Deputy Mayor Pro Tem, City of Dallas; Barbara Odom-Wesley, Councilmember, City of Arlington; W. Jeff Williams, Mayor, City of Arlington; Anne Zadeh, Councilmember, City of Fort Worth 3. 86th Texas Legislature Bill Summary (Electronic Item 1.1) 4. Congestion Performance Measures (Electronic Item 1.2) 5. New Texas Department of Transportation Commissioner, Robert C. Vaugh, Replaces Jeff Austin III 6. 2019 Infrastructure for Rebuilding America Grant Program, $8.8 Million for Bridges (Electronic Item 1.3) 7. Air Quality Funding Opportunities for Vehicles (www.nctcog.org/trans/quality/air/funding-and-resources/fundingvehicle) 8. Dallas-Fort Worth Clean Cities Events (www.dfwcleancities.org/dfw-clean-cities-meetings) 9. Next Round of Volkswagen Settlement Funding Coming Soon (Electronic Item 1.4) 10. Status Report on Ozone (Electronic Item 1.5) 11. National Drive Electric Week Events, September 20-21 (Electronic Item 1.6) 12. Car Care Clinics 2019 (www.ntxcarcare.org/) 13. Walk to School Day, October 2, 2019 (Electronic Item 1.7) 14. July Online Input Opportunity Minutes (Electronic Item 1.8) 15. September Online Input Opportunity Notice (Electronic Item 1.9) 16. Public Comments Report (Electronic Item 1.10) 17. Recent Correspondence (Electronic Item 1.11) 18. Recent News Articles (Electronic Item 1.12) 19. Recent Press Releases (Electronic Item 1.13) 20. Transportation Partners Progress Reports
Opportunity for the Public to Speak on Today's Agenda: Consistent with HB 2840 Minutes: 10 Item Summary: This item provides an opportunity for the public to speak on meeting agenda items. A Speaker Request Card is available at the main table. Please provide a Speaker Request Card to the North Central Texas Council of Governments designated staff person. For today's meeting, public comments will be heard on all items. Background: N/A
Approval of July 11, 2019, Minutes Minutes: 5 Presenter: Andy Eads, RTC Chair Item Summary: Approval of the July 11, 2019, minutes contained in Reference Item 3 will be requested. Background: N/A
4.1. Fiscal Year 2020 Advertising for Transportation Initiative Presenter: Mindy Mize, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will seek the Council’s support to recommend North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) Executive Board approval of up to $1,300,000 in funding for advertising for transportation initiatives that will initiate in Fiscal Year (FY) 2020. Last month, the Surface Transportation Technical Committee recommended Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval. Background: Since 2014, the NCTCOG Executive Board has been authorizing annual large-scale advertising purchase and placement initiatives for the Transportation Department. Electronic Item 4.1.1 explains the benefits of this initiative and showcases cost savings obtained from bulk advertising purchasing for the Transportation Department. Electronic Item 4.1.2 provides more information on FY2020 advertising costs along with examples of past advertising. Advertising campaigns will support 511DFW, business engagement, the Congestion Management Program, the HOV 2+ Incentive, Look Out Texans, notifications of opportunities for public input/public meetings, the Ozone Season Emissions Reduction Campaign, Unmanned Aircraft System safety and integration initiatives, and the Vehicle Technologies Program. RTC approval will be used as recommendation to the NCTCOG Executive Board on September 26, 2019. 4.2. North Texas Freight Terminal Electrification 2019 Call for Projects Presenter: Chris Klaus, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request a recommendation for Regional Transportation Council approval to open a new, competitive call for projects to subaward funds through the North Texas Freight Terminal Electrification 2019 Call for Projects. The Surface Transportation Technical Committee recommended Regional Transportation Council approval at its August 23, 2019, meeting. Background: In June 2018, the North Central Texas Council of Governments submitted a grant proposal to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the National Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program authorized by the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act. The EPA has awarded this proposal, which provides federal funds for a project to identify locations and install EPA-verified electrified parking spaces and related infrastructure including electric capable kits and power monitoring equipment at freight terminals and distribution centers that primarily receive heavy-duty trucks with Transport Refrigeration Units within the 10-county ozone nonattainment area. Electronic Item 4.2 provides additional details including the schedule and project selection criteria.
