1. Approval of October 9, 2014, Minutes 2. Consent Agenda (There are no items on the Consent Agenda)
Orientation to Agenda/Director of Transportation Report 1. Recognition of TEXpress Lanes "One Week Free" Promotion 2. American Planning Association Joint Land Use Study Award: Dan Kessler 3. Invited Former State Legislators 4. Personnel Changes 5. Status on the Dallas, Fort Worth, and Paris Texas Department of Transportation Districts 6. Air Quality Funding Opportunities for Vehicles (Electronic Item 3.1) 7. Federal Transit Administration Procurement System Review (Electronic Item 3.2) 8. Regional Transportation Council New Member Orientation: Is the Information Provided Sufficient? 9. Regional Vehicle for Hire 10. Vehicle Occupancy Verification Technology (Electronic Item 3.3) 11. November Texas Transportation Commission Meeting Transit Funds: Passenger Rail Manufacturing Facility 12. Recent Correspondence (Electronic Item 3.4) 13. Recent News Articles (Electronic Item 3.5) 14. Press Releases (Electronic Item 3.6) 15. Transportation Partners Progress Reports
Legislative Program and North Texas Tollway Authority/Regional Transportation Council Joint Position on Comprehensive Development Agreement Authority The Regional Transportation Council (RTC) will be presented with changes to the draft RTC Legislative Program for the 84th Texas Legislature. Comments received since the October 9, 2014, meeting have been incorporated into the updated legislative program and can be found in the Legislation to Actively Pursue, Reference Item 4.1, and the Legislation to Support and Monitor, Reference Item 4.2. Action will be requested separately on Reference Item 4.1 and Reference Item 4.2. Action will also be requested on the draft resolution endorsing the RTC Legislative Program – Legislation to Actively Pursue and is provided in Reference Item 4.3. Additional information can be found in the presentation, provided in Electronic Item 4.4. As a component of the legislative program, staff will request approval of a joint resolution with the North Texas Tollway Authority concerning comprehensive development agreement (CDA) authority for the Texas Department of Transportation. Reference Item 4.5 is a draft resolution for RTC consideration. Background: Transportation issues continue to be a focus for both the United States Congress and the Texas Legislature. Congress stands adjourned until after the November midterm elections. The Texas Legislature continues to hold interim committee hearings as it prepares for the legislative session beginning January 13, 2015.
Overview of Staff Recommendations for the Blacklands Corridor/Northeast Gateway Project Staff will present an overview of the recommendations for the Blacklands Corridor/Northeast Gateway project. The discussion will include a recommendation not to proceed with the Blacklands Corridor/Northeast Gateway project. It will recommend the additional planning necessary in Hunt and Collin Counties. In addition, an analysis will be presented on the role of staff as well as data used in the project recommendations. Background: In April 2013, the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approved that the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) staff conduct a corridor feasibility study to assess the need for improved capacity in the Blacklands Corridor. Five public meetings were held with significant concerns communicated at the September 22, 2014, public meeting. The minutes from the last public meeting are contained in Electronic Item 6.6. In addition, local governments have passed resolutions that oppose the toll road facility. This map is contained in Electronic Item 5.1. On October 17, 2014, NCTCOG staff made the following recommendations: ? RTC not include the Blacklands Corridor in the Mobility 2035 – 2014 Amendment (staff to move in a more traditional direction in Hunt County and a more comprehensive direction in Collin County) RTC recommend that the Texas Legislature review the continued need for eminent domain authority of private toll road corporations (see Reference Item 4.2) RTC transfer the public comments to TxDOT Dallas to determine if an Environmental Impact Statement is needed RTC review the staff role in corridor planning and the forecasted needs in Collin and Hunt Counties (Electronic Item 5.2). In addition, TxDOT has responded to the use of its information in project planning (Electronic Item 5.3). NCTCOG will continue to develop new methods to fully understand comments received in the planning process.
