Approval of February 11, 2016, Minutes Presenter: Mark Riley, RTC Chair Item Summary: Approval of the February 11, 2016, minutes contained in Reference Item 1 will be requested. Background: N/A
2.1. Lawsuits Against Volkswagen Group of America, Inc., Audi of America, LLC, and Porsche Cars of North America Presenters: Chris Klaus and Ken Kirkpatrick, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval to submit correspondence to the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) and Texas Attorney General (AG) related to emission test-cheat devices installed in certain Volkswagen, Audi, and Porsche diesel vehicles. Background: Late last year, certain 2.0 liter and 3.0 liter diesel engines in Volkswagen, Audi, and Porsche vehicle models were identified to have emissions test-cheat devices allowing tailpipe emissions up to 40 times the legal level of nitrogen oxides (NOX). In response to these findings, both the Texas AG and the United States DOJ have separately filed lawsuits against the auto manufacturers. Elsewhere in Texas, Harris County filed a separate suit for actions related to Harris County. Reference Item 2.1.1 is correspondence to the United States DOJ and Texas AG requesting if any settlement funds are awarded as a result of the lawsuits against Volkswagen, Audi, and Porsche, these funds be dispersed to nonattainment regions for air quality projects and/or programs. Last month, the Surface Transportation Technical Committee took action supporting the RTC transmit the correspondence to the United States DOJ and Texas AG. Additional information is provided in Electronic 2.2. Final Action Regarding the Texas Department of Transportation Congestion Relief Program Presenter: Christie Gotti, NCTCOG Item Summary: Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of final changes to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Congestion Relief Partnership with the RTC is requested. Background: In February 2016, the Texas Transportation Commission (TTC) approved statewide funding of $1.3 billion for partnerships with metropolitan areas of the State for congestion projects. The Dallas-Fort Worth region’s share of the total funding is $163.8 million for the western subregion and $364 million for the eastern subregion, or $527.8 million total. Through this agenda item, staff requests RTC action on changes to specific projects resulting from the larger dollar amount as shown in Reference Item 2.2. Associated adjustments to the region’s east/west equity are included in a later agenda item (see Electronic Item 3.4).2.2. Final Action Regarding the Texas Department of Transportation Congestion Relief Program Presenter: Christie Gotti, NCTCOG Item Summary: Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of final changes to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Congestion Relief Partnership with the RTC is requested. Background: In February 2016, the Texas Transportation Commission (TTC) approved statewide funding of $1.3 billion for partnerships with metropolitan areas of the State for congestion projects. The Dallas-Fort Worth region’s share of the total funding is $163.8 million for the western subregion and $364 million for the eastern subregion, or $527.8 million total. Through this agenda item, staff requests RTC action on changes to specific projects resulting from the larger dollar amount as shown in Reference Item 2.2. Associated adjustments to the region’s east/west equity are included in a later agenda item (see Electronic Item 3.4). 2.3. Clean Fleets North Texas 2015 Call for Projects Funding Recommendations Presenter: Shannon Stevenson, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request Regional Transportation Council approval of funding recommendations for the Clean Fleets North Texas 2015 Call for Projects (CFP). Background: The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) opened the Clean Fleets North Texas 2015 CFP to provide approximately $2.5 million in grant funds for fleet projects in North Central Texas. Applications were accepted from August 2015 through October 2015. Staff has completed review and emissions quantification of the proposed projects and developed recommendations regarding projects to be funded. This CFP is funded through the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Supplemental Environmental Project program. This initiative is an extension of clean vehicle efforts listed as weight-of-evidence in the Dallas-Fort Worth 2010 Eight-Hour Attainment Demonstration document. Last month, the Surface Transportation Technical Committee took action to recommend funding for the Clean Fleets North Texas CFP. Electronic Item 2.3.1 provides an overview of the call for projects. Additional detail is available in Reference Item 2.3.2. 2.4. Approval of Personal Services Agreement for Transit Planning and Programming Assistance Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG Item Summary: Jessie Huddleston, Transportation Program Manager for Regional Transit Coordination and Operations, has moved her family outside the region. Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of a one-year personal services agreement with Ms. Huddleston for an amount not to exceed $60,000 is requested. Background: The North Central Texas Council of Governments Transportation Director has identified a business need to extend a personal services agreement to assist the Regional Transportation Council in the performance of its triennial review with the Federal Transit Administration and upcoming transit developments within the region.