Uber Relocation to the Dallas-Fort Worth Region Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request approval of the mobility partnership program for Uber to come to the Dallas-Fort Worth region, including data sharing with the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) and creation of a regional clearing house. Background: Uber is electing to move staff members to the City of Dallas. NCTCOG staff was asked to identify mobility components that could assist in Uber deciding to come to the Dallas-Fort Worth region. Reference Item 5.1 documents the requested partnership program and NCTCOG staff requests flexibility to identify other funding partners, as well as the funding source for this action. In negotiations with Uber, and as part of the Surface Transportation Technical Committee's recommendation, the following statement is being requested as part of the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) action. "In addition to these financial commitments, the RTC requests Uber share transportation-related data with the region. One way to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of this information exchange is for Uber to request the RTC play a coordination role with interested public-sector governments. Electronic Item 5.2 contains correspondence from Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price. Electronic Item 5.3 contains an email sent to Commissioner Price in advance of his correspondence.
Skillman/Audelia and Garland Interchange: Expediting the IH 635 East Project Item Summary: Staff will request Regional Transportation Council (RTC) action to negotiate a funding partnership program with the City of Garland in the vicinity of IH 635 East and Garland Avenue. Background: During the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) procurement process for IH 635 East, potential contractors submitted alternative technical concepts at Skillman/Audelia and Garland Avenue. City of Dallas Deputy Mayor Pro Tem B. Adam McGough put together a team to work with TxDOT and RTC staffs on the Skillman/Audelia design ideas. City of Garland Mayor Pro Tem Richard Aubin put together a team to work with TxDOT and RTC on the area at Garland Avenue. The TxDOT design process resulted in a Skillman/Audelia bridge that met or exceeded the community's needs at a lower cost. The Garland Avenue design also led to a lower cost but was not equivalent to all the desires of the City of Garland. In order to build IH 635 East as one project now, due to potential complications at the KCS Railroad, North Central Texas Council of Governments staff requested that the City of Garland accept the design and give the RTC a chance to offset elements of the recommendation that are not fully consistent with Garland's interest. Staff will request that the RTC take a position thanking the community for aiding in the ability for IH 635 East to go as one project now and request approval to negotiate with the City of Garland on transportation-related or other ideas that will suffice in meeting Garland's needs. The specific recommendation, if approved, would come back to the RTC to be included in the Transportation Improvement Program. Electronic Item 6.1 contains a more detailed representation of the final design at IH 635 East and Garland Avenue. Electronic Item 6.2 summarizes the City of Garland's position that RTC staff requested for RTC consideration.
2020 Unified Transportation Program and Regional 10-Year Plan Update Presenter: Christie Gotti, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will brief the Council on the latest developments regarding the Regional 10-Year Plan and the projects funded by the Texas Transportation Commission (TTC) in the 2020 Unified Transportation Program (UTP). Background: In December 2016, the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approved a set of projects for Fiscal Year 2017-2026 funded with Category 2 (MPO selection) and Category 4 (Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) District selection) and submitted for TTC consideration with Category 12 (Commission selection) funds. That action was the Dallas-Fort Worth region’s response to the House Bill (HB) 20 10-year planning requirement. In August 2018, the RTC approved an update to the Regional 10-Year Plan that primarily incorporated various project updates received to date. Since that time, North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) staff has been coordinating regularly with TxDOT Dallas, Paris (Hunt County), and Fort Worth districts regarding updates to previously approved projects, as well as potential additions to the Regional 10-Year Plan to be included in the 2020 UTP. After receiving RTC approval of the Regional 10-Year Plan in May 2019, staff worked with the TxDOT districts to submit final project lists to TxDOT headquarters in June. A draft UTP was released in July. In August, NCTCOG staff submitted a series of public comments addressing changes that needed to be made to the draft UTP, including requesting that all RTC-approved Category 2 funds be placed in the UTP. The final 2020 UTP was approved by the TTC at its August 29, 2019, meeting. Electronic Item 7.1 contains the proposed list of projects. Additional information on the latest developments can be found in Electronic Item 7.2.
