Transportation Improvement Program Modifications Presenter: Ken Bunkley, NCTCOG Item Summary: Regional Transportation Council (RTC) ratification of a revision to modification number 2015- 0723 (Revised) from the May 2016 Revision Cycle will be requested. A revision to modification number 2015-0723 (Revised) is provided as Reference Item 2.1 for the Council’s consideration. Through this modification, Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 Surface Transportation Program-Metropolitan Mobility (STP-MM) funding was added to the project being implemented by Dallas Area Rapid Transit to Develop and Implement a 511 Traveler Information System in Dallas. This funding was initially approved by the RTC on April 14, 2016, with the funding shares split 80 percent federal and 20 percent local. At the request of the funding partners, the funding for this project needed to be revised to reflect a funding share split of 80 percent federal, 10 percent State, and 10 percent local, to be consistent with current FY2016 funding. Therefore, staff determined that the best course of action was to submit the revised funding share to the State to expedite project implementation and to bring back the funding share change for RTC ratification. This modification has been reviewed for consistency with the mobility plan, the air quality conformity determination, and financial constraint of the Mobility Plan.
Orientation to Agenda/Director of Transportation Report Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG 1. China Academy of Transportation Sciences/Regional Transportation Council (RTC) Partnership in Support of the United States Department of Transportation 2. Upcoming High-Speed Rail June 20, 2016, Industry Forum (Item 9) 3. Recognition of Chris Burkett, Assistant City Manager, City of Mansfield 4. Updated of Audio/Visual Technology in the Transportation Council Room 5. Air Quality Funding Opportunities for Vehicles (Electronic Item 3.1) 6. Ozone Season Update and Clean Air Action Day, June 24, 2016 (Electronic Item 3.2) 7. Dallas-Fort Worth Clean Cities Annual Report Results (Electronic Item 3.3) 8. National Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations Conference in Fort Worth, October 25-28, 2016 (Electronic Item 3.4) 9. McKinney's Request for the RTC to be a Direct Recipient (Electronic Item 3.5) 10. June Public Meeting Notice (Electronic Item 3.6) 11.Progress North Texas (Handout) 12. Recent Correspondence (Electronic Item 3.7) 13.Recent News Articles (Electronic Item 3.8) 14.Recent Press Releases (Electronic Item 3.9) 15. Transportation Partners Progress Reports
2016 Transportation Conformity Reconfirmation Presenter: Chris Klaus, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) reconfirm approval of the 2016 Transportation Conformity results, including incorporation of the recent transportation control measure (TCM) substitution. Background: In March, the RTC approved the 2016 Transportation Conformity with the request that staff conduct a TCM substitution concurrently during the conformity interagency consultation review. Concurrence on the TCM substitution process, adopted by the RTC on May 12, 2016, is complete. The Environmental Protection Agency and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has submitted final concurrence on the TCM substitution provided in Electronic Item 4.1 and Electronic Item 4.2, respectively. A reconfirmation of the previous conformity approval will allow for a United States Department of Transportation conformity determination to be granted. Upon the determination, initiatives in Mobility 2040 may proceed. Additional details are provided in Reference Item 4.3.
High-Speed Rail Texas Central Partners Memorandum of Understanding Presenters: Kevin Feldt and Michael Morris, NCTCOG RTC Subcommittee Chair Rob Franke Item Summary: Staff will provide an overview for a proposed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Texas Central Partners (TCP) and various local government entities, including the Regional Transportation Council (RTC). The discussion will include recommendations from the Multimodal/Intermodal/High-Speed Rail/Freight Subcommittee. Background: The proposed resolution and MOU between TCP and the RTC is provided as Reference Item 5.1 for the Council’s consideration. NCTCOG staff continues to coordinate with project partners to ensure the efforts are consistent with all adopted RTC high-speed rail policies and with all transportation partners, consultants, and the public to ensure successful high-speed rail service implementation. The proposed MOU would allow NCTCOG staff and TCP staff to continue supporting all high-speed rail projects in North Texas. The proposed MOU will adhere to the descriptive core messages of each entity; verbal and written support for each project; support for planning an interconnected high-speed rail system; and support separate but complimentary projects. NCTCOG staff will continue to serve as the RTC liaison for regional highspeed rail efforts. A high-speed rail fact sheet is included for the Council’s information as Electronic Item 5.2.