Orientation to Agenda/Director of Transportation Report Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG 1. Earth Day: North Texas Tollway Authority Thank You 2. Jessie Huddleston's Departure 3. Legislation and Finance Partnership Subcommittee Follow Up: Chair Jungus Jordan (Electronic Item 3.1) 4. 2016 Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery VIII Call for Projects: Deadline April 14, 2016 (Electronic Item 3.2) 5. United States Department of Transportation Requests Applications for the $800 Million New FASTLANE Grant Program: Deadline April 14, 2016 (Electronic Item 3.3) 6. East/West Equity Update (Electronic Item 3.4) 7. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Update (Electronic Item 3.5) and Completion of the $885 Million (Electronic Item 3.6) 8. First Responder Alternative Fuel Vehicles Trainings (Electronic Item 3.7) 9. Air Quality Funding Opportunities for Vehicles (Electronic Item 3.8) 10.February Public Meeting Minutes (Electronic Item 3.9) 11.March Public Meeting Notice (Electronic Item 3.10) 12.Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act Fact Sheet (Electronic Item 3.11) 13.Recent Correspondence (Electronic Item 3.12) 14.Recent News Articles (Electronic Item 3.13) 15.Recent Press Releases (Electronic Item 3.14) 16.Transportation Partners Progress Reports
Mobility 2040, 2016 Transportation Conformity, and 2015-2018 Transportation Improvement Program Projects Affected by Mobility 2040 Presenters: Chad McKeown and Chris Klaus, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of a resolution adopting Mobility 2040 and the corresponding 2016 Transportation Conformity results. A copy of the resolution is provided in Reference Item 4.1. Final Plan recommendations and air quality conformity analysis results are summarized in Electronic Item 4.2. The Mobility 2040 document is available for review in Electronic Item 4.3. Impacts to the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)/Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) affected by Mobility 2040 will also be discussed. This action includes: Adoption of Mobility 2040 Adoption of 2016 Transportation Conformity results Inclusion of the RTC Policy Bundle in Mobility 2040 Inclusion of the RTC Policy Position on the Cotton Belt corridor in Mobility 2040 Provision for Transportation Improvement Program projects impacted by Mobility 2040 Background: One of the primary responsibilities of the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is the development and maintenance of a Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). The last comprehensive update of the MTP occurred in 2011 with the adoption of Mobility 2035. Since then, Mobility 2035 has gone through two revisions: an update in 2013 and an amendment in 2014, along with two successful Conformity determinations. Work has been underway since early 2015 on the development of a new MTP, Mobility 2040. This Plan reassesses existing recommendations and includes new demographics, financial forecasts, and planning initiatives. Mobility 2040 also seeks to achieve transportation goals through policies that complement infrastructure development. This effort includes the RTC Policy Bundle, a voluntary initiative to encourage local cities, counties, and transportation providers to enact measures that enhance the region’s maturing transportation system. The policies are identified in Electronic Item 4.4. Additional policy development has occurred in parallel with Mobility 2040. This includes a policy to expedite project delivery on the Cotton Belt corridor. If the Cotton Belt corridor cannot be advanced, the policy outlines a plan to review other implementation options. This policy is outlined in Reference Item 4.5. Scope, timing, and funding changes in Mobility 2040 will impact a subset of projects in the 2015-2018 TIP/STIP. Projects that are impacted by changes in Mobility 2040 are provided in Electronic Item 4.6 for the Council’s information. All impacted projects will be amended in the 2017-2020 TIP. Due to the region’s ozone nonattainment status, MPOs must perform a transportation conformity analysis to ensure the MTP will not cause any new violations of the air quality standard, increase the frequency or severity of violations of the standard, or delay timely attainment of the standard. The Transportation Conformity document is available for review in Electronic Item 4.7.
