Approval of July 12, 2018, Minutes Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 5 Presenter: Gary Fickes, RTC Chair Item Summary: Approval of the July 12, 2018, minutes contained in Reference Item 1 will be requested. Background: N/A
Consent Agenda Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 0 2.2. Clean Fleets North Texas 2018 Call for Projects Funding Recommendation Presenter: Lori Clark, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request approval of funding recommendations for an additional application received under the Clean Fleets North Texas 2018 call for projects (CFP). Background: The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) opened the Clean Fleets North Texas 2018 CFP to award grant funds for diesel vehicle or equipment replacement projects in North Central Texas. Applications are accepted on a modified first-come, first-served basis with monthly application deadlines. Staff completed review and emissions quantification of one additional application received since the last Council approval and recommends funding for this project. This CFP is funded through the Environmental Protection Agency’s National Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Supplemental Environmental Project. This initiative is an extension of clean vehicle efforts listed as weight-of-evidence in the Dallas-Fort Worth 2016 Eight-Hour Attainment Demonstration State Implementation Plan. Electronic Item 2.2.1 provides an overview of the call for projects. Electronic Item 2.2.2 provides additional detail on recommended projects. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ 2.3. 2017-2018 Blue-Green-Grey Application for New Ideas Round 2 Presenter: Emily Beckham, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide information regarding the Blue-Green-Grey Application for New Ideas Round 2 funding opportunity, proposals received, and evaluation process. A recommendation of projects to select for funding will also be provided and Regional Transportation Council action requested. Background: The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) issued the Blue-Green-Grey funding opportunity on October 4, 2017. Applications were due on June 1, 2018. Eligible projects were to be in the 12-county Metropolitan Planning Area and address innovative outcomes focused on three elements – Blue (water), Green (environment), and Grey (transportation infrastructure). Eligible applicants could include teams of individuals, private firms, and governmental agencies and could receive a maximum award of $50,000. NCTCOG will seek approval to proceed with awards for implementation of projects awarded through the 2017-2018 Blue-Green-Grey Application for New Ideas Round 2. Electronic Item 2.3.1 provides additional information on application scoring. Electronic Item 2.3.2 reflects NCTCOG staff award recommendations. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ 2.4. Transit Implementation in Three Areas of the Region Presenter: Shannon Stevenson, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request Regional Transportation Council approval for $2 million to develop a comprehensive approach to planning and implementing transit services outside of transportation authority service areas in portions of Collin, Dallas, and Tarrant counties. Background: Over the past few months, elected officials and other interested parties from Collin, Dallas, and Tarrant Counties have asked for assistance with developing a comprehensive approach to planning and implementing transit services outside of transit authority service areas. Most elements to be considered are similar in each request and include: internal and regional connections, focus on strategic implementation, near-term implementation, increased transportation options, funding options, and private sector involvement. Dallas County is also interested in the movement of goods in addition to people. Entities are requesting an independent assessment through the Metropolitan Planning Organization planning process. Consultants will be necessary, as well as coordination with the transportation authorities to ensure that the outcome is fair and equitable. Three different procurements will be initiated simultaneously with private-sector proposers able to submit on multiple requests. There is no intention to add additional transportation authorities. The preliminary cost estimate for this effort is $2 million. More information is provided in Electronic Item 2.4. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ 2.5. $5 million Loan to Addison for the Cotton Belt Presenter: Christie Gotti, NCTCOG Item Summary: Action will be requested on a $5 million loan to Addison toward its commitment on the Cotton Belt Rail Line. Background: Addison committed $5 million to Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) for construction of the Cotton Belt Rail Line. In order to proceed to the next implementation phase, DART needs to have an agreement in place to receive these funds by August 14, 2018. Addison is unable to execute such an agreement and pay DART prior to construction completion. Therefore, DART and Addison have jointly approached the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG)/Regional Transportation Council (RTC) with a proposal that the RTC will contribute Addison’s $5 million commitment up front in Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 with federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) funds. Addison would return funds back to the RTC starting in FY2022 (anticipated construction completion year). Payback is anticipated for 10 years or less. NCTCOG staff proposes an interest rate of 1.8 percent (similar to the amount we receive for regional toll revenue funds plus 1 percent). Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ
