1. IH 635 East Phase 3: Proposed Partnership Tolling Certain Hours of the Day [X] Action [] Possible Action [] Information Minutes: 90 Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff and Regional Transportation Council (RTC) Chair Rob Franke will update RTC members on the latest progress on IH 635 East Phase 3. Closing the funding gap and developing transparency have been accomplished. The remaining consensus item pertains to the tolled express lanes. Action will be requested on a proposal to the Texas Transportation Commission that the IH 635 East project proceed to procurement from US 75 to and including the IH 30 Interchange. Background: Funding for IH 635 East has been discussed regularly over the past several months. Regional Transportation Council (RTC) members and staff attended the January 25, 2018, Texas Transportation Commission meeting to present the importance of the IH 635 East project proceeding to procurement. The following items lay out the recommendation to advance IH 635 East as soon as possible: • Electronic Item 1.1 contains proposed correspondence and an RTC resolution outlining the RTC's action • Electronic Item 1.2 contains potential options to close the funding gap for the project • Electronic Item 1.3 identifies the legal/risk assessment for each option • Electronic Item 1.4 contains a graphic representation of the options • Electronic Item 1.5 contains a copy of RTC Policy P17-01 • Electronic Item 1.6 provides additional details and the specific recommendations • Electronic Item 1.7 is correspondence from the Governor of Texas This level of detail provides transparency into the process resulting in the recommendation contained in Electronic Item 1.1 and Electronic Item 1.6. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: [X] Safety [X] Pavement and Bridge Condition [X] Transit Asset [X] System Performance/Freight/CMAQ 2. Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Regional Transportation Council is scheduled for 1:00 pm, Thursday, May 10, 2018, at the North Central Texas Council of Governments.
1. IH 635 East Phase 3: Proposed Partnership Tolling Certain Hours of the Day [X] Action [] Possible Action [] Information Minutes: 90 Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff and Regional Transportation Council (RTC) Chair Rob Franke will update RTC members on the latest progress on IH 635 East Phase 3. Closing the funding gap and developing transparency have been accomplished. The remaining consensus item pertains to the tolled express lanes. Action will be requested on a proposal to the Texas Transportation Commission that the IH 635 East project proceed to procurement from US 75 to and including the IH 30 Interchange. Background: Funding for IH 635 East has been discussed regularly over the past several months. Regional Transportation Council (RTC) members and staff attended the January 25, 2018, Texas Transportation Commission meeting to present the importance of the IH 635 East project proceeding to procurement. The following items lay out the recommendation to advance IH 635 East as soon as possible: • Electronic Item 1.1 contains proposed correspondence and an RTC resolution outlining the RTC's action • Electronic Item 1.2 contains potential options to close the funding gap for the project • Electronic Item 1.3 identifies the legal/risk assessment for each option • Electronic Item 1.4 contains a graphic representation of the options • Electronic Item 1.5 contains a copy of RTC Policy P17-01 • Electronic Item 1.6 provides additional details and the specific recommendations • Electronic Item 1.7 is correspondence from the Governor of Texas This level of detail provides transparency into the process resulting in the recommendation contained in Electronic Item 1.1 and Electronic Item 1.6. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: [X] Safety [X] Pavement and Bridge Condition [X] Transit Asset [X] System Performance/Freight/CMAQ 2. Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Regional Transportation Council is scheduled for 1:00 pm, Thursday, May 10, 2018, at the North Central Texas Council of Governments.