Approval of May 11, 2017, Minutes Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 5 Presenter: Ron Jensen, RTC Chair Item Summary: Approval of the May 11, 2017, minutes contained in Reference Item 1 will be requested. Background: N/A
Orientation to Agenda/Director of Transportation Report Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 15 Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG 1. Recognition of Members for Years of Service on the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) Matthew Marchant, City of Carrollton, 9 years Maher Maso, City of Frisco, 9 years Bruce Arfsten, Town of Addison, 5 years 2. Recognition of Carrie Rogers, Former Assistant Director of Government Affairs, North Texas Tollway Authority 3. RTC Member Representation at Events RTC Chair Ron Jensen, Grand Prairie ISD Board Meeting, May 11, 2017, Presentation of Awards to the Winners of the Progress North Texas Art Contest 4. Air Quality Funding Opportunities for Vehicles (Electronic Item 3.1) 5. Traffic Signal Data Sharing Program (Electronic Item 3.2.1) and Waze/511DFW Data Sharing Program (Electronic Item 3.2.2) Funding Opportunities 6. Ozone Season Update (Electronic Item 3.3) 7. Clean Air Action Day Reminder, June 23, 2017 (Electronic Item 3.4) 8. Southern Transportation and Air Quality Summit Reminder, August 29-30, 2017 (Electronic Item 3.5) 9. May Public Meeting Minutes (Electronic Item 3.6) 10. June Public Meeting Notice (Electronic Item 3.7) 11. Progress North Texas (Electronic Item 3.8 and Handout) 12. Recent Correspondence (Electronic Item 3.9) 13. Recent News Articles (Electronic Item 3.10) 14. Recent Press Releases (Electronic Item 3.11) 15. Recent News Coverage of Regional Transportation Progress (May 1-21) (Electronic Item 3.12) WFAA Channel 8-Week of May 1 NBC 5 Gridlocked Series-Week of May 15 16. Transportation Partners Progress Reports
Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program Project Selection Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Kevin Kokes, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide information regarding the Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program (TA Set-Aside) applications received and evaluation process. A recommendation of projects to select for funding will also be provided and Regional Transportation Council (RTC) action requested. Background: The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) opened a Call for Projects on December 12, 2016, with the option of additional funds to be added. Applications were due on February 24, 2017. Projects eligible for funding included active transportation (pedestrian and bicycle) and Safe Routes to Schools projects that will substantially improve safety and the ability for students to walk and bicycle to school. The RTC previously approved the eligible and ineligible project types and a methodology for project evaluation screens and scoring. Electronic Item 4.1 provides additional information on project scoring. Reference Item 4.2 reflects NCTCOG staff's project recommendations. Electronic Item 4.3 contains public comments on the Dallas Road Transit-Oriented Development Corridor/Cotton Belt Trail Extension project.
Metropolitan Transportation Plan Policy Bundles, Transportation Development Credits, and Early Partnerships Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenters: Michael Morris and Adam Beckom, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will brief the Council on results from the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) Policy Bundle survey, including the plan to distribute available Transportation Development Credits (TDCs). The Council will also be asked to take action on a proposed partnership with the City of Dallas involving use of the City’s TDC allocation for construction of the IH 35E deck plaza. Background: Recommendations in Mobility 2040, the region’s current MTP, consist of policies, programs, and projects that reflect regional priorities and support Mobility 2040 goals. As construction of infrastructure projects alone cannot achieve the goals of Mobility 2040, a voluntary list of policies available for adoption by local agencies was designed to encourage the development of alternative, strategic solutions. By voluntarily adopting 50 percent of these policies, participating agencies are slated to receive TDCs to offset local funds for federal transportation projects. MTP Policy Bundle applications have been completed and reviewed, and staff will present a recommendation for distributing TDCs to successful entities. The City of Dallas is one of several agencies in the region that qualify for TDCs under this program. Utilization of its TDC allocation is urgently needed as a funding solution for the deck plaza over IH 35E from Marsalis Avenue to Ewing Avenue. The larger Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) project to reconstruct IH 35E provides the City of Dallas an opportunity to improve neighborhood and community connectivity with the deck plaza. The Regional Transportation Council previously approved up to $40 million to help the City of Dallas fund the deck plaza. This funding requires a 20 percent local match from the City. In April 2017, the Texas Transportation Commission approved the best value proposer for the IH 35E reconstruction project. TxDOT intends to sign a contract with the proposer by July 2017. For the deck plaza, or portions of the deck plaza (e.g., foundations, abutments) to be included in the larger reconstruction project, the City of Dallas must commit funding to the project by June 2017. Reference Item 5 includes a recommendation for TDC distribution for successful policy bundle participants and for a funding partnership to aid Dallas in responding to TxDOT regarding its local commitment to the deck plaza.