Fiscal Year 2020-2022 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Goal Update Presenter: Ken Kirkpatrick, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff requests Regional Transportation Council approval of the Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE) Participation Goal for FY2020-2022 for United States Department of Transportation-assisted contracting opportunities. Background: The North Central Texas Council of Governments is required by the Federal Transit Administration to revisit its DBE Participation Goal every three years. The current DBE Participation Goal is valid until September 30, 2019. The 45-day public comment period for the proposed FY2020- 2022 DBE Participation Goal closed on August 30, 2019. Electronic Item 8 includes additional details.
Interstate Highway 45 Zero-Emission Vehicle Corridor Plan and Alternative Fuel Updates Presenter: Lori Clark, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request Regional Transportation Council (RTC) endorsement of an application to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Solicitation for Alternative Fuels Corridor Deployment Plans. Staff received Surface Transportation Technical Committee recommendation of RTC approval at the August 23, 2019, meeting. Updates will also be presented on FHWA alternative fuel corridor designations, electric vehicle trends. Background: The Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act included a requirement for the Secretary of Transportation to designate national electric vehicle charging, hydrogen, propane, and natural gas fueling corridors. Since 2016, FHWA has been designating segments of highways as alternative fuel corridors. The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) has been involved in submitting recommendations for corridor designation either directly to FHWA or to the Texas Department of Transportation since inception of the program, with the most recent recommendations approved by RTC in December 2018. FHWA determinations on these most recent rounds of submittals were released earlier this year. Following the most recent round of corridor designations, the FHWA announced a Solicitation for Alternative Fuels Corridor Deployment Plans in early July. The solicitation has three main goals: to develop a Corridor Deployment Plan to build alternative fueling and charging stations at strategic locations along a select national corridor, to transition current corridor-pending interstates or segments to corridor-ready status, and to develop public-private partnerships for locating or co-locating alternative fueling and charging facilities. Proposals for this opportunity were due September 9th. NCTCOG requests RTC endorsement of an application to develop a Corridor Deployment Plan that will establish I-45 as a Zero-Emission Vehicle corridor, including both electric vehicles charging and hydrogen refueling infrastructure. This plan would be developed in collaboration with the Houston-Galveston Area Council. Electronic Item 9 provides additional details.
2008 Ozone Air Quality Standard Presenter: Jenny Narvaez, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide an update on the 2008 ozone standard reclassification. Background: The Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) region did not meet the July 20, 2018, attainment date for the 2008 ozone standard. As a result, the Environmental Protection Agency recently took final action to reclassify the DFW area from “moderate” nonattainment to “serious” nonattainment. Additionally, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) published the proposed State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision as required for the region’s reclassification. The TCEQ is anticipated to approve the SIP revision September 11, 2019, with the comment period opening September 13, 2019. Please see Electronic Item 10 for additional details.
Virgin Hyperloop One/High-Speed Rail Update Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will highlight recent high-speed rail activities and events held as part of the Virgin Hyperloop One Roadshow. Background: Electronic Item 11 provides additional details about high-speed rail and hyperloop technology. This item will summarize the following initiatives: • High-Speed Rail from Houston to Dallas (No Hyperloop Options) • Dallas/Arlington/Fort Worth Environmental Clearance Including the Evaluation of Technology Options • Fort Worth to Laredo Feasibility and Stakeholder Input Including the Evaluation of Technology Options • Events at AT&T Stadium in August: Private-Sector Meeting, Public-Sector Meeting, and STEM Outreach Events for Students • Certification Facility for Hyperloop