Recommendation for Revenue Sharing on the Y Connection Being Constructed within the IH 35E/IH 635 Interchange Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG Item Summary: The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has requested Regional Transportation Council (RTC) staff facilitate a resolution of the revenue sharing between TxDOT and the LBJ Infrastructure Group associated with the increase in revenues to the LBJ Project due to the IH 35E/IH 635 “Y Connection.” Staff is requesting an RTC resolution approving the principles to guide staff in facilitating a fair revenue sharing position. Background: As part of the IH 35E Project, the RTC recommended and TxDOT exercised an option to construct the Y Connection (sometimes referred to as the Wishbone Connection) that connects the IH 35E managed lanes through the IH 35E/IH 635 Interchange. The Y Connection is designed to allow IH 35E/LP 12 managed lane users to continue through the IH 35E/IH 635 Interchange on a continuous managed lane facility as opposed to exiting the managed lanes, mixing with general purpose traffic through the interchange, and reentering the managed lanes after the interchange. The Y Connection increases revenue to the LBJ Project and the LBJ Comprehensive Development Agreement provides for the allocation of increased revenue on such projects. TxDOT is requesting RTC staff assist TxDOT and the LBJ Infrastructure Group in facilitating a fair revenue sharing position. Electronic Item 5.1 is a map showing the location of the Y Connection. Reference Item 5.2 is a draft resolution.
Federal Transit Administration Direct Recipient Status for the McKinney Urbanized Area Presenters: Michael Morris and Sarah Chadderdon, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request Regional Transportation Council concurrence of the North Central Texas Council of Governments serving as the direct recipient for Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds in the McKinney Urbanized Area (UZA). Background: The FTA has specific roles and responsibilities for allocating and receiving federal funds in small urban areas, like the McKinney UZA. Direct recipients of FTA funds decide how transit services get provided, ensure that service complies with State and federal rules, and drawdown available funding from FTA directly. The City of McKinney considered filling this role, but has indicated it does not wish to pursue it at this time. It is staff’s recommendation to have the North Central Texas Council of Governments serve as the direct recipient for the McKinney UZA in order to keep the $2.6 million annual federal allocation generated by the residents of the McKinney UZA from being redistributed to other small urban areas across the State. Details are provided in Reference Item 6.
High-Occupancy Vehicle Subsidy Report and Modification to Toll Managed Lane Policy Presenter: Dan Lamers, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide an update to the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) on the most recent managed lane performance report and will request the RTC modify the Toll Managed Lane Policy to extend the date for implementation of the 3+ requirement to receive the peak period high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) discount. Background: As part of the adoption of the Toll Managed Lane and High-Occupancy Vehicle/Express Managed Lane policies, the RTC requires regular reports provided by the Texas Department of Transportation regarding the amount expended for the HOV subsidy on the comprehensive development agreement managed lane facilities, as well as the North Texas Tollway Authority customer service demands. Staff will present an overview of the performance of operational managed lanes in the region. In addition, the RTC’s Toll Managed Lane Policy requires that the occupancy level required to be eligible to receive the peak period HOV discount be increased from 2+ to 3+ on or before June 1, 2016. As the amount expended to date has been less than anticipated, staff is recommending that the implementation of the 3+ requirement be postponed until June 1, 2018, or sooner if expenditure levels increase faster than now expected.
DFW Connector Pilot Study Update Presenter: Ken Kirkpatrick, NCTCOG Item Summary: The Regional Transportation Council will be briefed on the status of the DFW Connector Pilot Program related to pay-by-mail surcharges. Background: The DFW Connector Pilot Project was initiated with the commencement of tolls on the project in July 2015. The pilot seeks to test whether increasing the pay-by-mail toll surcharge will offset the toll collection risk associated with users of the managed lanes who do not have toll tags. Lessons learned in the pilot could be applied to the IH 35W managed lanes, when open, in order to reduce the toll collection risk that the Texas Department of Transportation has in that corridor.