Toll Cost Associated with IH 30 Closure Detour Route Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 5 Presenter: Natalie Bettger, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will seek approval to use Regional Transportation Council (RTC) local funds to pay the North Texas Tollway Authority (NTTA) toll costs associated with the Interstate Highway (IH) 30 closure detour route. Background: Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), North Texas Tollway Authority, local cities, and North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) staffs have been working to make arrangements for the IH 30 full closures anticipated to start in the fall of 2017. As part of this effort, NCTCOG staff has been working to identify a detour route, develop a plan to notify motorists to avoid the area, coordinate with cities to retime traffic signals, and determine how best to utilize parallel facilities. Based on the detour identified, a portion of NTTA’s President George Bush Turnpike (PGBT) could be utilized. NCTCOG has reached out to NTTA to request a cost estimate to set the toll rate on PGBT to $0 for the portion of the detour from IH 30 to State Highway 180/Division/Main. NTTA has estimated the cost to be approximately $4,200 per weekend. TxDOT anticipates this closure will be needed for six weekends throughout the project. NCTCOG is proposing to seek RTC approval for $50,000 in RTC local funds to pay for this effort. The amount is more than anticipated due to the possibility of an increased usage of the toll roads or more weekend closures than expected. NCTCOG staff estimates the $50,000 would cover ten closures at $5,000 per weekend. After seeking RTC approval, NCTCOG will work on the development of an agreement between NTTA and NCTCOG to pay for this effort. More information is provided in Reference Item 6.
Legislative Update Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenters: Amanda Wilson and Michael Morris, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide an update on federal and State legislative actions related to transportation and air quality issues affecting the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Background: The first session of the 115th United States (US) Congress convened on January 3, 2017, and the Texas Legislature was in session from January 10, 2017, through May 29, 2017. Transportation and air quality issues are a focus for both the US Congress and Texas Legislature. Several topics will be highlighted, including possible inconsistencies between how the Texas Legislature wishes to fund transportation projects and how the Trump Administration intends to move forward.
2045 Demographics/North Central Texas Council of Governments Population 2:05 Estimates Follow Up Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenters: Dan Kessler, NCTCOG and Tim Barbee, Research and Information Services, NCTCOG Item Summary: North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) staff will provide additional information regarding the recent development of the NCTCOG 2017 Population Estimates and the ongoing development of demographic forecasts for the year 2045. Background: At the May 11, 2017, Regional Transportation Council (RTC) meeting, the RTC was provided an update regarding the recently released NCTCOG 2017 Population Estimates and the ongoing process to develop demographic forecasts for the year 2045 to be used in support of the Mobility 2045 transportation plan. A copy of the presentation from the May 11 RTC meeting is provided in Electronic Item 8. As a result of the presentation, there was discussion regarding the methodology used to prepare the 2017 Population Estimates and how these estimates relate to other estimates done by the United States Census and other third parties. Staff will provide additional information regarding the current population estimate approach used by NCTCOG. In addition, RTC members requested clarification on other demographic-related items including how population estimates by various entities may have an impact on formula-based State and federal funding allocations to the region. Additional information on this issue will also be provided.