Orientation to Agenda/Director of Transportation Report Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 15 Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG 1. Regional Transportation Council (RTC) Subcommittees (Chair Gary Fickes) (Electronic Item 3.1) 2. RTC Member Representation at Events • RTC Chair Gary Fickes, Texas Transportation Commission • RTC Chair Gary Fickes, RTC Vice Chair Andy Eads, Loyl Bussell, and Jungus Jordan: Support for IH 35W Opening • T. Oscar Trevino Jr. Letter to Fort Worth Star Telegram 3. Texas Mobility Summit, October 28-30, 2018 4. North Tarrant Express Project Wins the American Road and Transportation Builders Association 2018 P3 Project of the Year Award 5. Emphasis on Safety Coming Forward: Freight Safety in August and Overall Safety in September 6. Current Electric Vehicle Incentive (Electronic Item 3.2) 7. Air Quality Funding Opportunities for Vehicles (Electronic Item 3.3) 8. Dallas-Fort Worth Clean Cities Events (Electronic Item 3.4) 9. National Drive Electric Week (Electronic Item 3.5) 10. Ozone Season Update (Electronic Item 3.6) 11. Clean Air Action Day Results (Electronic Item 3.7) 12. July Public Meeting Minutes (Electronic Item 3.8) 13. Public Comments Report (Electronic Item 3.9) 14. East/West Equity Update (Electronic Item 3.10) 15. Recent Correspondence (Electronic Item 3.11) 16. Recent News Articles (Electronic Item 3.12) 17. Recent Press Releases (Electronic Item 3.13) 18. Transportation Partners Progress Reports
2019 Unified Transportation Program and Updates to the Regional 10-Year Plan Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Christie Gotti, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will brief the Council on the status of project changes associated with the Regional 10-Year Plan that is being updated through development of the Texas Department of Transportation’s (TxDOT) 2019 Unified Transportation Program (UTP). Staff will also update the Council on discussions with TxDOT regarding the Dallas-Fort Worth region’s allocations in the UTP and carryover amounts from Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 and 2018. Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of the final project list will be requested. Background: In December 2016, the RTC approved a set of projects for FY2017-2026 funded with Category 2 (MPO selection) and Category 4 (TxDOT district selection), and submitted for Texas Transportation Commission (TTC) consideration with Category 12 (TTC selection) funds. That action was the Dallas-Fort Worth region’s response to the House Bill (HB) 20 10-year planning requirement. Since that time, TxDOT has included some of the region’s projects into the UTP, but not all of them. It is anticipated that the region will submit largely the same subset of projects this year, but will make year of expenditure (i.e., inflationary) adjustments to project funding and coordinate with TxDOT Austin regarding the Category 12 projects of interest to the TTC. Staff has also been having discussions with TxDOT regarding the Dallas-Fort Worth region’s allocations in the UTP and the efforts to determine carryover amounts from FY2017 and 2018. In July, the RTC authorized staff to make last minute funding updates to the 10-Year Plan based on ongoing conversations with TxDOT. The RTC also permitted staff to take advantage of negotiating opportunities to expedite already approved RTC projects using unobligated balances from other states. Electronic Item 4 includes the proposed project listing. Staff will request RTC approval of the final 10-Year Plan update. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ
Metropolitan Transportation Plan Policy Bundles and Transportation Development Credits Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Dan Lamers, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will brief the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) on results from the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) Policy Bundle survey, including the plan to distribute available Transportation Development Credits (TDC). The RTC will be asked to take action to approve the recommended TDC distribution for successful policy bundle participants. Background: Recommendations in Mobility 2045, the region’s current MTP, consist of policies, programs, and projects that reflect regional priorities and support Mobility 2045 goals. As construction of infrastructure projects alone cannot achieve the goals of Mobility 2045, a voluntary list of policies available for adoption by local agencies was designed to encourage the development of alternative, strategic solutions. By voluntarily adopting 50 percent of these policies, participating agencies are eligible to receive TDCs to offset local funds for federal transportation projects. MTP Policy Bundle applications have been completed and reviewed, and staff will present a recommendation for distributing TDCs to successful entities for Fiscal Year 2019. Electronic Item 5 includes a recommendation for TDC distribution for successful policy bundle participants. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ
Regional Transportation Council Bylaws Revision: Second and Final Reading Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Duncan Webb, Chair, RTC Bylaws Revision Subcommittee Item Summary: Recommendations for revision of the Regional Transportation Council’s (RTC) Bylaws and Operating Procedures will be presented for a second and final reading and approval. Background: The Bylaws Revision Subcommittee met over the last few months to discuss potential revisions to the RTC’s Bylaws and Operating Procedures. Proposed policy changes to the Bylaws include two adjustments to group representation, the addition of language related to county/city group alternate member appointments, modification of the month for appointment terms to begin for group representatives, a deadline for primary member notification of alternate member attendance at meetings, and recommended language that directs the Council to establish a policy for receipt of calls for project/funding initiative proposals to accommodate changes in technology over time. The Bylaws Revision Subcommittee voted unanimously to recommend the proposed Bylaws for Regional Transportation Council approval. The Subcommittee’s recommendations, which included both policy and administrative revisions, were presented to the full RTC at its July 12, 2018, meeting for a first reading. There were no proposed changes discussed at the meeting. A copy of the proposed Bylaws is provided in Electronic Item 6.1. Electronic Item 6.2 contains a presentation that summarizes the proposed revisions. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ
SH 161 Peak-Hour Shoulder-Use Lane: Texas Transportation Institute Before-After Study and Project Update Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Natalie Bettger, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide an overview of the before-after study for the SH 161 Peak-Hour Shoulder-Use Lane completed by the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) and provide updates on the ultimate project construction schedule and interim project completion. Background: In late 2013, TTI began before-after analysis on the SH 161 Peak-Hour Shoulder-Use Lane interim bottleneck relief project. This project was completed and opened in September 2015, with after-data being collected in 2016. TTI has released its final report on the performance of the Peak-Hour Shoulder-Use Lane and have presented to North Central Texas Council of Governments staff and the Regional Safety Advisory Council. A summary of the final report is provided in Electronic Item 7.1. The Peak-Hour Shoulder-Use Lane project will remain open until approximately December 2018 when the Texas Department of Transportation begins construction on the SH 161 ultimate section. Additional information is provided in Electronic Item 7.2. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ
Performance Measures Target Setting Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Dan Lamers, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will present an update regarding the schedule and process for Metropolitan Planning Organization adoption of federally required performance measure targets. The targets are set in cooperation and coordination with the Texas Department of Transportation and local transit providers. Staff will outline the process leading to adoption of all regional targets. Background: In December 2015, the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act) was signed into law. The FAST Act requires certain performance measures be included in the long-range metropolitan transportation planning process. These measures were established by a series of four rulemakings: Safety, Infrastructure Condition, System Performance/Freight/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality, and Transit Asset Management. Previously, the region adopted targets for the Transit Asset Management and Safety performance measures. Each performance measure rulemaking consists of several specific performance measures. Targets for these required specific performance measures must be adopted by the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) by November 15. In addition, the region will develop additional specific performance measures more representative of the region. The specific regional performance measures will more closely associate with the region’s long-range transportation planning goals as outlined in the recently adopted Mobility 2045 Plan. The process for adoption of targets will include a workshop for Surface Transportation Technical Committee members on August 24, 2018, with final targets presented to the RTC for action on November 8, 2018. Additional information is provided in Electronic Item 8. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ
Freight Safety Awareness Initiative Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Jeff Hathcock, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide information about the Freight Safety Awareness Initiative. Background: The purpose of the Freight Safety Awareness Initiative is to help create awareness for safe driving habits near large freight vehicles both on roadways and at railroad crossings. The initiative includes: web content, fact sheets, billboards, radio and print ads. The end goal is to make freight transportation safer and more efficient for both providers and the public. For additional information, please see the initiative’s website Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ
Public Participation Plan Update Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Amanda Wilson, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will present an overview of the Public Participation Plan and outline possible revisions, which are necessary to reflect Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act) requirements and changing demographics. Background: The current Public Participation Plan, provided in Electronic Item 10.1, was approved by the Regional Transportation Council in February 2015. In accordance with federal law, the Public Participation Plan defines public involvement procedures and comment periods, outlines strategies to inform the public, and describes measures to include diverse voices in the transportation and air quality planning process. The Language Assistance Plan is included as an appendix and will be updated to account for demographic changes. Other updates will address FAST Act stakeholder requirements and the increasing role of technology in public input opportunities. A 45-day comment period on an updated Public Participation Plan will begin with public meetings in September. A presentation containing additional information on the proposed revisions is included as Electronic Item 10.2. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ
Other Business (Old or New): This item provides an opportunity for members to bring items of interest before the group