Project Milestone Policy Update Presenter: Christie Gotti, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will brief the Council on the latest developments regarding the Project Milestone Policy. Background: In June 2015, the Regional Transportation Council approved the Project Milestone Policy that focused on reviewing projects that were selected ten or more years ago. The policy will remove low-priority projects from the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)/Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and leave funding capacity for higher-priority projects that are ready to proceed to implementation within the current TIP/STIP. Since November 2015, staff has been working with local implementing agencies to assess the status of projects. Electronic Item 9.1 contains the preliminary findings from the review of projects identified through the Project Milestone Policy. Additional information is provided in Electronic Item 9.2.
Try Parking It Web Site Relaunch and Employer Trip Reduction Program Presenter: Natalie Bettger, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will present information on the newly relaunched Web site and provide an update on the Regional Employer Trip Reduction (ETR) Program. Background: The NCTCOG TDM Program focuses on implementing alternative forms of transportation that assist in the reduction of drive alone vehicle trips on regional roadways in North Central Texas. The Try Parking It Web site and the Regional Employer Trip Reduction Program are major components of the TDM Program., the region’s commuter tracking and ride-matching Web site, was originally launched in 2006 and was updated in 2010 with a ride-matching component that allowed commuters to locate both carpool and vanpool matches throughout the region. In December 2015, was relaunched as a hosted Web site with more modern functionality and with the addition of transit, biking, and walking matches/mentors; multi-modal trip logging; and an integrated rewards system. The ETR Program has also recently undergone a change in the implementation of the Program. 11. Progress Reports Item Summary: Progress Reports are provided in the items below. RTC Attendance (Reference Item 11.1) STTC Minutes and Attendance (Electronic Item 11.2) Local Motion (Electronic Item 11.3) 12. Other Business (Old or New): This item provides an opportunity for members to bring items of interest before the group. 13. Future Agenda Items: This item provides an opportunity for members to bring items of future interest before the Council. 14. Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Regional Transportation Council is scheduled for 1:00 pm, Thursday, April 14, 2016, at the North Central Texas Council of Governments.
Approval of February 11, 2016, Minutes Presenter: Mark Riley, RTC Chair Item Summary: Approval of the February 11, 2016, minutes contained in Reference Item 1 will be requested. Background: N/A
2.1. Lawsuits Against Volkswagen Group of America, Inc., Audi of America, LLC, and Porsche Cars of North America Presenters: Chris Klaus and Ken Kirkpatrick, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval to submit correspondence to the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) and Texas Attorney General (AG) related to emission test-cheat devices installed in certain Volkswagen, Audi, and Porsche diesel vehicles. Background: Late last year, certain 2.0 liter and 3.0 liter diesel engines in Volkswagen, Audi, and Porsche vehicle models were identified to have emissions test-cheat devices allowing tailpipe emissions up to 40 times the legal level of nitrogen oxides (NOX). In response to these findings, both the Texas AG and the United States DOJ have separately filed lawsuits against the auto manufacturers. Elsewhere in Texas, Harris County filed a separate suit for actions related to Harris County. Reference Item 2.1.1 is correspondence to the United States DOJ and Texas AG requesting if any settlement funds are awarded as a result of the lawsuits against Volkswagen, Audi, and Porsche, these funds be dispersed to nonattainment regions for air quality projects and/or programs. Last month, the Surface Transportation Technical Committee took action supporting the RTC transmit the correspondence to the United States DOJ and Texas AG. Additional information is provided in Electronic 2.2. Final Action Regarding the Texas Department of Transportation Congestion Relief Program Presenter: Christie Gotti, NCTCOG Item Summary: Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of final changes to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Congestion Relief Partnership with the RTC is requested. Background: In February 2016, the Texas Transportation Commission (TTC) approved statewide funding of $1.3 billion for partnerships with metropolitan areas of the State for congestion projects. The Dallas-Fort Worth region’s share of the total funding is $163.8 million for the western subregion and $364 million for the eastern subregion, or $527.8 million total. Through this agenda item, staff requests RTC action on changes to specific projects resulting from the larger dollar amount as shown in