Metropolitan Transportation Plan Amendment and Transportation Conformity Staff will seek Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of a resolution adopting Mobility 2035: The Metropolitan Transportation Plan for North Central Texas – 2014 Amendment (Mobility 2035 – 2014 Amendment) and associated 2014 Transportation Conformity determination. A copy of this resolution is provided in Reference Item 6.1. Staff will also ask that the RTC reaffirm previous Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)-related action detailed in Reference Item 6.2 and seek an endorsement to appropriately amend other planning documents to incorporate project modifications as needed. Electronic Item 6.3 outlines the project amendments and associated conformity analysis results. Reference Item 6.4 and Reference Item 6.5 show the final roadway recommendation listings with the amended projects highlighted. Background: The Mobility 2035 – 2013 Update was adopted by the RTC in June 2013 and serves as the current long-range transportation plan for the Dallas-Fort Worth region. Since that time, transportation partners have continued to develop and refine projects recommended in the long-range plan. The plan will be strategically amended to accurately reflect the latest project-level assumptions on a small number of corridors seeking environmental clearance before the end of 2015. This recommendation for approval was originally scheduled for the October 9, 2014, RTC meeting. However, it was postponed to accommodate the public comment period following the September 22, 2014, Blacklands Corridor public meeting. Minutes from the public meeting are provided in Electronic Item 6.6. With the public comment period for the Blacklands Corridor now closed, staff has had the opportunity to process and review the large number of comments received regarding this project and have taken those into consideration in developing the final Mobility 2035 – 2014 Amendment recommendations. It is NCTCOG staff’s recommendation that the proposed Blacklands toll road not be included as part of the financially constrained Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) and associated conformity analysis. The recommendation is that the Blacklands facility should remain as a corridor for future evaluation, with updated limits, consistent with NCTCOG’s feasibility study. Electronic Item 6.7 details staff’s recommendation for a path forward on the Blacklands Corridor. Details are presented in Item 5. Because formal action on the amendment was delayed and in order to accommodate the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program revision cycle, RTC adopted TIP-related changes created by the MTP for projects unrelated to the Blacklands Corridor in October (Reference Item 6.2). The recommendations in the amendment meet regional air quality goals, financial constraint requirements, and Environmental Justice requirements and have no disproportionate impacts on protected populations.
Sponsorship of North Texas Tollway Authority TollTags as an Abatement for Reduced Access Approval of the funding exchange associated with a TollTag abatement partnership with Tarrant County will be requested. This action will fulfill an obligation by Tarrant County to reimburse the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) for monies expended for a TollTag sponsorship program that was offered as an abatement for reduced access due to the construction of the Chisholm Trail Parkway. Background: On January 9, 2014, the RTC approved a request from Tarrant County to assist with the sponsorship of North Texas Tollway Authority (NTTA) TollTags as an abatement for reduced access of a retirement facility along the Chisholm Trail Parkway in southern Tarrant County. When approved, the RTC requested this item be brought back to members as a standalone item in the future versus as a regular Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) action. The cost was capped at $100,000 and was to be reimbursed by Tarrant County. NTTA and the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) staffs held two meetings with the residents of St. Francis Village to facilitate persons signing up for TollTags. As a result, 271 TollTags were provided for a total cost of $67,750. Through this partnership, Tarrant County committed to reimbursing the RTC for monies expended for this effort via a project funding exchange. City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, and NCTCOG staffs coordinated and determined that the best option for completing the funding exchange would be the Polytechnic/TWU Streetscape project on East Rosedale (TIP 11381/CSJ 0902-48-832). The action requested of the RTC is to approve adding $67,750 of local, Tarrant County funds to the above mentioned project and removing the same amount of Regional Toll Revenue (RTR) funds. RTR funds will be returned to the corresponding county RTR account for future programming. The action will allow staff to amend the TIP upon RTC approval of this item. A presentation summarizing the item is provided in Reference Item 7.
Texas Transportation Commission/Regional Transportation Council Revolver Funding Program Staff will update the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) on the latest information regarding the “Category 4: Sell Transportation Development Credits (TDCs) to Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and other Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs)” initiative. Background: TxDOT’s rules permit the transfer of TDCs to another MPO or the Texas Transportation Commission (TTC) (43 Texas Administrative Code §5.111). In July 2013, the RTC allocated 150 million, of the total 465 million TDCs, to transfer to TxDOT and other MPOs. In June 2014, the TTC approved the transfer of 100 million TDCs for a $10 million MPO Revolver Fund as part of a larger partnership with the region. In July 2014, the RTC was briefed about TxDOT’s action and approved a resolution to create an MPO Revolver Fund with the exchange of 100 million TDCs for $10 million in regional funds. This item was also presented to the public in July 2014. The revolver fund will be used to provide cash flow to regional programs and projects that are funded with federal dollars. North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) staff has coordinated with TxDOT to determine the process for receiving the revolver funds. To finalize the exchange of TDCs for funds, NCTCOG and TxDOT will identify federally funded projects that also have local funding that can be exchanged. Potential projects have been identified that can be used to receive local funding from TxDOT, and TxDOT is currently considering NCTCOG's proposal. Electronic Item 8.1 contains the letter from NCTCOG to TxDOT with proposed projects for the exchange. Proposed changes will only affect the type of funds on the projects, with no change to total funding levels. The RTC resolution approved in July 2014 is included in Electronic Item 8.2. Electronic Item 8.3 provides more detail on the exchange process.
