1. Approval of May 9, 2013, Minutes - Action - Possible Action - Information Minutes: 5 Presenter: Pete Kamp, RTC Chair Item Summary: Approval of the May 9, 2013, minutes contained in Reference Item 1 will be requested.
Election of Regional Transportation Council Officers - Action - Possible Action - Information Minutes: 5 Presenters: Oscar Trevino, Nominating Subcommittee Chair Item Summary: Approval of Regional Transportation Council (RTC) officers for the next 12-month period will be requested.
Orientation to Agenda/Director of Transportation Report - Action - Possible Action - Information Minutes: 15 Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG 1. SH 161 Memorandum of Understanding with Grand Prairie: Thank you to Oscar Trevino, Mayor, City of North Richland Hills and Ron Jensen, Mayor, City of Grand Prairie 2. Announcement of Regional Transportation Council (RTC) Reception for Victor Vandergriff, June 21, 3:00 pm, Transportation Council Room 3. Recognition of Jim Crites, Selected by the White House as a “Transportation Champion of Change” 4. Progress North Texas Artwork, Thank You to Jim Alexander, Denton ISD, RTC Chair Pete Kamp, and Brian Wilson, NCTCOG (Progress North Texas Handout) 5. “Recognition of Linda Koop” by Chair Pete Kamp 6. North Central Texas Council of Governments’ Emissions Database Receives 2013 Best of Texas Award: Best Information Technology Collaboration Among Organizations (RIS: Tim Barbee, David Raybuck, and Sam Goerdel; Transportation: Shannon Stevenson, Amanda Brimmer, and Richard McComb) 7. August 8, 2013, RTC Meeting to be Held at 2 pm in Irving (Complimentary One-Day Passes for RTC Members in Attendance) 8. Clean Air Action Day Reminder, June 21 (Electronic Item 4.1) 9. AirCheckTexas Drive a Clean Machine Program Replacements Update 10. Ozone Season Update (Electronic Item 4.2) 11. Air Quality Funding Opportunities for Vehicles (Electronic Item 4.3) 12. Federal Certification Review – Interviews with Elected Officials, June 19, 2013, Starting at 1:30 pm (Electronic Item 4.4), Listening Sessions: Dallas, June 17, 6:30 pm; Fort Worth, June 18, 6:30 pm 13. Interest in New Member Orientation 14. SH 161 Bottleneck Project in Irving: White Paper (Electronic Item 4.5) 15. June Public Meeting Flyer (Electronic Item 4.6) 16. May Public Meeting Minutes (Electronic Item 4.7) 17. Taxi and Limousine Regional Permit (Electronic Item 4.8) 18. Recent Correspondence (Electronic Item 4.9) 19. Recent News Articles (Electronic Item 4.10) 20. Transportation Partners Progress Reports (Handout)
Approval of Mobility 2035 – 2013 Update and 2013 Transportation Conformity Determination - Action - Possible Action - Information Minutes: 10 Presenters: Chris Klaus and Chad Edwards, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will seek Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of a resolution adopting Mobility 2035: The Metropolitan Transportation Plan for North Central Texas – 2013 Update (Mobility 2035 – 2013 Update) and associated 2013 Transportation Conformity determination. A copy of this resolution is provided in Reference Item 5.1.
Managed Lane Policy Update - Action - Possible Action - Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request a minor amendment to the Toll Managed Lane Policy adopted by the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) in December 2012.
Legislative Update - Action - Possible Action - Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Amanda Wilson, NCTCOG Item Summary: The Regional Transportation Council (RTC) will receive an update on State and federal legislative actions. The Texas Legislature’s regular session ended on May 27, 2013, but a special session was immediately called and began on May 28, 2013. Transportation funding has not been added to the agenda for the special session, but there is discussion about it being addressed. The US Congress convened January 3, 2013, and may also address transportation issues.
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program Update - Action - Possible Action - Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Ken Kirkpatrick, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide a summary of the current Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE) Program and outline the schedule for development, review, comment, and submittal of its updated DBE Program for FY2014-FY2016.
Congestion Management Process Update - Action - Possible Action - Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Natalie Bettger, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide an overview of the development process for the Congestion Management Process (CMP) document update. The overview will include the scoring criteria and corridor ranking used in the evaluation of regional corridors.
FY2014 and FY2015 Unified Planning Work Program - Action - Possible Action - Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Dan Kessler, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will present a summary of the proposed FY2014 and FY2015 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP), including staff recommendations on local government and transportation agency project submittals for consideration of inclusion in the document.
North Texas Tollway Authority/Texas Department of Transportation Toll Services Agreement for the North Tarrant Express and Regional System Integration - Action - Possible Action - Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG Item Summary: The Regional Transportation Council (RTC) has been asked to assist the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and the North Texas Tollway Authority (NTTA) with the Toll Services Agreement for the North Tarrant Express Segments 3A/3B (IH 35W). RTC will be briefed on the request, efforts to date, and current status.
Progress Reports - Action - Possible Action - Information Item Summary: Progress Reports are provided in Items 12. - RTC Attendance (Reference Item 12.1) - STTC Attendance and Minutes (Electronic Item 12.2) - Local Motion (Electronic Item 12.3)
1. Approval of May 9, 2013, Minutes - Action - Possible Action - Information Minutes: 5 Presenter: Pete Kamp, RTC Chair Item Summary: Approval of the May 9, 2013, minutes contained in Reference Item 1 will be requested.