Reference Item 2.2. Associated adjustments to the region’s east/west equity are included in a later agenda item (see Electronic Item 3.4).2.2. Final Action Regarding the Texas Department of Transportation Congestion Relief Program Presenter: Christie Gotti, NCTCOG Item Summary: Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of final changes to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Congestion Relief Partnership with the RTC is requested. Background: In February 2016, the Texas Transportation Commission (TTC) approved statewide funding of $1.3 billion for partnerships with metropolitan areas of the State for congestion projects. The Dallas-Fort Worth region’s share of the total funding is $163.8 million for the western subregion and $364 million for the eastern subregion, or $527.8 million total. Through this agenda item, staff requests RTC action on changes to specific projects resulting from the larger dollar amount as shown in Reference Item 2.2. Associated adjustments to the region’s east/west equity are included in a later agenda item (see Electronic Item 3.4). 2.3. Clean Fleets North Texas 2015 Call for Projects Funding Recommendations Presenter: Shannon Stevenson, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request Regional Transportation Council approval of funding recommendations for the Clean Fleets North Texas 2015 Call for Projects (CFP). Background: The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) opened the Clean Fleets North Texas 2015 CFP to provide approximately $2.5 million in grant funds for fleet projects in North Central Texas. Applications were accepted from August 2015 through October 2015. Staff has completed review and emissions quantification of the proposed projects and developed recommendations regarding projects to be funded. This CFP is funded through the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Supplemental Environmental Project program. This initiative is an extension of clean vehicle efforts listed as weight-of-evidence in the Dallas-Fort Worth 2010 Eight-Hour Attainment Demonstration document. Last month, the Surface Transportation Technical Committee took action to recommend funding for the Clean Fleets North Texas CFP. Electronic Item 2.3.1 provides an overview of the call for projects. Additional detail is available in Reference Item 2.3.2. 2.4. Approval of Personal Services Agreement for Transit Planning and Programming Assistance Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG Item Summary: Jessie Huddleston, Transportation Program Manager for Regional Transit Coordination and Operations, has moved her family outside the region. Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of a one-year personal services agreement with Ms. Huddleston for an amount not to exceed $60,000 is requested. Background: The North Central Texas Council of Governments Transportation Director has identified a business need to extend a personal services agreement to assist the Regional Transportation Council in the performance of its triennial review with the Federal Transit Administration and upcoming transit developments within the region.
Orientation to Agenda/Director of Transportation Report Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG 1. Earth Day: North Texas Tollway Authority Thank You 2. Jessie Huddleston's Departure 3. Legislation and Finance Partnership Subcommittee Follow Up: Chair Jungus Jordan (Electronic Item 3.1) 4. 2016 Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery VIII Call for Projects: Deadline April 14, 2016 (Electronic Item 3.2) 5. United States Department of Transportation Requests Applications for the $800 Million New FASTLANE Grant Program: Deadline April 14, 2016 (Electronic Item 3.3) 6. East/West Equity Update (Electronic Item 3.4) 7. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Update (Electronic Item 3.5) and Completion of the $885 Million (Electronic Item 3.6) 8. First Responder Alternative Fuel Vehicles Trainings (Electronic Item 3.7) 9. Air Quality Funding Opportunities for Vehicles (Electronic Item 3.8) 10.February Public Meeting Minutes (Electronic Item 3.9) 11.March Public Meeting Notice (Electronic Item 3.10) 12.Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act Fact Sheet (Electronic Item 3.11) 13.Recent Correspondence (Electronic Item 3.12) 14.Recent News Articles (Electronic Item 3.13) 15.Recent Press Releases (Electronic Item 3.14) 16.Transportation Partners Progress Reports