Texas Department of Transportation Update on Regional Speed Limits An update will be provided on the speed-limit changes that will be implemented throughout the region beginning the end of this year. On August 14, 2014, the Council approved the substitution of projects and their air quality benefits to offset the emission-reduction credits lost by reversing Environmental Speed Limits (ESLs) implemented in 2001. Since that time, staff has been working with the Environmental Speed Limit Working Group, comprised of the Federal Highway Administration, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to finalize the regulatory process. Both TCEQ and EPA provided concurrence letters on the transportation control measure substitution, provided in Electronic Item 9. TxDOT has been approved to adjust the speed limits on these ESL roadways accordingly. Last year TxDOT provided a presentation to Council members highlighting its analysis used to identify roadways warranting speed-limit changes within the nonattainment area. This month, TxDOT will provide an update on its analysis and corresponding speed-limit changes.
Air Quality Update Staff will provide an update on a variety of air quality topics relevant to the Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) ozone nonattainment area, including the status of a Sierra Club lawsuit filed against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a highlight of the 2014 ozone season activity, and the latest on EPA’s new ozone standard. Background: On February 28, 2014, the Sierra Club filed a notice of intent to sue the EPA for failure to take action on Texas State Implementation Plan (SIP) submittals for the DFW area to find that the area did not meet its attainment deadline for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard and to begin the process of reclassifying the area for that standard. On October 17, 2014, a Consent Decree was filed by the Sierra Club and EPA and published in the Federal Register on November 7, 2014, provided as Electronic Item 10.1. Status, incorporated terms, and timelines of this Consent Decree will be provided at the meeting. Additionally, the end of October concluded another ozone season for the DFW region. Trends incorporating 2014 ozone season data and a summary of how results compare to both enforceable 1997 and 2008 8-hour ozone standards will be provided. Finally, staff will discuss upcoming activity relating to the new ozone standard to be released by the end of this year by EPA. Additional information is provided in Electronic Item 10.2.
Multimodal/Intermodal/High-Speed Rail/Freight Subcommittee Meeting Follow Up An overview of the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) Multimodal/Intermodal/High-Speed Rail/Freight Subcommittee meeting will be presented. Background: An RTC Multimodal/Intermodal/High-Speed Rail/Freight Subcommittee is scheduled prior to the RTC meeting. Representatives will present recent progress on the Dallas-Houston High-Speed Rail Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), as well as intercity passenger rail opportunities including the Dallas-Fort Worth High-Speed Rail EIS and the Texas Oklahoma Passenger Rail Study.
Proposition 1 Next Steps: Funding and Projects Item Summary: Staff will discuss Proposition 1 and next steps for the region. Judge Keith Self, Councilmember Jungus Jordan, and Michael Morris have been called back to participate in the Statewide Proposition 1 Committee to assist the Texas Transportation Commission in developing funding allocations. Background: The November 2014 statewide ballot included Proposition 1, a proposed constitutional amendment that could provide a significant step towards meeting the unmet funding needs for transportation projects in Texas. Electronic Item 12 contains the latest report previous to the November 4 election.
13. Progress Reports Item Summary: Progress Reports are provided in the items below. RTC Attendance (Reference Item 13.1) STTC Minutes (Electronic Item 13.2) Local Motion (Electronic Item 13.3) 14. Other Business (Old or New): This item provides an opportunity for members to bring items of interest before the group. 15. Future Agenda Items: This item provides an opportunity for members to bring items of future interest before the Council. 16. Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) is scheduled for 1:00 pm, Thursday, December 11, 2014, at the North Central Texas Council of Governments.
