Approval of April 12, 2018, Minutes Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 5 Presenter: Rob Franke, RTC Chair Item Summary: Approval of the April 12, 2018, minutes contained in Reference Item 1.1 will be requested. Background: N/A Approval of April 19, 2018, Minutes Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 5 Presenter: Rob Franke, RTC Chair Item Summary: Approval of the April 19, 2018, minutes contained in Reference Item 1.2 will be requested. Background: N/A
Consent Agenda Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 0 2.1. Metropolitan Planning Organization Planning Memorandum of Understanding Presenter: Ken Kirkpatrick, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that outlines public-sector responsibilities in carrying out the metropolitan transportation planning process and associated performance measures. Background: The metropolitan transportation planning regulations, under 23 CFR 450.314, require the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), the State, and providers of public transportation to develop an agreement that addresses two areas: 1) mutual responsibilities in carrying out the metropolitan transportation planning process, and 2) the development, sharing, selection, reporting, and tracking of transportation performance measures and associated data. The first element is a historical requirement. Electronic Item 2.1.1 is the previous planning MOU which has been used to satisfy the first element. The second element is a new requirement. The new MOU must be executed by May 27, 2018. The Federal Highway Administration has developed a form of an MOU for use by MPOs that addresses both the metropolitan planning process and performance measure responsibilities of the affected parties. Electronic Item 2.1.2 is the proposed MOU for RTC consideration. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ
Orientation to Agenda/Director of Transportation Report Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 15 Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG 1. Regional Transportation Council (RTC) Nominating Subcommittee Appointments (Chair Rob Franke) 2. RTC Member Representation at Events • B. Adam McGough and Lee M. Kleinman, April 18, 2018, Testimony at the House Transportation Committee Meeting • B. Adam McGough, April 26, 2018, Texas Transportation Commission (TTC) Meeting • RTC Chair Rob Franke, RTC Secretary Andy Eads, and Lee M. Kleinman, Meetings Directly with TTC Chairman J. Bruce Bugg, Jr. 3. Loyl Bussell, P.E., Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Fort Worth District Engineer 4. Kelly Selman, P.E., TxDOT Dallas District Engineer Retiring 5. Update on Progress with Texas Central Partners: High-Speed Rail between Houston and Dallas 6. RTC New Member Orientation Held April 12, 2018 7. TxDOT Support for IH 35W:3C and the DFW Connector Projects 8. SH 360 Tollway Opening Event, May 11, 2018, 10:00 am (Electronic Item 3.1) 9. Air Quality Funding Opportunities for Vehicles (Electronic Item 3.2) 10. Dallas-Fort Worth Clean Cities Events (Electronic Item 3.3) 11. Volkswagen Settlement Update (Electronic Item 3.4.1) and Electrify America Comments (Electronic Item 3.4.2) 12. Clean Air Action Day, June 22, 2018 (Electronic Item 3.5) 13. East/West Equity Update (Electronic Item 3.6) 14. Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Request for Proposals 15. Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development (BUILD) Discretionary Grant Program (Electronic Item 3.7) 16. April Public Meeting Minutes (Electronic Item 3.8) 17. May Public Meeting Notice (Electronic Item 3.9) 18. High-Occupancy Vehicle Subsidy (Electronic Item 3.10) 19. 2017-2018 CMAQ/STBG Funding Program: Strategic Partnerships (Round 2) (Electronic Item 3.11) 20. Autonomous Vehicle Showcase, See Agenda Item 11 21. Public Comments Report (Electronic Item 3.12) 22. Recent Correspondence (Electronic Item 3.13) 23. Recent News Articles (Electronic Item 3.14) 24. Recent Press Releases (Electronic Item 3.15) 25. Transportation Partners Progress Reports
SH 183 Scope in Irving (10-Year Plan) Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG Item Summary: With the Trinity Parkway no longer being included in Mobility 2045, the current Regional Transportation Council (RTC) desire to extend the tolled managed lanes east towards Dallas is no longer feasible. The City of Irving has requested the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Dallas District and the RTC select a more appropriate component to the SH 183 corridor. This item will reprioritize funding to a different location and potentially trade funds between categories to maximize region wide improvements. Background: The continuation of tolled managed lanes will be replaced with the construction of interchanges around the old Texas Stadium site. If approved, this would include interchanges at Loop 12 and SH 183, Loop 12 and SH 114, and SH 183 and SH 114. In December 2016, the RTC approved interim transportation funding for SH 183 and IH 635 East. Category 2 funds are better utilized on IH 635 East Phase 3 and Category 4 funds for the new interchanges on SH 183, Loop 12, and SH 114. In addition, the Texas Transportation Commission may be interested in placing its Category 12 funds on these interchange locations. This item will adjust the priorities in sequencing for the SH 183 project and give greater flexibility on how to fund IH 635 East Phase 3. It is anticipated that the dollar amount will be approximately $420 million. Electronic Item 4 indicates the locations of the three interchanges. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ
IH 635 East Phase 3: Partnership with the Texas Transportation Commission Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 20 Presenters: RTC Chair Rob Franke, Mayor, City of Cedar Hill; Michael Morris, NCTCOG Item Summary: Regional Transportation Council (RTC) members will be updated on the latest progress on IH 635 East Phase 3. Closing the funding gap and developing transparency have been previously accomplished. The remaining consensus item pertains to the alignment of the Texas Transportation Commission (TTC) and RTC on tolled managed lanes. Staff has met with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) staff in Austin, and TTC Chairman J. Bruce Bugg, Jr. met with a selected group of RTC members. Correspondence from Chairman Bugg is provided in Electronic Item 5.1. Action will be requested on a proposal to the Texas Transportation Commission that the IH 635 East project proceed to procurement from US 75 to and including the IH 30 Interchange. Action includes support of Electronic Item 5.2 (cover letter), Electronic Item 5.3 (resolution), and Electronic Item 5.4 (funding table) and direction that staff no longer pursue implementation of IH 635 East with the North Texas Tollway Authority. A press release is scheduled following the meeting. Background: Funding for IH 635 East has been discussed regularly over the past several months. RTC members and staff attended the January 25, 2018, TTC meeting to present the importance of the IH 635 East project proceeding to procurement. The following items lay out the recommendation to advance IH 635 East as soon as possible: • Electronic Item 5.1 contains correspondence from TTC Chairman Bugg (Attachment 1 of the resolution) • Electronic Item 5.2 contains the proposed cover letter from RTC Chair Rob Franke • Electronic Item 5.3 contains the proposed draft resolution • Electronic Item 5.4 contains the proposed draft funding table (Attachment 2 of the resolution) Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ
2019-2022 Transportation Improvement Program Final Listings Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Christie Gotti, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of the 2019-2022 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) project listings in Electronic Item 6.2 and the ability to amend the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) and other planning/administrative documents with TIP-related changes. If Agenda Item 5 is approved, the dollar amounts contained in Electronic Item 5.4 will be included in the 2019-2022 TIP. Background: A new TIP is developed every two years through a cooperative effort between the North Central Texas Council of Governments, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), local governments, and transportation authorities. The TIP is a staged, multi-year listing of transportation projects with committed funding from federal, State, and local sources within the Dallas-Fort Worth Metropolitan Area. Electronic Item 6.1 contains an overview of the TIP development process, scope of programming, and schedule. Electronic Item 6.2 contains the financially constrained project listings. Projects in FY2019-2022 will be included in the 2019-2022 TIP, and projects in FY2023 and later will be placed in the environmental clearance appendix of the TIP. The resolution contained in Electronic 6.3 affirms the RTC’s approval of the 2019-2022 TIP listings and will be used to transmit the document to TxDOT. On April 27, 2018, the Surface Transportation Technical Committee (STTC) recommended the 2019-2022 TIP for RTC approval. Since that approval, staff has continued to make minor revisions from the public, local agencies, and the TxDOT districts. As such, there may be changes to the individual project listings since STTC made its recommendation to approve the listings. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ
Tire Recycling Program Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Jenny Narvaez, NCTCOG Item Summary: The Dallas-Fort Worth region produces millions of tires that exceed their useful life. Staff will request Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval to add language for the Tire Recycling Program into Mobility 2045 in anticipation of inclusion into the next Metropolitan Transportation Plan Policy Bundle. On April 27, 2018, the Surface Transportation Technical Committee approved the proposed request. Background: During the March RTC meeting, the Council was briefed on incorporation of recycled tires into new products within the regional framework. Draft language describing the program has been added to Mobility 2045. Over the coming months, staff will work to engage the RTC to advance conversations with member governments for program implementation. An overview is provided in Electronic Item 7. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ
Regional Transportation Council Legislation and Finance Partnership – Committee of the Whole Meeting Follow-up and Legislative Update Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Jungus Jordan, Chair, Legislation and Finance Partnership – Committee of the Whole; Amanda Wilson, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide a recap of the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) Legislation and Finance Partnership – Committee of the Whole meeting. In addition, an update on federal and State legislative actions related to transportation and air quality issues affecting the Dallas-Fort Worth area will be presented. Staff will request RTC approval on the following items: • A letter supporting the work being completed by the State Comptroller’s Office on research related to transportation revenue impacts associated with increased electric vehicle use and potential legislation on the topic. • Support for the appropriation of the residual balance of previously collected LIRAP/LIP funds in the State Legislative Program. • Engage State officials by hosting a lunch/workshop for legislators or their staff on anticipated transportation issues in the legislature. • Advance communications with the Federal Railroad Administration’s Office of the Administrator by holding a workshop to discuss federal transportation issues and project leveraging. • Support for the continuation of the Department of Defense’s Office of Economic Adjustment and its importance in the North Texas region. Background: The RTC Legislation and Finance Partnership – Committee of the Whole are scheduled to meet prior to the RTC meeting. RTC members will discuss candidate federal and State legislative topics in advance of the upcoming legislative session and prior to the introduction of a new federal transportation authorization. The Texas Legislature is not in session but continues to hold hearings on interim committee charges. The 86th Texas Legislature will convene on January 8, 2019. The 2nd session of the 115th United States Congress convened on January 3, 2018. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ
Mobility 2045 Update and Associated Transportation Conformity Analysis Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 15 Presenters: Kevin Feldt and Jenny Narvaez, NCTCOG Item Summary: Work continues on the region’s next long-range transportation plan, Mobility 2045, and corresponding 2018 Transportation Conformity. Staff will present a brief overview of the progress to date and draft conformity analysis results. Staff will present information regarding: • Recent revisions • Public comments received • Schedule for completion The draft final document including: • Draft roadway recommendations • Arterial recommendations • Public transportation recommendations • Sustainable development recommendations • Non-motorized transportation recommendations • Transportation programs • Transportation policies The draft plan and the recommendations as identified graphically and in tabular format are available at Background: The last comprehensive update of the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) occurred in 2016 with the adoption of Mobility 2040. Staff has continued MTP development with a variety of efforts. The Clean Air Act (CAA) requires metropolitan planning organizations to perform an air quality analysis when a new metropolitan transportation plan is developed to ensure the multimodal transportation system complies with applicable Motor Vehicle Emission Budgets (MVEB) established for the region. Per the CAA, staff has conducted a successful analysis for the required MVEB analysis year (2018), the MTP horizon year (2045), and interim years (2020, 2028, and 2037). The RTC is expected to take final action on Mobility 2045 and 2018 Transportation Conformity in June 2018. Presentation material is provided in Electronic Item 9. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ
Air Quality Update Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Chris Klaus, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide updates on items that pertain to efforts in complying with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for ozone. Background: The 2018 ozone season began on March 1, 2018, and will continue through November 31, 2018, for the current 10-county nonattainment region. To assist in ozone awareness and communicate the many programs established by the Regional Transportation Council, staff has developed the Air Quality Handbook, Spring 2018. On February 18, 2018, the United States District Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit vacated the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) 2008 Ozone Implementation Rule which revoked the 1997 8-hour NAAQS for ozone. The EPA responded with a Petition for Panel Rehearing on April 23, 2018. If the court’s decision stands, potential impacts will include: reclassification to non-attainment under the 1-hour and 1997 8-hour NAAQS for ozone, State Implementation Plan requirements, and transportation conformity demonstrations. On April 30, 2018, the EPA classified nine counties (Collin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Johnson, Kaufman, Parker, Tarrant, and Wise) as “Marginal” non-attainment for the recent 2015 8-hour NAAQS for ozone (?70 ppb). Under this marginal classification, the region has until 2020 to reach attainment. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s letter to Governor Greg Abbott is provided as Electronic Item 10. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ
11. Automated Vehicle Deployment in the Region Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 5 Presenter: Thomas J. Bamonte, NCTCOG Item Summary: This briefing covers upcoming automated vehicle deployment within the region and other announcements related to the North Central Texas Council of Governments automated vehicle program. Background: One of the region’s first major deployments of self-driving vehicles takes place May 7 in Frisco. A regional showcase event is set for May 10 that includes demonstration rides and a panel discussion with an informal question and answer session at a reception afterwards. This event is the forerunner to the self-driving vehicle company’s six-month pilot program beginning later this summer. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ 15. Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Regional Transportation Council is scheduled for 1:00 pm, Thursday, June 14, 2018, at the North Central Texas Council of Governments.
Approval of April 12, 2018, Minutes Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 5 Presenter: Rob Franke, RTC Chair Item Summary: Approval of the April 12, 2018, minutes contained in Reference Item 1.1 will be requested. Background: N/A Approval of April 19, 2018, Minutes Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 5 Presenter: Rob Franke, RTC Chair Item Summary: Approval of the April 19, 2018, minutes contained in Reference Item 1.2 will be requested. Background: N/A
Consent Agenda Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 0 2.1. Metropolitan Planning Organization Planning Memorandum of Understanding Presenter: Ken Kirkpatrick, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that outlines public-sector responsibilities in carrying out the metropolitan transportation planning process and associated performance measures. Background: The metropolitan transportation planning regulations, under 23 CFR 450.314, require the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), the State, and providers of public transportation to develop an agreement that addresses two areas: 1) mutual responsibilities in carrying out the metropolitan transportation planning process, and 2) the development, sharing, selection, reporting, and tracking of transportation performance measures and associated data. The first element is a historical requirement. Electronic Item 2.1.1 is the previous planning MOU which has been used to satisfy the first element. The second element is a new requirement. The new MOU must be executed by May 27, 2018. The Federal Highway Administration has developed a form of an MOU for use by MPOs that addresses both the metropolitan planning process and performance measure responsibilities of the affected parties. Electronic Item 2.1.2 is the proposed MOU for RTC consideration. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ
Orientation to Agenda/Director of Transportation Report Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 15 Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG 1. Regional Transportation Council (RTC) Nominating Subcommittee Appointments (Chair Rob Franke) 2. RTC Member Representation at Events • B. Adam McGough and Lee M. Kleinman, April 18, 2018, Testimony at the House Transportation Committee Meeting • B. Adam McGough, April 26, 2018, Texas Transportation Commission (TTC) Meeting • RTC Chair Rob Franke, RTC Secretary Andy Eads, and Lee M. Kleinman, Meetings Directly with TTC Chairman J. Bruce Bugg, Jr. 3. Loyl Bussell, P.E., Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Fort Worth District Engineer 4. Kelly Selman, P.E., TxDOT Dallas District Engineer Retiring 5. Update on Progress with Texas Central Partners: High-Speed Rail between Houston and Dallas 6. RTC New Member Orientation Held April 12, 2018 7. TxDOT Support for IH 35W:3C and the DFW Connector Projects 8. SH 360 Tollway Opening Event, May 11, 2018, 10:00 am (Electronic Item 3.1) 9. Air Quality Funding Opportunities for Vehicles (Electronic Item 3.2) 10. Dallas-Fort Worth Clean Cities Events (Electronic Item 3.3) 11. Volkswagen Settlement Update (Electronic Item 3.4.1) and Electrify America Comments (Electronic Item 3.4.2) 12. Clean Air Action Day, June 22, 2018 (Electronic Item 3.5) 13. East/West Equity Update (Electronic Item 3.6) 14. Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Request for Proposals 15. Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development (BUILD) Discretionary Grant Program (Electronic Item 3.7) 16. April Public Meeting Minutes (Electronic Item 3.8) 17. May Public Meeting Notice (Electronic Item 3.9) 18. High-Occupancy Vehicle Subsidy (Electronic Item 3.10) 19. 2017-2018 CMAQ/STBG Funding Program: Strategic Partnerships (Round 2) (Electronic Item 3.11) 20. Autonomous Vehicle Showcase, See Agenda Item 11 21. Public Comments Report (Electronic Item 3.12) 22. Recent Correspondence (Electronic Item 3.13) 23. Recent News Articles (Electronic Item 3.14) 24. Recent Press Releases (Electronic Item 3.15) 25. Transportation Partners Progress Reports
SH 183 Scope in Irving (10-Year Plan) Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG Item Summary: With the Trinity Parkway no longer being included in Mobility 2045, the current Regional Transportation Council (RTC) desire to extend the tolled managed lanes east towards Dallas is no longer feasible. The City of Irving has requested the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Dallas District and the RTC select a more appropriate component to the SH 183 corridor. This item will reprioritize funding to a different location and potentially trade funds between categories to maximize region wide improvements. Background: The continuation of tolled managed lanes will be replaced with the construction of interchanges around the old Texas Stadium site. If approved, this would include interchanges at Loop 12 and SH 183, Loop 12 and SH 114, and SH 183 and SH 114. In December 2016, the RTC approved interim transportation funding for SH 183 and IH 635 East. Category 2 funds are better utilized on IH 635 East Phase 3 and Category 4 funds for the new interchanges on SH 183, Loop 12, and SH 114. In addition, the Texas Transportation Commission may be interested in placing its Category 12 funds on these interchange locations. This item will adjust the priorities in sequencing for the SH 183 project and give greater flexibility on how to fund IH 635 East Phase 3. It is anticipated that the dollar amount will be approximately $420 million. Electronic Item 4 indicates the locations of the three interchanges. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ
IH 635 East Phase 3: Partnership with the Texas Transportation Commission Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 20 Presenters: RTC Chair Rob Franke, Mayor, City of Cedar Hill; Michael Morris, NCTCOG Item Summary: Regional Transportation Council (RTC) members will be updated on the latest progress on IH 635 East Phase 3. Closing the funding gap and developing transparency have been previously accomplished. The remaining consensus item pertains to the alignment of the Texas Transportation Commission (TTC) and RTC on tolled managed lanes. Staff has met with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) staff in Austin, and TTC Chairman J. Bruce Bugg, Jr. met with a selected group of RTC members. Correspondence from Chairman Bugg is provided in Electronic Item 5.1. Action will be requested on a proposal to the Texas Transportation Commission that the IH 635 East project proceed to procurement from US 75 to and including the IH 30 Interchange. Action includes support of Electronic Item 5.2 (cover letter), Electronic Item 5.3 (resolution), and Electronic Item 5.4 (funding table) and direction that staff no longer pursue implementation of IH 635 East with the North Texas Tollway Authority. A press release is scheduled following the meeting. Background: Funding for IH 635 East has been discussed regularly over the past several months. RTC members and staff attended the January 25, 2018, TTC meeting to present the importance of the IH 635 East project proceeding to procurement. The following items lay out the recommendation to advance IH 635 East as soon as possible: • Electronic Item 5.1 contains correspondence from TTC Chairman Bugg (Attachment 1 of the resolution) • Electronic Item 5.2 contains the proposed cover letter from RTC Chair Rob Franke • Electronic Item 5.3 contains the proposed draft resolution • Electronic Item 5.4 contains the proposed draft funding table (Attachment 2 of the resolution) Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ
2019-2022 Transportation Improvement Program Final Listings Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Christie Gotti, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of the 2019-2022 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) project listings in Electronic Item 6.2 and the ability to amend the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) and other planning/administrative documents with TIP-related changes. If Agenda Item 5 is approved, the dollar amounts contained in Electronic Item 5.4 will be included in the 2019-2022 TIP. Background: A new TIP is developed every two years through a cooperative effort between the North Central Texas Council of Governments, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), local governments, and transportation authorities. The TIP is a staged, multi-year listing of transportation projects with committed funding from federal, State, and local sources within the Dallas-Fort Worth Metropolitan Area. Electronic Item 6.1 contains an overview of the TIP development process, scope of programming, and schedule. Electronic Item 6.2 contains the financially constrained project listings. Projects in FY2019-2022 will be included in the 2019-2022 TIP, and projects in FY2023 and later will be placed in the environmental clearance appendix of the TIP. The resolution contained in Electronic 6.3 affirms the RTC’s approval of the 2019-2022 TIP listings and will be used to transmit the document to TxDOT. On April 27, 2018, the Surface Transportation Technical Committee (STTC) recommended the 2019-2022 TIP for RTC approval. Since that approval, staff has continued to make minor revisions from the public, local agencies, and the TxDOT districts. As such, there may be changes to the individual project listings since STTC made its recommendation to approve the listings. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ
Tire Recycling Program Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Jenny Narvaez, NCTCOG Item Summary: The Dallas-Fort Worth region produces millions of tires that exceed their useful life. Staff will request Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval to add language for the Tire Recycling Program into Mobility 2045 in anticipation of inclusion into the next Metropolitan Transportation Plan Policy Bundle. On April 27, 2018, the Surface Transportation Technical Committee approved the proposed request. Background: During the March RTC meeting, the Council was briefed on incorporation of recycled tires into new products within the regional framework. Draft language describing the program has been added to Mobility 2045. Over the coming months, staff will work to engage the RTC to advance conversations with member governments for program implementation. An overview is provided in Electronic Item 7. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ
Regional Transportation Council Legislation and Finance Partnership – Committee of the Whole Meeting Follow-up and Legislative Update Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Jungus Jordan, Chair, Legislation and Finance Partnership – Committee of the Whole; Amanda Wilson, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide a recap of the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) Legislation and Finance Partnership – Committee of the Whole meeting. In addition, an update on federal and State legislative actions related to transportation and air quality issues affecting the Dallas-Fort Worth area will be presented. Staff will request RTC approval on the following items: • A letter supporting the work being completed by the State Comptroller’s Office on research related to transportation revenue impacts associated with increased electric vehicle use and potential legislation on the topic. • Support for the appropriation of the residual balance of previously collected LIRAP/LIP funds in the State Legislative Program. • Engage State officials by hosting a lunch/workshop for legislators or their staff on anticipated transportation issues in the legislature. • Advance communications with the Federal Railroad Administration’s Office of the Administrator by holding a workshop to discuss federal transportation issues and project leveraging. • Support for the continuation of the Department of Defense’s Office of Economic Adjustment and its importance in the North Texas region. Background: The RTC Legislation and Finance Partnership – Committee of the Whole are scheduled to meet prior to the RTC meeting. RTC members will discuss candidate federal and State legislative topics in advance of the upcoming legislative session and prior to the introduction of a new federal transportation authorization. The Texas Legislature is not in session but continues to hold hearings on interim committee charges. The 86th Texas Legislature will convene on January 8, 2019. The 2nd session of the 115th United States Congress convened on January 3, 2018. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ
Mobility 2045 Update and Associated Transportation Conformity Analysis Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 15 Presenters: Kevin Feldt and Jenny Narvaez, NCTCOG Item Summary: Work continues on the region’s next long-range transportation plan, Mobility 2045, and corresponding 2018 Transportation Conformity. Staff will present a brief overview of the progress to date and draft conformity analysis results. Staff will present information regarding: • Recent revisions • Public comments received • Schedule for completion The draft final document including: • Draft roadway recommendations • Arterial recommendations • Public transportation recommendations • Sustainable development recommendations • Non-motorized transportation recommendations • Transportation programs • Transportation policies The draft plan and the recommendations as identified graphically and in tabular format are available at Background: The last comprehensive update of the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) occurred in 2016 with the adoption of Mobility 2040. Staff has continued MTP development with a variety of efforts. The Clean Air Act (CAA) requires metropolitan planning organizations to perform an air quality analysis when a new metropolitan transportation plan is developed to ensure the multimodal transportation system complies with applicable Motor Vehicle Emission Budgets (MVEB) established for the region. Per the CAA, staff has conducted a successful analysis for the required MVEB analysis year (2018), the MTP horizon year (2045), and interim years (2020, 2028, and 2037). The RTC is expected to take final action on Mobility 2045 and 2018 Transportation Conformity in June 2018. Presentation material is provided in Electronic Item 9. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ
Air Quality Update Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Chris Klaus, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide updates on items that pertain to efforts in complying with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for ozone. Background: The 2018 ozone season began on March 1, 2018, and will continue through November 31, 2018, for the current 10-county nonattainment region. To assist in ozone awareness and communicate the many programs established by the Regional Transportation Council, staff has developed the Air Quality Handbook, Spring 2018. On February 18, 2018, the United States District Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit vacated the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) 2008 Ozone Implementation Rule which revoked the 1997 8-hour NAAQS for ozone. The EPA responded with a Petition for Panel Rehearing on April 23, 2018. If the court’s decision stands, potential impacts will include: reclassification to non-attainment under the 1-hour and 1997 8-hour NAAQS for ozone, State Implementation Plan requirements, and transportation conformity demonstrations. On April 30, 2018, the EPA classified nine counties (Collin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Johnson, Kaufman, Parker, Tarrant, and Wise) as “Marginal” non-attainment for the recent 2015 8-hour NAAQS for ozone (?70 ppb). Under this marginal classification, the region has until 2020 to reach attainment. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s letter to Governor Greg Abbott is provided as Electronic Item 10. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ
11. Automated Vehicle Deployment in the Region Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 5 Presenter: Thomas J. Bamonte, NCTCOG Item Summary: This briefing covers upcoming automated vehicle deployment within the region and other announcements related to the North Central Texas Council of Governments automated vehicle program. Background: One of the region’s first major deployments of self-driving vehicles takes place May 7 in Frisco. A regional showcase event is set for May 10 that includes demonstration rides and a panel discussion with an informal question and answer session at a reception afterwards. This event is the forerunner to the self-driving vehicle company’s six-month pilot program beginning later this summer. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Safety Pavement and Bridge Condition Transit Asset System Performance/Freight/CMAQ 15. Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Regional Transportation Council is scheduled for 1:00 pm, Thursday, June 14, 2018, at the North Central Texas Council of Governments.