City of Colleyville Request for Regional Transportation Council Reconsideration and Public Referendum Request Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG Item Summary: The Regional Transportation Council (RTC) took action last month to implement a short-term loan to maintain the construction schedule of the passenger rail line from downtown Fort Worth to the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. The City of Colleyville passed a resolution for RTC reconsideration and/or request for a public referendum. Background: Reference Item 6.1 contains a copy of the Colleyville City Council resolution form May 17, 2016. Electronic Item 6.2 is a white paper developed by NCTCOG in 2015. This white paper on rail transit will be updated for the upcoming legislative session. Electronic Item 6.3 is a 50-year history within the Dallas-Fort Worth region on how the private and public sectors have requested passenger rail to be part of broader policy questions. Section 5 of the Colleyville resolution requests that "RTC reconsider the TEX Rail project and/or put the project up for a public referendum in the November 2016 general election. The City of Colleyville requested and received a quiet zone for the rail facility in question. This item for possible action is for the RTC to consider the City of Colleyville's request.
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Goal Updates Presenter: Ken Kirkpatrick, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide a summary of the current Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program and proposed DBE Participation Goal for FY2017-FY2019. Background: The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) is required by the Federal Transit Administration to revisit its DBE Participation Goal every three years. The current DBE Participation Goal is valid until September 30, 2016. Staff has developed a schedule to meet this deadline that also encourages and provides opportunity for public participation and comment. The updated DBE goals are anticipated to be presented to the Regional Transportation Council and NCTCOG Executive Board for approval in August 2016. Electronic Item 7 includes additional details.
Status of the Current CDA Managed Lanes: Preliminary Performance of the LBJ and NTE Tolled Managed Lanes Presenters: Dan Lamers and Amanda Wilson, NCTCOG
Upcoming High-Speed Rail June 20, 2016, Industry Forum Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG Item Summary: An industry forum will be held on Monday, June 20, 2016, at 1:30-3:30 pm with firms potentially interested in proposing a high speed rail project in the Dallas-Fort Worth region. This meeting is in response to the Federal Railroad Administration and US Department of Transportation through a request for proposals. Information on regional plans and policies, status of environmental documents, and data available will be presented at the forum. Electronic Item 9 is an invitation letter to the industry forum. Background: On March 16, 2016, the Federal Railroad Administration and the US Department of Transportation issued a notice of request for proposals for projects for the financing, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of a high speed passenger rail system operating within a high speed rail corridor. The Dallas-Fort Worth region has been working for several years to bring high speed rail to, from and within the region. This Federal Register notice presents an opportunity for the private sector to bring innovation and experience from across the globe to advance high speed rail in this region or others throughout the country.
Regional Safety Performance Report Presenter: Natalie Bettger, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide an update on items included in the 2015 Safety Program Performance Measures report. Background: The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) Safety Program Performance Measures Report provides an annual report on the performance of various NCTCOG safety programs, projects, and statistics such as regional crash and fatality data, top 10 contributing factors for regional crashes, county-level crash rates, Freeway Incident Management (FIM) and Photogrammetry training statistics, and Mobility Assistance Patrol Program statistics that occurred in 2015. Also Included in the performance report are updates on the Wrong-Way Driving (WWD) Mitigation Pilot Project, and bicycle and pedestrian safety efforts throughout the region. The 2015 NCTCOG Safety Performance Measures Report is included in Electronic Item 10.
Election of Regional Transportation Council Officers Presenter: Mike Cantrell, Nominating Subcommittee Chair and Commissioner, Dallas County Item Summary: Approval of Regional Transportation Council (RTC) officers for the next 12-month period will be requested. Background: According to the RTC Bylaws and Operating Procedures, the officers of RTC are elected to serve for a term of one year. The Nominating Subcommittee is charged with providing a slate of officers to the full Council for consideration in June of each year. The Nominating Subcommittee is tasked with confirming that the current Vice Chair and Secretary should move up to the office of Chair and Vice Chair, respectively, and nominate a new Secretary. The Nominating Subcommittee, in its deliberations, shall address issues of diversity, including sensitivity to gender, ethnicity, and geography in its recommendations. Officers shall be elected public officials appointed by and from the governing body of the member government. The slate of officers shall reflect leadership in rough proportion to the revenue distribution between the Eastern and Western Subregions. This will not be measured on a year-to-year basis, but will be aggregated over longer periods of time.
NCTCOG 50th Anniversary Video Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG Item Summary: The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) is 50 years old this year. An in-house video has been developed highlighting the Transportation Department of NCTCOG. Background: May was selected as Transportation Department month at the May 26, 2016, Executive Board meeting in celebration of NCTCOG's 50th anniversary. A presentation and video was made to the Board. The presentation will be highlighted for the benefit of the Regional Transportation Council.
13. Progress Reports Item Summary: Progress Reports are provided in the items below. • RTC Attendance (Reference Item 13.1) • STTC Minutes and Attendance (Electronic Item 13.2) • Local Motion (Electronic Item 13.3) 14. Other Business (Old or New): This item provides an opportunity for members to bring items of interest before the group. 15. Future Agenda Items: This item provides an opportunity for members to bring items of future interest before the Council. 16. Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Regional Transportation Council is scheduled for 1:00 pm, Thursday, July 14, 2016, at the North Central Texas Council of Governments.