1. Approval of October 9, 2014, Minutes 2. Consent Agenda (There are no items on the Consent Agenda)
Orientation to Agenda/Director of Transportation Report 1. Recognition of TEXpress Lanes "One Week Free" Promotion 2. American Planning Association Joint Land Use Study Award: Dan Kessler 3. Invited Former State Legislators 4. Personnel Changes 5. Status on the Dallas, Fort Worth, and Paris Texas Department of Transportation Districts 6. Air Quality Funding Opportunities for Vehicles (Electronic Item 3.1) 7. Federal Transit Administration Procurement System Review (Electronic Item 3.2) 8. Regional Transportation Council New Member Orientation: Is the Information Provided Sufficient? 9. Regional Vehicle for Hire 10. Vehicle Occupancy Verification Technology (Electronic Item 3.3) 11. November Texas Transportation Commission Meeting Transit Funds: Passenger Rail Manufacturing Facility 12. Recent Correspondence (Electronic Item 3.4) 13. Recent News Articles (Electronic Item 3.5) 14. Press Releases (Electronic Item 3.6) 15. Transportation Partners Progress Reports
Legislative Program and North Texas Tollway Authority/Regional Transportation Council Joint Position on Comprehensive Development Agreement Authority The Regional Transportation Council (RTC) will be presented with changes to the draft RTC Legislative Program for the 84th Texas Legislature. Comments received since the October 9, 2014, meeting have been incorporated into the updated legislative program and can be found in the Legislation to Actively Pursue, Reference Item 4.1, and the Legislation to Support and Monitor, Reference Item 4.2. Action will be requested separately on Reference Item 4.1 and Reference Item 4.2. Action will also be requested on the draft resolution endorsing the RTC Legislative Program – Legislation to Actively Pursue and is provided in Reference Item 4.3. Additional information can be found in the presentation, provided in Electronic Item 4.4. As a component of the legislative program, staff will request approval of a joint resolution with the North Texas Tollway Authority concerning comprehensive development agreement (CDA) authority for the Texas Department of Transportation. Reference Item 4.5 is a draft resolution for RTC consideration. Background: Transportation issues continue to be a focus for both the United States Congress and the Texas Legislature. Congress stands adjourned until after the November midterm elections. The Texas Legislature continues to hold interim committee hearings as it prepares for the legislative session beginning January 13, 2015.
Overview of Staff Recommendations for the Blacklands Corridor/Northeast Gateway Project Staff will present an overview of the recommendations for the Blacklands Corridor/Northeast Gateway project. The discussion will include a recommendation not to proceed with the Blacklands Corridor/Northeast Gateway project. It will recommend the additional planning necessary in Hunt and Collin Counties. In addition, an analysis will be presented on the role of staff as well as data used in the project recommendations. Background: In April 2013, the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approved that the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) staff conduct a corridor feasibility study to assess the need for improved capacity in the Blacklands Corridor. Five public meetings were held with significant concerns communicated at the September 22, 2014, public meeting. The minutes from the last public meeting are contained in Electronic Item 6.6. In addition, local governments have passed resolutions that oppose the toll road facility. This map is contained in Electronic Item 5.1. On October 17, 2014, NCTCOG staff made the following recommendations: ? RTC not include the Blacklands Corridor in the Mobility 2035 – 2014 Amendment (staff to move in a more traditional direction in Hunt County and a more comprehensive direction in Collin County) RTC recommend that the Texas Legislature review the continued need for eminent domain authority of private toll road corporations (see Reference Item 4.2) RTC transfer the public comments to TxDOT Dallas to determine if an Environmental Impact Statement is needed RTC review the staff role in corridor planning and the forecasted needs in Collin and Hunt Counties (Electronic Item 5.2). In addition, TxDOT has responded to the use of its information in project planning (Electronic Item 5.3). NCTCOG will continue to develop new methods to fully understand comments received in the planning process.