Proposed for Funding through the 2017-2018 CMAQ/STBG Funding Program Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenters: Vickie Alexander and Adam Beckom, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will present a summary on the development of the proposed FY2018 and FY2019 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP), including studies proposed for funding through the 2017-2018 Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) and Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBG) Funding Program. Background: North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) staff, in cooperation with local governments and transportation agencies, is currently developing the draft FY2018 and FY2019 UPWP. This document identifies NCTCOG staff work activities to be performed between October 1, 2017, and September 30, 2019. In coordination with the UPWP development, staff has identified studies proposed for funding under the Planning and Other Studies portion of the Regional Transportation Council’s 2017-2018 CMAQ/STBG Funding Program. The list of individual projects proposed for funding under this Program are provided in Electronic Item 9. Prior to the June RTC meeting, a draft copy of the UPWP document will be provided to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for review and comment. Upon submittal to TxDOT, a copy of this draft will be available online for Regional Transportation Council (RTC) review at RTC action on the UPWP and proposed studies under the 2017-2018 CMAQ/STBG Funding Program will be sought at the July meeting. The final document is due to the Texas Department of Transportation by August 1, 2017.
Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program/Surface Transportation Block Grant Program: Transit Program Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Adam Beckom, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will brief the Council on the proposed list of projects to fund under the Transit Program in 2017-2018 through the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) and Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBG) Funding Program. Background: In April 2017, staff introduced the process to select projects using CMAQ and STBG funding through several funding programs. After coordination with partnering agencies, projects have been identified to fund through the Transit Program. Details of the proposed projects, funding, and timing will be presented at the meeting, and the presentation is provided in Electronic Item 10.1. A draft list of transit projects and funding amounts received to date is provided in Electronic Item 10.2.
Summary of the Multimodal/Intermodal/High-Speed Rail/Freight Subcommittee Meeting Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 15 Presenters: Rob Franke, Multimodal/Intermodal/High-Speed Rail/Freight Subcommittee Chair and Mayor, City of Cedar Hill Michael Morris and Kevin Feldt, NCTCOG Item Summary: An overview of the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) Multimodal/Intermodal/High-Speed Rail/Freight Subcommittee meeting held prior to the RTC meeting will be presented. In addition, staff will provide an update on recent progress regarding high-speed rail initiatives for the Dallas-Fort Worth region, including staff efforts to advance the initiatives. Staff will also provide recommendations from three station area planning efforts, and North Central Texas Council of Governments efforts to analyze potential alignment alternatives will be presented. Background: Electronic Item 11 is the Subcommittee’s meeting agenda.
Election of Regional Transportation Council Officers Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 5 Presenter: Jungus Jordan, Nominating Subcommittee Chair and Councilmember, City of Fort Worth Item Summary: Approval of Regional Transportation Council (RTC) officers for the next 12-month period will be requested. Background: According to the RTC Bylaws and Operating Procedures, the officers of RTC are elected to serve for a term of one year. The Nominating Subcommittee is charged with providing a slate of officers to the full Council for consideration in June of each year. The Nominating Subcommittee is tasked with confirming that the current Vice Chair and Secretary should move up to the office of Chair and Vice Chair, respectively, and nominate a new Secretary. The Nominating Subcommittee, in its deliberations, shall address issues of diversity, including sensitivity to gender, ethnicity, and geography in its recommendations. Officers shall be elected public officials appointed by and from the governing body of the member government. The slate of officers shall reflect leadership in rough proportion to the revenue distribution between the Eastern and Western Subregions. This will not be measured on a year-to-year basis, but will be aggregated over longer periods of time.
13. Progress Reports Action Possible Action Information Item Summary: Progress Reports are provided in the items below. RTC Attendance (Reference Item 13.1) STTC Attendance and Minutes (Electronic Item 13.2) Local Motion (Electronic Item 13.3) 14. Other Business (Old or New): This item provides an opportunity for members to bring items of interest before the group. 15. Future Agenda Items: This item provides an opportunity for members to bring items of future interest before the Council. 16. Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Regional Transportation Council is scheduled for 1:00 pm, Thursday, July 13, 2017, at the North Central Texas Council of Governments.