Orientation to Agenda/Director of Transportation Report Minutes: 10 Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG HB 2840 Requirements Staff will provide an overview of HB 2840 requirements from the 86th Texas Legislative Session. HB 2840 requires governmental bodies to allow each member of the public to give input on agenda items during open meetings. Input must be given before or during the consideration of the agenda item and not after. HB 2840 also permits governmental bodies to adopt reasonable rules regarding the public's right to address the body, including rules regarding time limits. Non-English speakers with a translator must be given double time during open meetings to address and communicate with the body. A governmental body may not prohibit public criticism of the body. This bill took effect on September 1, 2019. Other Information Items 1. Conference Session Held Earlier in the Day 2. Regional Transportation Council (RTC) Member Representation at Events: • Hyperloop Roadshow Attendees RTC Chair Andy Eads, County Judge, Denton County; Richard Aubin, Mayor Pro Tem, City of Garland; Gary Fickes, Commissioner, Tarrant County; Jungus Jordan, Councilmember, City of Fort Worth; Lee M. Kleinman, Councilmember, City of Dallas; B. Adam McGough, Deputy Mayor Pro Tem, City of Dallas; Barbara Odom-Wesley, Councilmember, City of Arlington; W. Jeff Williams, Mayor, City of Arlington; Anne Zadeh, Councilmember, City of Fort Worth 3. 86th Texas Legislature Bill Summary (Electronic Item 1.1) 4. Congestion Performance Measures (Electronic Item 1.2) 5. New Texas Department of Transportation Commissioner, Robert C. Vaugh, Replaces Jeff Austin III 6. 2019 Infrastructure for Rebuilding America Grant Program, $8.8 Million for Bridges (Electronic Item 1.3) 7. Air Quality Funding Opportunities for Vehicles (www.nctcog.org/trans/quality/air/funding-and-resources/fundingvehicle) 8. Dallas-Fort Worth Clean Cities Events (www.dfwcleancities.org/dfw-clean-cities-meetings) 9. Next Round of Volkswagen Settlement Funding Coming Soon (Electronic Item 1.4) 10. Status Report on Ozone (Electronic Item 1.5) 11. National Drive Electric Week Events, September 20-21 (Electronic Item 1.6) 12. Car Care Clinics 2019 (www.ntxcarcare.org/) 13. Walk to School Day, October 2, 2019 (Electronic Item 1.7) 14. July Online Input Opportunity Minutes (Electronic Item 1.8) 15. September Online Input Opportunity Notice (Electronic Item 1.9) 16. Public Comments Report (Electronic Item 1.10) 17. Recent Correspondence (Electronic Item 1.11) 18. Recent News Articles (Electronic Item 1.12) 19. Recent Press Releases (Electronic Item 1.13) 20. Transportation Partners Progress Reports
Opportunity for the Public to Speak on Today's Agenda: Consistent with HB 2840 Minutes: 10 Item Summary: This item provides an opportunity for the public to speak on meeting agenda items. A Speaker Request Card is available at the main table. Please provide a Speaker Request Card to the North Central Texas Council of Governments designated staff person. For today's meeting, public comments will be heard on all items. Background: N/A
Approval of July 11, 2019, Minutes Minutes: 5 Presenter: Andy Eads, RTC Chair Item Summary: Approval of the July 11, 2019, minutes contained in Reference Item 3 will be requested. Background: N/A
4.1. Fiscal Year 2020 Advertising for Transportation Initiative Presenter: Mindy Mize, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will seek the Council’s support to recommend North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) Executive Board approval of up to $1,300,000 in funding for advertising for transportation initiatives that will initiate in Fiscal Year (FY) 2020. Last month, the Surface Transportation Technical Committee recommended Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval. Background: Since 2014, the NCTCOG Executive Board has been authorizing annual large-scale advertising purchase and placement initiatives for the Transportation Department. Electronic Item 4.1.1 explains the benefits of this initiative and showcases cost savings obtained from bulk advertising purchasing for the Transportation Department. Electronic Item 4.1.2 provides more information on FY2020 advertising costs along with examples of past advertising. Advertising campaigns will support 511DFW, business engagement, the Congestion Management Program, the HOV 2+ Incentive, Look Out Texans, notifications of opportunities for public input/public meetings, the Ozone Season Emissions Reduction Campaign, Unmanned Aircraft System safety and integration initiatives, and the Vehicle Technologies Program. RTC approval will be used as recommendation to the NCTCOG Executive Board on September 26, 2019. 4.2. North Texas Freight Terminal Electrification 2019 Call for Projects Presenter: Chris Klaus, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request a recommendation for Regional Transportation Council approval to open a new, competitive call for projects to subaward funds through the North Texas Freight Terminal Electrification 2019 Call for Projects. The Surface Transportation Technical Committee recommended Regional Transportation Council approval at its August 23, 2019, meeting. Background: In June 2018, the North Central Texas Council of Governments submitted a grant proposal to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the National Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program authorized by the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act. The EPA has awarded this proposal, which provides federal funds for a project to identify locations and install EPA-verified electrified parking spaces and related infrastructure including electric capable kits and power monitoring equipment at freight terminals and distribution centers that primarily receive heavy-duty trucks with Transport Refrigeration Units within the 10-county ozone nonattainment area. Electronic Item 4.2 provides additional details including the schedule and project selection criteria.