Metropolitan Transportation Plan Amendment and Transportation Conformity Staff will seek Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of a resolution adopting Mobility 2035: The Metropolitan Transportation Plan for North Central Texas – 2014 Amendment (Mobility 2035 – 2014 Amendment) and associated 2014 Transportation Conformity determination. A copy of this resolution is provided in Reference Item 6.1. Staff will also ask that the RTC reaffirm previous Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)-related action detailed in Reference Item 6.2 and seek an endorsement to appropriately amend other planning documents to incorporate project modifications as needed. Electronic Item 6.3 outlines the project amendments and associated conformity analysis results. Reference Item 6.4 and Reference Item 6.5 show the final roadway recommendation listings with the amended projects highlighted. Background: The Mobility 2035 – 2013 Update was adopted by the RTC in June 2013 and serves as the current long-range transportation plan for the Dallas-Fort Worth region. Since that time, transportation partners have continued to develop and refine projects recommended in the long-range plan. The plan will be strategically amended to accurately reflect the latest project-level assumptions on a small number of corridors seeking environmental clearance before the end of 2015. This recommendation for approval was originally scheduled for the October 9, 2014, RTC meeting. However, it was postponed to accommodate the public comment period following the September 22, 2014, Blacklands Corridor public meeting. Minutes from the public meeting are provided in Electronic Item 6.6. With the public comment period for the Blacklands Corridor now closed, staff has had the opportunity to process and review the large number of comments received regarding this project and have taken those into consideration in developing the final Mobility 2035 – 2014 Amendment recommendations. It is NCTCOG staff’s recommendation that the proposed Blacklands toll road not be included as part of the financially constrained Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) and associated conformity analysis. The recommendation is that the Blacklands facility should remain as a corridor for future evaluation, with updated limits, consistent with NCTCOG’s feasibility study. Electronic Item 6.7 details staff’s recommendation for a path forward on the Blacklands Corridor. Details are presented in Item 5. Because formal action on the amendment was delayed and in order to accommodate the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program revision cycle, RTC adopted TIP-related changes created by the MTP for projects unrelated to the Blacklands Corridor in October (Reference Item 6.2). The recommendations in the amendment meet regional air quality goals, financial constraint requirements, and Environmental Justice requirements and have no disproportionate impacts on protected populations.
Sponsorship of North Texas Tollway Authority TollTags as an Abatement for Reduced Access Approval of the funding exchange associated with a TollTag abatement partnership with Tarrant County will be requested. This action will fulfill an obligation by Tarrant County to reimburse the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) for monies expended for a TollTag sponsorship program that was offered as an abatement for reduced access due to the construction of the Chisholm Trail Parkway. Background: On January 9, 2014, the RTC approved a request from Tarrant County to assist with the sponsorship of North Texas Tollway Authority (NTTA) TollTags as an abatement for reduced access of a retirement facility along the Chisholm Trail Parkway in southern Tarrant County. When approved, the RTC requested this item be brought back to members as a standalone item in the future versus as a regular Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) action. The cost was capped at $100,000 and was to be reimbursed by Tarrant County. NTTA and the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) staffs held two meetings with the residents of St. Francis Village to facilitate persons signing up for TollTags. As a result, 271 TollTags were provided for a total cost of $67,750. Through this partnership, Tarrant County committed to reimbursing the RTC for monies expended for this effort via a project funding exchange. City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, and NCTCOG staffs coordinated and determined that the best option for completing the funding exchange would be the Polytechnic/TWU Streetscape project on East Rosedale (TIP 11381/CSJ 0902-48-832). The action requested of the RTC is to approve adding $67,750 of local, Tarrant County funds to the above mentioned project and removing the same amount of Regional Toll Revenue (RTR) funds. RTR funds will be returned to the corresponding county RTR account for future programming. The action will allow staff to amend the TIP upon RTC approval of this item. A presentation summarizing the item is provided in Reference Item 7.
Texas Transportation Commission/Regional Transportation Council Revolver Funding Program Staff will update the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) on the latest information regarding the “Category 4: Sell Transportation Development Credits (TDCs) to Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and other Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs)” initiative. Background: TxDOT’s rules permit the transfer of TDCs to another MPO or the Texas Transportation Commission (TTC) (43 Texas Administrative Code §5.111). In July 2013, the RTC allocated 150 million, of the total 465 million TDCs, to transfer to TxDOT and other MPOs. In June 2014, the TTC approved the transfer of 100 million TDCs for a $10 million MPO Revolver Fund as part of a larger partnership with the region. In July 2014, the RTC was briefed about TxDOT’s action and approved a resolution to create an MPO Revolver Fund with the exchange of 100 million TDCs for $10 million in regional funds. This item was also presented to the public in July 2014. The revolver fund will be used to provide cash flow to regional programs and projects that are funded with federal dollars. North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) staff has coordinated with TxDOT to determine the process for receiving the revolver funds. To finalize the exchange of TDCs for funds, NCTCOG and TxDOT will identify federally funded projects that also have local funding that can be exchanged. Potential projects have been identified that can be used to receive local funding from TxDOT, and TxDOT is currently considering NCTCOG's proposal. Electronic Item 8.1 contains the letter from NCTCOG to TxDOT with proposed projects for the exchange. Proposed changes will only affect the type of funds on the projects, with no change to total funding levels. The RTC resolution approved in July 2014 is included in Electronic Item 8.2. Electronic Item 8.3 provides more detail on the exchange process.