Mobility 2040, 2016 Transportation Conformity, and 2015-2018 Transportation Improvement Program Projects Affected by Mobility 2040 Presenters: Chad McKeown and Chris Klaus, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of a resolution adopting Mobility 2040 and the corresponding 2016 Transportation Conformity results. A copy of the resolution is provided in Reference Item 4.1. Final Plan recommendations and air quality conformity analysis results are summarized in Electronic Item 4.2. The Mobility 2040 document is available for review in Electronic Item 4.3. Impacts to the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)/Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) affected by Mobility 2040 will also be discussed. This action includes: Adoption of Mobility 2040 Adoption of 2016 Transportation Conformity results Inclusion of the RTC Policy Bundle in Mobility 2040 Inclusion of the RTC Policy Position on the Cotton Belt corridor in Mobility 2040 Provision for Transportation Improvement Program projects impacted by Mobility 2040 Background: One of the primary responsibilities of the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is the development and maintenance of a Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). The last comprehensive update of the MTP occurred in 2011 with the adoption of Mobility 2035. Since then, Mobility 2035 has gone through two revisions: an update in 2013 and an amendment in 2014, along with two successful Conformity determinations. Work has been underway since early 2015 on the development of a new MTP, Mobility 2040. This Plan reassesses existing recommendations and includes new demographics, financial forecasts, and planning initiatives. Mobility 2040 also seeks to achieve transportation goals through policies that complement infrastructure development. This effort includes the RTC Policy Bundle, a voluntary initiative to encourage local cities, counties, and transportation providers to enact measures that enhance the region’s maturing transportation system. The policies are identified in Electronic Item 4.4. Additional policy development has occurred in parallel with Mobility 2040. This includes a policy to expedite project delivery on the Cotton Belt corridor. If the Cotton Belt corridor cannot be advanced, the policy outlines a plan to review other implementation options. This policy is outlined in Reference Item 4.5. Scope, timing, and funding changes in Mobility 2040 will impact a subset of projects in the 2015-2018 TIP/STIP. Projects that are impacted by changes in Mobility 2040 are provided in Electronic Item 4.6 for the Council’s information. All impacted projects will be amended in the 2017-2020 TIP. Due to the region’s ozone nonattainment status, MPOs must perform a transportation conformity analysis to ensure the MTP will not cause any new violations of the air quality standard, increase the frequency or severity of violations of the standard, or delay timely attainment of the standard. The Transportation Conformity document is available for review in Electronic Item 4.7.
Recommendation for Revenue Sharing on the Y Connection Being Constructed within the IH 35E/IH 635 Interchange Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG Item Summary: The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has requested Regional Transportation Council (RTC) staff facilitate a resolution of the revenue sharing between TxDOT and the LBJ Infrastructure Group associated with the increase in revenues to the LBJ Project due to the IH 35E/IH 635 “Y Connection.” Staff is requesting an RTC resolution approving the principles to guide staff in facilitating a fair revenue sharing position. Background: As part of the IH 35E Project, the RTC recommended and TxDOT exercised an option to construct the Y Connection (sometimes referred to as the Wishbone Connection) that connects the IH 35E managed lanes through the IH 35E/IH 635 Interchange. The Y Connection is designed to allow IH 35E/LP 12 managed lane users to continue through the IH 35E/IH 635 Interchange on a continuous managed lane facility as opposed to exiting the managed lanes, mixing with general purpose traffic through the interchange, and reentering the managed lanes after the interchange. The Y Connection increases revenue to the LBJ Project and the LBJ Comprehensive Development Agreement provides for the allocation of increased revenue on such projects. TxDOT is requesting RTC staff assist TxDOT and the LBJ Infrastructure Group in facilitating a fair revenue sharing position. Electronic Item 5.1 is a map showing the location of the Y Connection. Reference Item 5.2 is a draft resolution.
Federal Transit Administration Direct Recipient Status for the McKinney Urbanized Area Presenters: Michael Morris and Sarah Chadderdon, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request Regional Transportation Council concurrence of the North Central Texas Council of Governments serving as the direct recipient for Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds in the McKinney Urbanized Area (UZA). Background: The FTA has specific roles and responsibilities for allocating and receiving federal funds in small urban areas, like the McKinney UZA. Direct recipients of FTA funds decide how transit services get provided, ensure that service complies with State and federal rules, and drawdown available funding from FTA directly. The City of McKinney considered filling this role, but has indicated it does not wish to pursue it at this time. It is staff’s recommendation to have the North Central Texas Council of Governments serve as the direct recipient for the McKinney UZA in order to keep the $2.6 million annual federal allocation generated by the residents of the McKinney UZA from being redistributed to other small urban areas across the State. Details are provided in Reference Item 6.