Uber Relocation to the Dallas-Fort Worth Region Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request approval of the mobility partnership program for Uber to come to the Dallas-Fort Worth region, including data sharing with the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) and creation of a regional clearing house. Background: Uber is electing to move staff members to the City of Dallas. NCTCOG staff was asked to identify mobility components that could assist in Uber deciding to come to the Dallas-Fort Worth region. Reference Item 5.1 documents the requested partnership program and NCTCOG staff requests flexibility to identify other funding partners, as well as the funding source for this action. In negotiations with Uber, and as part of the Surface Transportation Technical Committee's recommendation, the following statement is being requested as part of the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) action. "In addition to these financial commitments, the RTC requests Uber share transportation-related data with the region. One way to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of this information exchange is for Uber to request the RTC play a coordination role with interested public-sector governments. Electronic Item 5.2 contains correspondence from Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price. Electronic Item 5.3 contains an email sent to Commissioner Price in advance of his correspondence.
Skillman/Audelia and Garland Interchange: Expediting the IH 635 East Project Item Summary: Staff will request Regional Transportation Council (RTC) action to negotiate a funding partnership program with the City of Garland in the vicinity of IH 635 East and Garland Avenue. Background: During the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) procurement process for IH 635 East, potential contractors submitted alternative technical concepts at Skillman/Audelia and Garland Avenue. City of Dallas Deputy Mayor Pro Tem B. Adam McGough put together a team to work with TxDOT and RTC staffs on the Skillman/Audelia design ideas. City of Garland Mayor Pro Tem Richard Aubin put together a team to work with TxDOT and RTC on the area at Garland Avenue. The TxDOT design process resulted in a Skillman/Audelia bridge that met or exceeded the community's needs at a lower cost. The Garland Avenue design also led to a lower cost but was not equivalent to all the desires of the City of Garland. In order to build IH 635 East as one project now, due to potential complications at the KCS Railroad, North Central Texas Council of Governments staff requested that the City of Garland accept the design and give the RTC a chance to offset elements of the recommendation that are not fully consistent with Garland's interest. Staff will request that the RTC take a position thanking the community for aiding in the ability for IH 635 East to go as one project now and request approval to negotiate with the City of Garland on transportation-related or other ideas that will suffice in meeting Garland's needs. The specific recommendation, if approved, would come back to the RTC to be included in the Transportation Improvement Program. Electronic Item 6.1 contains a more detailed representation of the final design at IH 635 East and Garland Avenue. Electronic Item 6.2 summarizes the City of Garland's position that RTC staff requested for RTC consideration.
2020 Unified Transportation Program and Regional 10-Year Plan Update Presenter: Christie Gotti, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will brief the Council on the latest developments regarding the Regional 10-Year Plan and the projects funded by the Texas Transportation Commission (TTC) in the 2020 Unified Transportation Program (UTP). Background: In December 2016, the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approved a set of projects for Fiscal Year 2017-2026 funded with Category 2 (MPO selection) and Category 4 (Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) District selection) and submitted for TTC consideration with Category 12 (Commission selection) funds. That action was the Dallas-Fort Worth region’s response to the House Bill (HB) 20 10-year planning requirement. In August 2018, the RTC approved an update to the Regional 10-Year Plan that primarily incorporated various project updates received to date. Since that time, North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) staff has been coordinating regularly with TxDOT Dallas, Paris (Hunt County), and Fort Worth districts regarding updates to previously approved projects, as well as potential additions to the Regional 10-Year Plan to be included in the 2020 UTP. After receiving RTC approval of the Regional 10-Year Plan in May 2019, staff worked with the TxDOT districts to submit final project lists to TxDOT headquarters in June. A draft UTP was released in July. In August, NCTCOG staff submitted a series of public comments addressing changes that needed to be made to the draft UTP, including requesting that all RTC-approved Category 2 funds be placed in the UTP. The final 2020 UTP was approved by the TTC at its August 29, 2019, meeting. Electronic Item 7.1 contains the proposed list of projects. Additional information on the latest developments can be found in Electronic Item 7.2.