Election of Regional Transportation Council Officers - Action - Possible Action - Information Minutes: 5 Presenters: Oscar Trevino, Nominating Subcommittee Chair Item Summary: Approval of Regional Transportation Council (RTC) officers for the next 12-month period will be requested.
Orientation to Agenda/Director of Transportation Report - Action - Possible Action - Information Minutes: 15 Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG 1. SH 161 Memorandum of Understanding with Grand Prairie: Thank you to Oscar Trevino, Mayor, City of North Richland Hills and Ron Jensen, Mayor, City of Grand Prairie 2. Announcement of Regional Transportation Council (RTC) Reception for Victor Vandergriff, June 21, 3:00 pm, Transportation Council Room 3. Recognition of Jim Crites, Selected by the White House as a “Transportation Champion of Change” 4. Progress North Texas Artwork, Thank You to Jim Alexander, Denton ISD, RTC Chair Pete Kamp, and Brian Wilson, NCTCOG (Progress North Texas Handout) 5. “Recognition of Linda Koop” by Chair Pete Kamp 6. North Central Texas Council of Governments’ Emissions Database Receives 2013 Best of Texas Award: Best Information Technology Collaboration Among Organizations (RIS: Tim Barbee, David Raybuck, and Sam Goerdel; Transportation: Shannon Stevenson, Amanda Brimmer, and Richard McComb) 7. August 8, 2013, RTC Meeting to be Held at 2 pm in Irving (Complimentary One-Day Passes for RTC Members in Attendance) 8. Clean Air Action Day Reminder, June 21 (Electronic Item 4.1) 9. AirCheckTexas Drive a Clean Machine Program Replacements Update 10. Ozone Season Update (Electronic Item 4.2) 11. Air Quality Funding Opportunities for Vehicles (Electronic Item 4.3) 12. Federal Certification Review – Interviews with Elected Officials, June 19, 2013, Starting at 1:30 pm (Electronic Item 4.4), Listening Sessions: Dallas, June 17, 6:30 pm; Fort Worth, June 18, 6:30 pm 13. Interest in New Member Orientation 14. SH 161 Bottleneck Project in Irving: White Paper (Electronic Item 4.5) 15. June Public Meeting Flyer (Electronic Item 4.6) 16. May Public Meeting Minutes (Electronic Item 4.7) 17. Taxi and Limousine Regional Permit (Electronic Item 4.8) 18. Recent Correspondence (Electronic Item 4.9) 19. Recent News Articles (Electronic Item 4.10) 20. Transportation Partners Progress Reports (Handout)
Approval of Mobility 2035 – 2013 Update and 2013 Transportation Conformity Determination - Action - Possible Action - Information Minutes: 10 Presenters: Chris Klaus and Chad Edwards, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will seek Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approval of a resolution adopting Mobility 2035: The Metropolitan Transportation Plan for North Central Texas – 2013 Update (Mobility 2035 – 2013 Update) and associated 2013 Transportation Conformity determination. A copy of this resolution is provided in Reference Item 5.1.
Managed Lane Policy Update - Action - Possible Action - Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will request a minor amendment to the Toll Managed Lane Policy adopted by the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) in December 2012.
Legislative Update - Action - Possible Action - Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Amanda Wilson, NCTCOG Item Summary: The Regional Transportation Council (RTC) will receive an update on State and federal legislative actions. The Texas Legislature’s regular session ended on May 27, 2013, but a special session was immediately called and began on May 28, 2013. Transportation funding has not been added to the agenda for the special session, but there is discussion about it being addressed. The US Congress convened January 3, 2013, and may also address transportation issues.
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program Update - Action - Possible Action - Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Ken Kirkpatrick, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide a summary of the current Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE) Program and outline the schedule for development, review, comment, and submittal of its updated DBE Program for FY2014-FY2016.
Congestion Management Process Update - Action - Possible Action - Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Natalie Bettger, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide an overview of the development process for the Congestion Management Process (CMP) document update. The overview will include the scoring criteria and corridor ranking used in the evaluation of regional corridors.
FY2014 and FY2015 Unified Planning Work Program - Action - Possible Action - Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Dan Kessler, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will present a summary of the proposed FY2014 and FY2015 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP), including staff recommendations on local government and transportation agency project submittals for consideration of inclusion in the document.
North Texas Tollway Authority/Texas Department of Transportation Toll Services Agreement for the North Tarrant Express and Regional System Integration - Action - Possible Action - Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG Item Summary: The Regional Transportation Council (RTC) has been asked to assist the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and the North Texas Tollway Authority (NTTA) with the Toll Services Agreement for the North Tarrant Express Segments 3A/3B (IH 35W). RTC will be briefed on the request, efforts to date, and current status.
Progress Reports - Action - Possible Action - Information Item Summary: Progress Reports are provided in Items 12. - RTC Attendance (Reference Item 12.1) - STTC Attendance and Minutes (Electronic Item 12.2) - Local Motion (Electronic Item 12.3)