Approval of July 12, 2018, Minutes Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 5 Presenter: Gary Fickes, RTC Chair Item Summary: Approval of the July 12, 2018, minutes contained in Reference Item 1 will be requested. Background: N/A
Consent Agenda Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 0 2.2. Clean Fleets North Texas 2018 Call for Projects Funding Recommendation Presenter: Lori Clark, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request approval of funding recommendations for an additional application received under the Clean Fleets North Texas 2018 call for projects (CFP). Background: The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) opened the Clean Fleets North Texas 2018 CFP to award grant funds for diesel vehicle or equipment replacement projects in North Central Texas. Applications are accepted on a modified first-come, first-served basis with monthly application deadlines. Staff completed review and emissions quantification of one additional application received since the last Council approval and recommends funding for this project. This CFP is funded through the Environmental Protection Agency’s National Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Supplemental Environmental Project. This initiative is an extension of clean vehicle efforts listed as weight-of-evidence in the Dallas-Fort Worth 2016 Eight-Hour Attainment Demonstration State Implementation Plan. Electronic Item 2.2.1 provides an overview of the call for projects. Electronic Item 2.2.2 provides additional detail on recommended projects. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ 2.3. 2017-2018 Blue-Green-Grey Application for New Ideas Round 2 Presenter: Emily Beckham, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide information regarding the Blue-Green-Grey Application for New Ideas Round 2 funding opportunity, proposals received, and evaluation process. A recommendation of projects to select for funding will also be provided and Regional Transportation Council action requested. Background: The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) issued the Blue-Green-Grey funding opportunity on October 4, 2017. Applications were due on June 1, 2018. Eligible projects were to be in the 12-county Metropolitan Planning Area and address innovative outcomes focused on three elements – Blue (water), Green (environment), and Grey (transportation infrastructure). Eligible applicants could include teams of individuals, private firms, and governmental agencies and could receive a maximum award of $50,000. NCTCOG will seek approval to proceed with awards for implementation of projects awarded through the 2017-2018 Blue-Green-Grey Application for New Ideas Round 2. Electronic Item 2.3.1 provides additional information on application scoring. Electronic Item 2.3.2 reflects NCTCOG staff award recommendations. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ 2.4. Transit Implementation in Three Areas of the Region Presenter: Shannon Stevenson, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request Regional Transportation Council approval for $2 million to develop a comprehensive approach to planning and implementing transit services outside of transportation authority service areas in portions of Collin, Dallas, and Tarrant counties. Background: Over the past few months, elected officials and other interested parties from Collin, Dallas, and Tarrant Counties have asked for assistance with developing a comprehensive approach to planning and implementing transit services outside of transit authority service areas. Most elements to be considered are similar in each request and include: internal and regional connections, focus on strategic implementation, near-term implementation, increased transportation options, funding options, and private sector involvement. Dallas County is also interested in the movement of goods in addition to people. Entities are requesting an independent assessment through the Metropolitan Planning Organization planning process. Consultants will be necessary, as well as coordination with the transportation authorities to ensure that the outcome is fair and equitable. Three different procurements will be initiated simultaneously with private-sector proposers able to submit on multiple requests. There is no intention to add additional transportation authorities. The preliminary cost estimate for this effort is $2 million. More information is provided in Electronic Item 2.4. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ 2.5. $5 million Loan to Addison for the Cotton Belt Presenter: Christie Gotti, NCTCOG Item Summary: Action will be requested on a $5 million loan to Addison toward its commitment on the Cotton Belt Rail Line. Background: Addison committed $5 million to Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) for construction of the Cotton Belt Rail Line. In order to proceed to the next implementation phase, DART needs to have an agreement in place to receive these funds by August 14, 2018. Addison is unable to execute such an agreement and pay DART prior to construction completion. Therefore, DART and Addison have jointly approached the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG)/Regional Transportation Council (RTC) with a proposal that the RTC will contribute Addison’s $5 million commitment up front in Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 with federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) funds. Addison would return funds back to the RTC starting in FY2022 (anticipated construction completion year). Payback is anticipated for 10 years or less. NCTCOG staff proposes an interest rate of 1.8 percent (similar to the amount we receive for regional toll revenue funds plus 1 percent). Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ
Orientation to Agenda/Director of Transportation Report Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 15 Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG 1. Regional Transportation Council (RTC) Subcommittees (Chair Gary Fickes) (Electronic Item 3.1) 2. RTC Member Representation at Events • RTC Chair Gary Fickes, Texas Transportation Commission • RTC Chair Gary Fickes, RTC Vice Chair Andy Eads, Loyl Bussell, and Jungus Jordan: Support for IH 35W Opening • T. Oscar Trevino Jr. Letter to Fort Worth Star Telegram 3. Texas Mobility Summit, October 28-30, 2018 4. North Tarrant Express Project Wins the American Road and Transportation Builders Association 2018 P3 Project of the Year Award 5. Emphasis on Safety Coming Forward: Freight Safety in August and Overall Safety in September 6. Current Electric Vehicle Incentive (Electronic Item 3.2) 7. Air Quality Funding Opportunities for Vehicles (Electronic Item 3.3) 8. Dallas-Fort Worth Clean Cities Events (Electronic Item 3.4) 9. National Drive Electric Week (Electronic Item 3.5) 10. Ozone Season Update (Electronic Item 3.6) 11. Clean Air Action Day Results (Electronic Item 3.7) 12. July Public Meeting Minutes (Electronic Item 3.8) 13. Public Comments Report (Electronic Item 3.9) 14. East/West Equity Update (Electronic Item 3.10) 15. Recent Correspondence (Electronic Item 3.11) 16. Recent News Articles (Electronic Item 3.12) 17. Recent Press Releases (Electronic Item 3.13) 18. Transportation Partners Progress Reports
2019 Unified Transportation Program and Updates to the Regional 10-Year Plan Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Christie Gotti, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will brief the Council on the status of project changes associated with the Regional 10-Year Plan that is being updated through development of the Texas Department of Transportation’s (TxDOT) 2019 Unified Transportation Program (UTP). Staff will also update the Council on discussions with TxDOT regarding the Dallas-Fort Worth region’s allocations in the UTP and carryover amounts from Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 and 2018. Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of the final project list will be requested. Background: In December 2016, the RTC approved a set of projects for FY2017-2026 funded with Category 2 (MPO selection) and Category 4 (TxDOT district selection), and submitted for Texas Transportation Commission (TTC) consideration with Category 12 (TTC selection) funds. That action was the Dallas-Fort Worth region’s response to the House Bill (HB) 20 10-year planning requirement. Since that time, TxDOT has included some of the region’s projects into the UTP, but not all of them. It is anticipated that the region will submit largely the same subset of projects this year, but will make year of expenditure (i.e., inflationary) adjustments to project funding and coordinate with TxDOT Austin regarding the Category 12 projects of interest to the TTC. Staff has also been having discussions with TxDOT regarding the Dallas-Fort Worth region’s allocations in the UTP and the efforts to determine carryover amounts from FY2017 and 2018. In July, the RTC authorized staff to make last minute funding updates to the 10-Year Plan based on ongoing conversations with TxDOT. The RTC also permitted staff to take advantage of negotiating opportunities to expedite already approved RTC projects using unobligated balances from other states. Electronic Item 4 includes the proposed project listing. Staff will request RTC approval of the final 10-Year Plan update. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ
Metropolitan Transportation Plan Policy Bundles and Transportation Development Credits Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Dan Lamers, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will brief the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) on results from the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) Policy Bundle survey, including the plan to distribute available Transportation Development Credits (TDC). The RTC will be asked to take action to approve the recommended TDC distribution for successful policy bundle participants. Background: Recommendations in Mobility 2045, the region’s current MTP, consist of policies, programs, and projects that reflect regional priorities and support Mobility 2045 goals. As construction of infrastructure projects alone cannot achieve the goals of Mobility 2045, a voluntary list of policies available for adoption by local agencies was designed to encourage the development of alternative, strategic solutions. By voluntarily adopting 50 percent of these policies, participating agencies are eligible to receive TDCs to offset local funds for federal transportation projects. MTP Policy Bundle applications have been completed and reviewed, and staff will present a recommendation for distributing TDCs to successful entities for Fiscal Year 2019. Electronic Item 5 includes a recommendation for TDC distribution for successful policy bundle participants. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ
Regional Transportation Council Bylaws Revision: Second and Final Reading Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Duncan Webb, Chair, RTC Bylaws Revision Subcommittee Item Summary: Recommendations for revision of the Regional Transportation Council’s (RTC) Bylaws and Operating Procedures will be presented for a second and final reading and approval. Background: The Bylaws Revision Subcommittee met over the last few months to discuss potential revisions to the RTC’s Bylaws and Operating Procedures. Proposed policy changes to the Bylaws include two adjustments to group representation, the addition of language related to county/city group alternate member appointments, modification of the month for appointment terms to begin for group representatives, a deadline for primary member notification of alternate member attendance at meetings, and recommended language that directs the Council to establish a policy for receipt of calls for project/funding initiative proposals to accommodate changes in technology over time. The Bylaws Revision Subcommittee voted unanimously to recommend the proposed Bylaws for Regional Transportation Council approval. The Subcommittee’s recommendations, which included both policy and administrative revisions, were presented to the full RTC at its July 12, 2018, meeting for a first reading. There were no proposed changes discussed at the meeting. A copy of the proposed Bylaws is provided in Electronic Item 6.1. Electronic Item 6.2 contains a presentation that summarizes the proposed revisions. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ
SH 161 Peak-Hour Shoulder-Use Lane: Texas Transportation Institute Before-After Study and Project Update Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Natalie Bettger, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide an overview of the before-after study for the SH 161 Peak-Hour Shoulder-Use Lane completed by the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) and provide updates on the ultimate project construction schedule and interim project completion. Background: In late 2013, TTI began before-after analysis on the SH 161 Peak-Hour Shoulder-Use Lane interim bottleneck relief project. This project was completed and opened in September 2015, with after-data being collected in 2016. TTI has released its final report on the performance of the Peak-Hour Shoulder-Use Lane and have presented to North Central Texas Council of Governments staff and the Regional Safety Advisory Council. A summary of the final report is provided in Electronic Item 7.1. The Peak-Hour Shoulder-Use Lane project will remain open until approximately December 2018 when the Texas Department of Transportation begins construction on the SH 161 ultimate section. Additional information is provided in Electronic Item 7.2. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ
Performance Measures Target Setting Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Dan Lamers, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will present an update regarding the schedule and process for Metropolitan Planning Organization adoption of federally required performance measure targets. The targets are set in cooperation and coordination with the Texas Department of Transportation and local transit providers. Staff will outline the process leading to adoption of all regional targets. Background: In December 2015, the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act) was signed into law. The FAST Act requires certain performance measures be included in the long-range metropolitan transportation planning process. These measures were established by a series of four rulemakings: Safety, Infrastructure Condition, System Performance/Freight/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality, and Transit Asset Management. Previously, the region adopted targets for the Transit Asset Management and Safety performance measures. Each performance measure rulemaking consists of several specific performance measures. Targets for these required specific performance measures must be adopted by the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) by November 15. In addition, the region will develop additional specific performance measures more representative of the region. The specific regional performance measures will more closely associate with the region’s long-range transportation planning goals as outlined in the recently adopted Mobility 2045 Plan. The process for adoption of targets will include a workshop for Surface Transportation Technical Committee members on August 24, 2018, with final targets presented to the RTC for action on November 8, 2018. Additional information is provided in Electronic Item 8. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ
Freight Safety Awareness Initiative Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Jeff Hathcock, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide information about the Freight Safety Awareness Initiative. Background: The purpose of the Freight Safety Awareness Initiative is to help create awareness for safe driving habits near large freight vehicles both on roadways and at railroad crossings. The initiative includes: web content, fact sheets, billboards, radio and print ads. The end goal is to make freight transportation safer and more efficient for both providers and the public. For additional information, please see the initiative’s website Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ
Public Participation Plan Update Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Amanda Wilson, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will present an overview of the Public Participation Plan and outline possible revisions, which are necessary to reflect Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act) requirements and changing demographics. Background: The current Public Participation Plan, provided in Electronic Item 10.1, was approved by the Regional Transportation Council in February 2015. In accordance with federal law, the Public Participation Plan defines public involvement procedures and comment periods, outlines strategies to inform the public, and describes measures to include diverse voices in the transportation and air quality planning process. The Language Assistance Plan is included as an appendix and will be updated to account for demographic changes. Other updates will address FAST Act stakeholder requirements and the increasing role of technology in public input opportunities. A 45-day comment period on an updated Public Participation Plan will begin with public meetings in September. A presentation containing additional information on the proposed revisions is included as Electronic Item 10.2. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ
Other Business (Old or New): This item provides an opportunity for members to bring items of interest before the group