Transportation Improvement Program Modifications Presenter: Ken Bunkley, NCTCOG Item Summary: Regional Transportation Council (RTC) ratification of a revision to modification number 2015- 0723 (Revised) from the May 2016 Revision Cycle will be requested. A revision to modification number 2015-0723 (Revised) is provided as Reference Item 2.1 for the Council’s consideration. Through this modification, Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 Surface Transportation Program-Metropolitan Mobility (STP-MM) funding was added to the project being implemented by Dallas Area Rapid Transit to Develop and Implement a 511 Traveler Information System in Dallas. This funding was initially approved by the RTC on April 14, 2016, with the funding shares split 80 percent federal and 20 percent local. At the request of the funding partners, the funding for this project needed to be revised to reflect a funding share split of 80 percent federal, 10 percent State, and 10 percent local, to be consistent with current FY2016 funding. Therefore, staff determined that the best course of action was to submit the revised funding share to the State to expedite project implementation and to bring back the funding share change for RTC ratification. This modification has been reviewed for consistency with the mobility plan, the air quality conformity determination, and financial constraint of the Mobility Plan.
Orientation to Agenda/Director of Transportation Report Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG 1. China Academy of Transportation Sciences/Regional Transportation Council (RTC) Partnership in Support of the United States Department of Transportation 2. Upcoming High-Speed Rail June 20, 2016, Industry Forum (Item 9) 3. Recognition of Chris Burkett, Assistant City Manager, City of Mansfield 4. Updated of Audio/Visual Technology in the Transportation Council Room 5. Air Quality Funding Opportunities for Vehicles (Electronic Item 3.1) 6. Ozone Season Update and Clean Air Action Day, June 24, 2016 (Electronic Item 3.2) 7. Dallas-Fort Worth Clean Cities Annual Report Results (Electronic Item 3.3) 8. National Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations Conference in Fort Worth, October 25-28, 2016 (Electronic Item 3.4) 9. McKinney's Request for the RTC to be a Direct Recipient (Electronic Item 3.5) 10. June Public Meeting Notice (Electronic Item 3.6) 11.Progress North Texas (Handout) 12. Recent Correspondence (Electronic Item 3.7) 13.Recent News Articles (Electronic Item 3.8) 14.Recent Press Releases (Electronic Item 3.9) 15. Transportation Partners Progress Reports
2016 Transportation Conformity Reconfirmation Presenter: Chris Klaus, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) reconfirm approval of the 2016 Transportation Conformity results, including incorporation of the recent transportation control measure (TCM) substitution. Background: In March, the RTC approved the 2016 Transportation Conformity with the request that staff conduct a TCM substitution concurrently during the conformity interagency consultation review. Concurrence on the TCM substitution process, adopted by the RTC on May 12, 2016, is complete. The Environmental Protection Agency and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has submitted final concurrence on the TCM substitution provided in Electronic Item 4.1 and Electronic Item 4.2, respectively. A reconfirmation of the previous conformity approval will allow for a United States Department of Transportation conformity determination to be granted. Upon the determination, initiatives in Mobility 2040 may proceed. Additional details are provided in Reference Item 4.3.
High-Speed Rail Texas Central Partners Memorandum of Understanding Presenters: Kevin Feldt and Michael Morris, NCTCOG RTC Subcommittee Chair Rob Franke Item Summary: Staff will provide an overview for a proposed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Texas Central Partners (TCP) and various local government entities, including the Regional Transportation Council (RTC). The discussion will include recommendations from the Multimodal/Intermodal/High-Speed Rail/Freight Subcommittee. Background: The proposed resolution and MOU between TCP and the RTC is provided as Reference Item 5.1 for the Council’s consideration. NCTCOG staff continues to coordinate with project partners to ensure the efforts are consistent with all adopted RTC high-speed rail policies and with all transportation partners, consultants, and the public to ensure successful high-speed rail service implementation. The proposed MOU would allow NCTCOG staff and TCP staff to continue supporting all high-speed rail projects in North Texas. The proposed MOU will adhere to the descriptive core messages of each entity; verbal and written support for each project; support for planning an interconnected high-speed rail system; and support separate but complimentary projects. NCTCOG staff will continue to serve as the RTC liaison for regional highspeed rail efforts. A high-speed rail fact sheet is included for the Council’s information as Electronic Item 5.2.