High-Occupancy Vehicle Subsidy Report and Modification to Toll Managed Lane Policy Presenter: Dan Lamers, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide an update to the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) on the most recent managed lane performance report and will request the RTC modify the Toll Managed Lane Policy to extend the date for implementation of the 3+ requirement to receive the peak period high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) discount. Background: As part of the adoption of the Toll Managed Lane and High-Occupancy Vehicle/Express Managed Lane policies, the RTC requires regular reports provided by the Texas Department of Transportation regarding the amount expended for the HOV subsidy on the comprehensive development agreement managed lane facilities, as well as the North Texas Tollway Authority customer service demands. Staff will present an overview of the performance of operational managed lanes in the region. In addition, the RTC’s Toll Managed Lane Policy requires that the occupancy level required to be eligible to receive the peak period HOV discount be increased from 2+ to 3+ on or before June 1, 2016. As the amount expended to date has been less than anticipated, staff is recommending that the implementation of the 3+ requirement be postponed until June 1, 2018, or sooner if expenditure levels increase faster than now expected.
DFW Connector Pilot Study Update Presenter: Ken Kirkpatrick, NCTCOG Item Summary: The Regional Transportation Council will be briefed on the status of the DFW Connector Pilot Program related to pay-by-mail surcharges. Background: The DFW Connector Pilot Project was initiated with the commencement of tolls on the project in July 2015. The pilot seeks to test whether increasing the pay-by-mail toll surcharge will offset the toll collection risk associated with users of the managed lanes who do not have toll tags. Lessons learned in the pilot could be applied to the IH 35W managed lanes, when open, in order to reduce the toll collection risk that the Texas Department of Transportation has in that corridor.
Project Milestone Policy Update Presenter: Christie Gotti, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will brief the Council on the latest developments regarding the Project Milestone Policy. Background: In June 2015, the Regional Transportation Council approved the Project Milestone Policy that focused on reviewing projects that were selected ten or more years ago. The policy will remove low-priority projects from the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)/Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and leave funding capacity for higher-priority projects that are ready to proceed to implementation within the current TIP/STIP. Since November 2015, staff has been working with local implementing agencies to assess the status of projects. Electronic Item 9.1 contains the preliminary findings from the review of projects identified through the Project Milestone Policy. Additional information is provided in Electronic Item 9.2.
Try Parking It Web Site Relaunch and Employer Trip Reduction Program Presenter: Natalie Bettger, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will present information on the newly relaunched Web site and provide an update on the Regional Employer Trip Reduction (ETR) Program. Background: The NCTCOG TDM Program focuses on implementing alternative forms of transportation that assist in the reduction of drive alone vehicle trips on regional roadways in North Central Texas. The Try Parking It Web site and the Regional Employer Trip Reduction Program are major components of the TDM Program., the region’s commuter tracking and ride-matching Web site, was originally launched in 2006 and was updated in 2010 with a ride-matching component that allowed commuters to locate both carpool and vanpool matches throughout the region. In December 2015, was relaunched as a hosted Web site with more modern functionality and with the addition of transit, biking, and walking matches/mentors; multi-modal trip logging; and an integrated rewards system. The ETR Program has also recently undergone a change in the implementation of the Program. 11. Progress Reports Item Summary: Progress Reports are provided in the items below. RTC Attendance (Reference Item 11.1) STTC Minutes and Attendance (Electronic Item 11.2) Local Motion (Electronic Item 11.3) 12. Other Business (Old or New): This item provides an opportunity for members to bring items of interest before the group. 13. Future Agenda Items: This item provides an opportunity for members to bring items of future interest before the Council. 14. Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Regional Transportation Council is scheduled for 1:00 pm, Thursday, April 14, 2016, at the North Central Texas Council of Governments.