Approval of May 11, 2017, Minutes Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 5 Presenter: Ron Jensen, RTC Chair Item Summary: Approval of the May 11, 2017, minutes contained in Reference Item 1 will be requested. Background: N/A
Orientation to Agenda/Director of Transportation Report Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 15 Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG 1. Recognition of Members for Years of Service on the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) Matthew Marchant, City of Carrollton, 9 years Maher Maso, City of Frisco, 9 years Bruce Arfsten, Town of Addison, 5 years 2. Recognition of Carrie Rogers, Former Assistant Director of Government Affairs, North Texas Tollway Authority 3. RTC Member Representation at Events RTC Chair Ron Jensen, Grand Prairie ISD Board Meeting, May 11, 2017, Presentation of Awards to the Winners of the Progress North Texas Art Contest 4. Air Quality Funding Opportunities for Vehicles (Electronic Item 3.1) 5. Traffic Signal Data Sharing Program (Electronic Item 3.2.1) and Waze/511DFW Data Sharing Program (Electronic Item 3.2.2) Funding Opportunities 6. Ozone Season Update (Electronic Item 3.3) 7. Clean Air Action Day Reminder, June 23, 2017 (Electronic Item 3.4) 8. Southern Transportation and Air Quality Summit Reminder, August 29-30, 2017 (Electronic Item 3.5) 9. May Public Meeting Minutes (Electronic Item 3.6) 10. June Public Meeting Notice (Electronic Item 3.7) 11. Progress North Texas (Electronic Item 3.8 and Handout) 12. Recent Correspondence (Electronic Item 3.9) 13. Recent News Articles (Electronic Item 3.10) 14. Recent Press Releases (Electronic Item 3.11) 15. Recent News Coverage of Regional Transportation Progress (May 1-21) (Electronic Item 3.12) WFAA Channel 8-Week of May 1 NBC 5 Gridlocked Series-Week of May 15 16. Transportation Partners Progress Reports
Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program Project Selection Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Kevin Kokes, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide information regarding the Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program (TA Set-Aside) applications received and evaluation process. A recommendation of projects to select for funding will also be provided and Regional Transportation Council (RTC) action requested. Background: The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) opened a Call for Projects on December 12, 2016, with the option of additional funds to be added. Applications were due on February 24, 2017. Projects eligible for funding included active transportation (pedestrian and bicycle) and Safe Routes to Schools projects that will substantially improve safety and the ability for students to walk and bicycle to school. The RTC previously approved the eligible and ineligible project types and a methodology for project evaluation screens and scoring. Electronic Item 4.1 provides additional information on project scoring. Reference Item 4.2 reflects NCTCOG staff's project recommendations. Electronic Item 4.3 contains public comments on the Dallas Road Transit-Oriented Development Corridor/Cotton Belt Trail Extension project.
Metropolitan Transportation Plan Policy Bundles, Transportation Development Credits, and Early Partnerships Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenters: Michael Morris and Adam Beckom, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will brief the Council on results from the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) Policy Bundle survey, including the plan to distribute available Transportation Development Credits (TDCs). The Council will also be asked to take action on a proposed partnership with the City of Dallas involving use of the City’s TDC allocation for construction of the IH 35E deck plaza. Background: Recommendations in Mobility 2040, the region’s current MTP, consist of policies, programs, and projects that reflect regional priorities and support Mobility 2040 goals. As construction of infrastructure projects alone cannot achieve the goals of Mobility 2040, a voluntary list of policies available for adoption by local agencies was designed to encourage the development of alternative, strategic solutions. By voluntarily adopting 50 percent of these policies, participating agencies are slated to receive TDCs to offset local funds for federal transportation projects. MTP Policy Bundle applications have been completed and reviewed, and staff will present a recommendation for distributing TDCs to successful entities. The City of Dallas is one of several agencies in the region that qualify for TDCs under this program. Utilization of its TDC allocation is urgently needed as a funding solution for the deck plaza over IH 35E from Marsalis Avenue to Ewing Avenue. The larger Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) project to reconstruct IH 35E provides the City of Dallas an opportunity to improve neighborhood and community connectivity with the deck plaza. The Regional Transportation Council previously approved up to $40 million to help the City of Dallas fund the deck plaza. This funding requires a 20 percent local match from the City. In April 2017, the Texas Transportation Commission approved the best value proposer for the IH 35E reconstruction project. TxDOT intends to sign a contract with the proposer by July 2017. For the deck plaza, or portions of the deck plaza (e.g., foundations, abutments) to be included in the larger reconstruction project, the City of Dallas must commit funding to the project by June 2017. Reference Item 5 includes a recommendation for TDC distribution for successful policy bundle participants and for a funding partnership to aid Dallas in responding to TxDOT regarding its local commitment to the deck plaza.