City of Colleyville Request for Regional Transportation Council Reconsideration and Public Referendum Request Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG Item Summary: The Regional Transportation Council (RTC) took action last month to implement a short-term loan to maintain the construction schedule of the passenger rail line from downtown Fort Worth to the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. The City of Colleyville passed a resolution for RTC reconsideration and/or request for a public referendum. Background: Reference Item 6.1 contains a copy of the Colleyville City Council resolution form May 17, 2016. Electronic Item 6.2 is a white paper developed by NCTCOG in 2015. This white paper on rail transit will be updated for the upcoming legislative session. Electronic Item 6.3 is a 50-year history within the Dallas-Fort Worth region on how the private and public sectors have requested passenger rail to be part of broader policy questions. Section 5 of the Colleyville resolution requests that "RTC reconsider the TEX Rail project and/or put the project up for a public referendum in the November 2016 general election. The City of Colleyville requested and received a quiet zone for the rail facility in question. This item for possible action is for the RTC to consider the City of Colleyville's request.
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Goal Updates Presenter: Ken Kirkpatrick, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide a summary of the current Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program and proposed DBE Participation Goal for FY2017-FY2019. Background: The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) is required by the Federal Transit Administration to revisit its DBE Participation Goal every three years. The current DBE Participation Goal is valid until September 30, 2016. Staff has developed a schedule to meet this deadline that also encourages and provides opportunity for public participation and comment. The updated DBE goals are anticipated to be presented to the Regional Transportation Council and NCTCOG Executive Board for approval in August 2016. Electronic Item 7 includes additional details.
Status of the Current CDA Managed Lanes: Preliminary Performance of the LBJ and NTE Tolled Managed Lanes Presenters: Dan Lamers and Amanda Wilson, NCTCOG
Upcoming High-Speed Rail June 20, 2016, Industry Forum Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG Item Summary: An industry forum will be held on Monday, June 20, 2016, at 1:30-3:30 pm with firms potentially interested in proposing a high speed rail project in the Dallas-Fort Worth region. This meeting is in response to the Federal Railroad Administration and US Department of Transportation through a request for proposals. Information on regional plans and policies, status of environmental documents, and data available will be presented at the forum. Electronic Item 9 is an invitation letter to the industry forum. Background: On March 16, 2016, the Federal Railroad Administration and the US Department of Transportation issued a notice of request for proposals for projects for the financing, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of a high speed passenger rail system operating within a high speed rail corridor. The Dallas-Fort Worth region has been working for several years to bring high speed rail to, from and within the region. This Federal Register notice presents an opportunity for the private sector to bring innovation and experience from across the globe to advance high speed rail in this region or others throughout the country.
Regional Safety Performance Report Presenter: Natalie Bettger, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide an update on items included in the 2015 Safety Program Performance Measures report. Background: The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) Safety Program Performance Measures Report provides an annual report on the performance of various NCTCOG safety programs, projects, and statistics such as regional crash and fatality data, top 10 contributing factors for regional crashes, county-level crash rates, Freeway Incident Management (FIM) and Photogrammetry training statistics, and Mobility Assistance Patrol Program statistics that occurred in 2015. Also Included in the performance report are updates on the Wrong-Way Driving (WWD) Mitigation Pilot Project, and bicycle and pedestrian safety efforts throughout the region. The 2015 NCTCOG Safety Performance Measures Report is included in Electronic Item 10.
Election of Regional Transportation Council Officers Presenter: Mike Cantrell, Nominating Subcommittee Chair and Commissioner, Dallas County Item Summary: Approval of Regional Transportation Council (RTC) officers for the next 12-month period will be requested. Background: According to the RTC Bylaws and Operating Procedures, the officers of RTC are elected to serve for a term of one year. The Nominating Subcommittee is charged with providing a slate of officers to the full Council for consideration in June of each year. The Nominating Subcommittee is tasked with confirming that the current Vice Chair and Secretary should move up to the office of Chair and Vice Chair, respectively, and nominate a new Secretary. The Nominating Subcommittee, in its deliberations, shall address issues of diversity, including sensitivity to gender, ethnicity, and geography in its recommendations. Officers shall be elected public officials appointed by and from the governing body of the member government. The slate of officers shall reflect leadership in rough proportion to the revenue distribution between the Eastern and Western Subregions. This will not be measured on a year-to-year basis, but will be aggregated over longer periods of time.
NCTCOG 50th Anniversary Video Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG Item Summary: The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) is 50 years old this year. An in-house video has been developed highlighting the Transportation Department of NCTCOG. Background: May was selected as Transportation Department month at the May 26, 2016, Executive Board meeting in celebration of NCTCOG's 50th anniversary. A presentation and video was made to the Board. The presentation will be highlighted for the benefit of the Regional Transportation Council.
13. Progress Reports Item Summary: Progress Reports are provided in the items below. • RTC Attendance (Reference Item 13.1) • STTC Minutes and Attendance (Electronic Item 13.2) • Local Motion (Electronic Item 13.3) 14. Other Business (Old or New): This item provides an opportunity for members to bring items of interest before the group. 15. Future Agenda Items: This item provides an opportunity for members to bring items of future interest before the Council. 16. Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Regional Transportation Council is scheduled for 1:00 pm, Thursday, July 14, 2016, at the North Central Texas Council of Governments.