Texas Department of Transportation Update on Regional Speed Limits An update will be provided on the speed-limit changes that will be implemented throughout the region beginning the end of this year. On August 14, 2014, the Council approved the substitution of projects and their air quality benefits to offset the emission-reduction credits lost by reversing Environmental Speed Limits (ESLs) implemented in 2001. Since that time, staff has been working with the Environmental Speed Limit Working Group, comprised of the Federal Highway Administration, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to finalize the regulatory process. Both TCEQ and EPA provided concurrence letters on the transportation control measure substitution, provided in Electronic Item 9. TxDOT has been approved to adjust the speed limits on these ESL roadways accordingly. Last year TxDOT provided a presentation to Council members highlighting its analysis used to identify roadways warranting speed-limit changes within the nonattainment area. This month, TxDOT will provide an update on its analysis and corresponding speed-limit changes.
Air Quality Update Staff will provide an update on a variety of air quality topics relevant to the Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) ozone nonattainment area, including the status of a Sierra Club lawsuit filed against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a highlight of the 2014 ozone season activity, and the latest on EPA’s new ozone standard. Background: On February 28, 2014, the Sierra Club filed a notice of intent to sue the EPA for failure to take action on Texas State Implementation Plan (SIP) submittals for the DFW area to find that the area did not meet its attainment deadline for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard and to begin the process of reclassifying the area for that standard. On October 17, 2014, a Consent Decree was filed by the Sierra Club and EPA and published in the Federal Register on November 7, 2014, provided as Electronic Item 10.1. Status, incorporated terms, and timelines of this Consent Decree will be provided at the meeting. Additionally, the end of October concluded another ozone season for the DFW region. Trends incorporating 2014 ozone season data and a summary of how results compare to both enforceable 1997 and 2008 8-hour ozone standards will be provided. Finally, staff will discuss upcoming activity relating to the new ozone standard to be released by the end of this year by EPA. Additional information is provided in Electronic Item 10.2.
Multimodal/Intermodal/High-Speed Rail/Freight Subcommittee Meeting Follow Up An overview of the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) Multimodal/Intermodal/High-Speed Rail/Freight Subcommittee meeting will be presented. Background: An RTC Multimodal/Intermodal/High-Speed Rail/Freight Subcommittee is scheduled prior to the RTC meeting. Representatives will present recent progress on the Dallas-Houston High-Speed Rail Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), as well as intercity passenger rail opportunities including the Dallas-Fort Worth High-Speed Rail EIS and the Texas Oklahoma Passenger Rail Study.
Proposition 1 Next Steps: Funding and Projects Item Summary: Staff will discuss Proposition 1 and next steps for the region. Judge Keith Self, Councilmember Jungus Jordan, and Michael Morris have been called back to participate in the Statewide Proposition 1 Committee to assist the Texas Transportation Commission in developing funding allocations. Background: The November 2014 statewide ballot included Proposition 1, a proposed constitutional amendment that could provide a significant step towards meeting the unmet funding needs for transportation projects in Texas. Electronic Item 12 contains the latest report previous to the November 4 election.
13. Progress Reports Item Summary: Progress Reports are provided in the items below. RTC Attendance (Reference Item 13.1) STTC Minutes (Electronic Item 13.2) Local Motion (Electronic Item 13.3) 14. Other Business (Old or New): This item provides an opportunity for members to bring items of interest before the group. 15. Future Agenda Items: This item provides an opportunity for members to bring items of future interest before the Council. 16. Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) is scheduled for 1:00 pm, Thursday, December 11, 2014, at the North Central Texas Council of Governments.