Toll Cost Associated with IH 30 Closure Detour Route Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 5 Presenter: Natalie Bettger, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will seek approval to use Regional Transportation Council (RTC) local funds to pay the North Texas Tollway Authority (NTTA) toll costs associated with the Interstate Highway (IH) 30 closure detour route. Background: Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), North Texas Tollway Authority, local cities, and North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) staffs have been working to make arrangements for the IH 30 full closures anticipated to start in the fall of 2017. As part of this effort, NCTCOG staff has been working to identify a detour route, develop a plan to notify motorists to avoid the area, coordinate with cities to retime traffic signals, and determine how best to utilize parallel facilities. Based on the detour identified, a portion of NTTA’s President George Bush Turnpike (PGBT) could be utilized. NCTCOG has reached out to NTTA to request a cost estimate to set the toll rate on PGBT to $0 for the portion of the detour from IH 30 to State Highway 180/Division/Main. NTTA has estimated the cost to be approximately $4,200 per weekend. TxDOT anticipates this closure will be needed for six weekends throughout the project. NCTCOG is proposing to seek RTC approval for $50,000 in RTC local funds to pay for this effort. The amount is more than anticipated due to the possibility of an increased usage of the toll roads or more weekend closures than expected. NCTCOG staff estimates the $50,000 would cover ten closures at $5,000 per weekend. After seeking RTC approval, NCTCOG will work on the development of an agreement between NTTA and NCTCOG to pay for this effort. More information is provided in Reference Item 6.
Legislative Update Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenters: Amanda Wilson and Michael Morris, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide an update on federal and State legislative actions related to transportation and air quality issues affecting the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Background: The first session of the 115th United States (US) Congress convened on January 3, 2017, and the Texas Legislature was in session from January 10, 2017, through May 29, 2017. Transportation and air quality issues are a focus for both the US Congress and Texas Legislature. Several topics will be highlighted, including possible inconsistencies between how the Texas Legislature wishes to fund transportation projects and how the Trump Administration intends to move forward.
2045 Demographics/North Central Texas Council of Governments Population 2:05 Estimates Follow Up Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenters: Dan Kessler, NCTCOG and Tim Barbee, Research and Information Services, NCTCOG Item Summary: North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) staff will provide additional information regarding the recent development of the NCTCOG 2017 Population Estimates and the ongoing development of demographic forecasts for the year 2045. Background: At the May 11, 2017, Regional Transportation Council (RTC) meeting, the RTC was provided an update regarding the recently released NCTCOG 2017 Population Estimates and the ongoing process to develop demographic forecasts for the year 2045 to be used in support of the Mobility 2045 transportation plan. A copy of the presentation from the May 11 RTC meeting is provided in Electronic Item 8. As a result of the presentation, there was discussion regarding the methodology used to prepare the 2017 Population Estimates and how these estimates relate to other estimates done by the United States Census and other third parties. Staff will provide additional information regarding the current population estimate approach used by NCTCOG. In addition, RTC members requested clarification on other demographic-related items including how population estimates by various entities may have an impact on formula-based State and federal funding allocations to the region. Additional information on this issue will also be provided.