Fiscal Year 2020-2022 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Goal Update Presenter: Ken Kirkpatrick, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff requests Regional Transportation Council approval of the Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE) Participation Goal for FY2020-2022 for United States Department of Transportation-assisted contracting opportunities. Background: The North Central Texas Council of Governments is required by the Federal Transit Administration to revisit its DBE Participation Goal every three years. The current DBE Participation Goal is valid until September 30, 2019. The 45-day public comment period for the proposed FY2020- 2022 DBE Participation Goal closed on August 30, 2019. Electronic Item 8 includes additional details.
Interstate Highway 45 Zero-Emission Vehicle Corridor Plan and Alternative Fuel Updates Presenter: Lori Clark, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request Regional Transportation Council (RTC) endorsement of an application to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Solicitation for Alternative Fuels Corridor Deployment Plans. Staff received Surface Transportation Technical Committee recommendation of RTC approval at the August 23, 2019, meeting. Updates will also be presented on FHWA alternative fuel corridor designations, electric vehicle trends. Background: The Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act included a requirement for the Secretary of Transportation to designate national electric vehicle charging, hydrogen, propane, and natural gas fueling corridors. Since 2016, FHWA has been designating segments of highways as alternative fuel corridors. The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) has been involved in submitting recommendations for corridor designation either directly to FHWA or to the Texas Department of Transportation since inception of the program, with the most recent recommendations approved by RTC in December 2018. FHWA determinations on these most recent rounds of submittals were released earlier this year. Following the most recent round of corridor designations, the FHWA announced a Solicitation for Alternative Fuels Corridor Deployment Plans in early July. The solicitation has three main goals: to develop a Corridor Deployment Plan to build alternative fueling and charging stations at strategic locations along a select national corridor, to transition current corridor-pending interstates or segments to corridor-ready status, and to develop public-private partnerships for locating or co-locating alternative fueling and charging facilities. Proposals for this opportunity were due September 9th. NCTCOG requests RTC endorsement of an application to develop a Corridor Deployment Plan that will establish I-45 as a Zero-Emission Vehicle corridor, including both electric vehicles charging and hydrogen refueling infrastructure. This plan would be developed in collaboration with the Houston-Galveston Area Council. Electronic Item 9 provides additional details.
2008 Ozone Air Quality Standard Presenter: Jenny Narvaez, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide an update on the 2008 ozone standard reclassification. Background: The Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) region did not meet the July 20, 2018, attainment date for the 2008 ozone standard. As a result, the Environmental Protection Agency recently took final action to reclassify the DFW area from “moderate” nonattainment to “serious” nonattainment. Additionally, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) published the proposed State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision as required for the region’s reclassification. The TCEQ is anticipated to approve the SIP revision September 11, 2019, with the comment period opening September 13, 2019. Please see Electronic Item 10 for additional details.
Virgin Hyperloop One/High-Speed Rail Update Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will highlight recent high-speed rail activities and events held as part of the Virgin Hyperloop One Roadshow. Background: Electronic Item 11 provides additional details about high-speed rail and hyperloop technology. This item will summarize the following initiatives: • High-Speed Rail from Houston to Dallas (No Hyperloop Options) • Dallas/Arlington/Fort Worth Environmental Clearance Including the Evaluation of Technology Options • Fort Worth to Laredo Feasibility and Stakeholder Input Including the Evaluation of Technology Options • Events at AT&T Stadium in August: Private-Sector Meeting, Public-Sector Meeting, and STEM Outreach Events for Students • Certification Facility for Hyperloop