Proposed for Funding through the 2017-2018 CMAQ/STBG Funding Program Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenters: Vickie Alexander and Adam Beckom, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will present a summary on the development of the proposed FY2018 and FY2019 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP), including studies proposed for funding through the 2017-2018 Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) and Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBG) Funding Program. Background: North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) staff, in cooperation with local governments and transportation agencies, is currently developing the draft FY2018 and FY2019 UPWP. This document identifies NCTCOG staff work activities to be performed between October 1, 2017, and September 30, 2019. In coordination with the UPWP development, staff has identified studies proposed for funding under the Planning and Other Studies portion of the Regional Transportation Council’s 2017-2018 CMAQ/STBG Funding Program. The list of individual projects proposed for funding under this Program are provided in Electronic Item 9. Prior to the June RTC meeting, a draft copy of the UPWP document will be provided to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for review and comment. Upon submittal to TxDOT, a copy of this draft will be available online for Regional Transportation Council (RTC) review at RTC action on the UPWP and proposed studies under the 2017-2018 CMAQ/STBG Funding Program will be sought at the July meeting. The final document is due to the Texas Department of Transportation by August 1, 2017.
Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program/Surface Transportation Block Grant Program: Transit Program Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Adam Beckom, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will brief the Council on the proposed list of projects to fund under the Transit Program in 2017-2018 through the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) and Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBG) Funding Program. Background: In April 2017, staff introduced the process to select projects using CMAQ and STBG funding through several funding programs. After coordination with partnering agencies, projects have been identified to fund through the Transit Program. Details of the proposed projects, funding, and timing will be presented at the meeting, and the presentation is provided in Electronic Item 10.1. A draft list of transit projects and funding amounts received to date is provided in Electronic Item 10.2.
Summary of the Multimodal/Intermodal/High-Speed Rail/Freight Subcommittee Meeting Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 15 Presenters: Rob Franke, Multimodal/Intermodal/High-Speed Rail/Freight Subcommittee Chair and Mayor, City of Cedar Hill Michael Morris and Kevin Feldt, NCTCOG Item Summary: An overview of the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) Multimodal/Intermodal/High-Speed Rail/Freight Subcommittee meeting held prior to the RTC meeting will be presented. In addition, staff will provide an update on recent progress regarding high-speed rail initiatives for the Dallas-Fort Worth region, including staff efforts to advance the initiatives. Staff will also provide recommendations from three station area planning efforts, and North Central Texas Council of Governments efforts to analyze potential alignment alternatives will be presented. Background: Electronic Item 11 is the Subcommittee’s meeting agenda.
Election of Regional Transportation Council Officers Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 5 Presenter: Jungus Jordan, Nominating Subcommittee Chair and Councilmember, City of Fort Worth Item Summary: Approval of Regional Transportation Council (RTC) officers for the next 12-month period will be requested. Background: According to the RTC Bylaws and Operating Procedures, the officers of RTC are elected to serve for a term of one year. The Nominating Subcommittee is charged with providing a slate of officers to the full Council for consideration in June of each year. The Nominating Subcommittee is tasked with confirming that the current Vice Chair and Secretary should move up to the office of Chair and Vice Chair, respectively, and nominate a new Secretary. The Nominating Subcommittee, in its deliberations, shall address issues of diversity, including sensitivity to gender, ethnicity, and geography in its recommendations. Officers shall be elected public officials appointed by and from the governing body of the member government. The slate of officers shall reflect leadership in rough proportion to the revenue distribution between the Eastern and Western Subregions. This will not be measured on a year-to-year basis, but will be aggregated over longer periods of time.
13. Progress Reports Action Possible Action Information Item Summary: Progress Reports are provided in the items below. RTC Attendance (Reference Item 13.1) STTC Attendance and Minutes (Electronic Item 13.2) Local Motion (Electronic Item 13.3) 14. Other Business (Old or New): This item provides an opportunity for members to bring items of interest before the group. 15. Future Agenda Items: This item provides an opportunity for members to bring items of future interest before the Council. 16. Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Regional Transportation Council is scheduled for 1:00 pm, Thursday, July 13, 2017, at the North Central Texas Council of Governments.